DIY & Crafts

20 Easy Fall Crafts for Adults: Celebrate the Autumn Season with DIY Projects

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Fall Crafts for Adults

As the crisp air of the autumn sea­son set­tles in, it’s the per­fect time to engage in some easy fall crafts that will not only bright­en your liv­ing space but also pro­vide a delight­ful way to cel­e­brate the fall sea­son. Fall is a great time for craft­ing, offer­ing a col­lec­tion of fall crafts that cater to all skill lev­els, from sea­soned crafters to begin­ners. Whether you’re look­ing for a fun way to spend qual­i­ty time with fam­i­ly or to cre­ate stun­ning fall décor ideas for your home, these sim­ple projects are the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to bring the vibrant fall col­ors indoors. With craft sup­plies eas­i­ly found at your local craft store or even the dol­lar store, there’s no bet­ter way to embrace the new sea­son than by div­ing into some DIY fall crafts.

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1. Mason Jar Lumi­nar­ies: This is a per­fect fall craft for adding a warm, cozy glow to your front porch or liv­ing space. All you need are mason jars, mod podge, faux leaves, and tea lights. Coat the jars with mod podge, press on the faux leaves, and once dry, place a tea light inside for a beau­ti­ful fall dec­o­ra­tion.

Fall Crafts for Adults

2. Wood Slice Pump­kins: A rus­tic touch to your fall décor ideas, wood slice pump­kins are easy crafts that only require a few items. With a hot glue gun, craft paints, and a bit of cre­ativ­i­ty, you can trans­form sim­ple wood slices into charm­ing pump­kin crafts that are per­fect for both indoor and out­door dis­plays.

Fall Crafts for Adults

3. Pump­kin Spice Lat­te Can­dles: Cap­ture the essence of fall with DIY pump­kin spice lat­te can­dles. Using mason jars, can­dle wax, and pump­kin spice fra­grance oil, you can cre­ate the per­fect addi­tion to your fall décor while fill­ing your home with the icon­ic scent of the sea­son.

Fall Crafts for Adults

4. Leaf Print­ed Tea Tow­els: This fall craft idea is a delight­ful way to add a fes­tive touch to your kitchen. Using fab­ric paint, fall leaves, and tea tow­els, you can eas­i­ly cre­ate cus­tom prints that bring the beau­ty of autumn into your home.

Fall Crafts for Adults

5. Faux Pump­kin Top­i­aries: For a great way to dec­o­rate your front door, stack faux pump­kins in vary­ing sizes to cre­ate ele­gant top­i­aries. Secure them with a hot glue gun and adorn them with fall leaves for a sim­ple yet stun­ning fall cen­ter­piece.

Fall Crafts for Adults

6. Autumn Wreath: DIY fall wreaths are a per­fect fall craft that adds a wel­com­ing vibe to your front door. Using a grapevine wreath, faux leaves, and small pieces of fall décor, this craft is a fun fall project that can be cus­tomized to suit your style.

Fall Crafts for Adults

7. Pump­kin Pie Gar­land: This fun craft uses felt and con­struc­tion paper to cre­ate a gar­land that looks like slices of pump­kin pie. It’s a fun way to involve old­er kids in a sim­ple craft that adds a whim­si­cal touch to your fall dec­o­ra­tions.

Fall Crafts for Adults


8. Fall Tree Craft: A clas­sic and easy DIY that’s great for all ages. Using brown con­struc­tion paper for the tree trunk and col­or­ful leaves cut from paper or col­lect­ed out­side, you can cre­ate a vibrant fall tree craft that cel­e­brates the beau­ty of fall col­ors.

Fall Crafts for Adults

9. Toi­let Paper Roll Owls: These cute and easy fall crafts use recy­cled toi­let paper rolls, craft paints, and goo­gly eyes to cre­ate adorable owls. It’s a great fall craft for kids and adults alike, help­ing to improve fine motor skills while hav­ing fun.

Fall Crafts for Adults

10. Pine Cone Fire Starters: Gath­er some pine cones, wax, and essen­tial oils to cre­ate these prac­ti­cal and aro­mat­ic fire starters. They make a great gift and add a rus­tic touch to your fall time.

Fall Crafts for Adults

11. Pump­kin Patch Paint­ing: Use small plas­tic pump­kins and acrylic paint to cre­ate a mini pump­kin patch. This is one of the best fall crafts for those who love to paint and is a great way to dis­play your favorite fall col­ors.

Fall Crafts for Adults

12. Leaf-Shaped Place­mats: Cre­ate beau­ti­ful place­mats by cut­ting out leaf shapes from felt or fab­ric. These sim­ple crafts are a per­fect way to add a touch of autumn to your din­ing table.

Fall Crafts for Adults

13. Faux Pump­kin Suc­cu­lent Planters: Hol­low out faux pump­kins and use them as planters for suc­cu­lents. This unique fall craft com­bines the beau­ty of fall with the trendi­ness of indoor plants.

Fall Crafts for Adults

14. Orange Paint Dipped Vas­es: Trans­form plain glass vas­es into autumn cen­ter­pieces by dip­ping them in orange paint. Once dried, fill them with fall flow­ers or leaves for a sim­ple yet strik­ing fall dec­o­ra­tion.

Fall Crafts for Adults

15. Paper Bag Scare­crows: A fun fall craft for the whole fam­i­ly, these scare­crows are made using paper bags, con­struc­tion paper, and craft paints. It’s a quick project that brings a fes­tive touch to any room.

Fall Crafts for Adults

16. Pump­kin Spice Sug­ar Scrub: Cre­ate a DIY sug­ar scrub using sug­ar, coconut oil, and pump­kin spice. This fall craft idea is a per­fect way to pam­per your­self or gift to a friend.

Fall Crafts for Adults

**Pump­kin Spice Sug­ar Scrub Recipe**

- 1 cup gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar (white or brown sug­ar)
- 1/2 cup coconut oil (sol­id at room tem­per­a­ture)
- 1 tsp pump­kin spice (a blend of cin­na­mon, nut­meg, gin­ger, and cloves)
- 1/2 tsp vanil­la extract (option­al for added scent)
- 1/4 tsp ground cin­na­mon (option­al for extra warmth)


1. **Melt the Coconut Oil:**
- If your coconut oil is sol­id, start by melt­ing it slight­ly. You can do this by microwav­ing it in short 10-sec­ond bursts or by plac­ing the jar in a bowl of warm water. The oil should be soft­ened but not com­plete­ly liq­uid.

2. **Mix the Sug­ar and Coconut Oil:**
- In a mix­ing bowl, com­bine the sug­ar and coconut oil. Stir until well com­bined. The tex­ture should be some­what grainy and thick, not too oily. If it’s too dry, you can add a lit­tle more coconut oil.

3. **Add the Pump­kin Spice:**
- Stir in the pump­kin spice blend and any addi­tion­al cin­na­mon, ensur­ing it’s even­ly dis­trib­uted through­out the mix­ture. If you’re using vanil­la extract, add it now and mix well.

4. **Adjust Con­sis­ten­cy:**
- If the scrub is too dry, add a bit more coconut oil. If it’s too oily, you can bal­ance it by adding a lit­tle more sug­ar until you reach your desired con­sis­ten­cy.

5. **Pack­age the Scrub:**
- Once mixed, trans­fer the scrub to a clean, air­tight jar. Mason jars or small glass con­tain­ers work well for stor­age and gift-giv­ing.

6. **Label and Dec­o­rate (Option­al):**
- You can label the jar and tie a rib­bon around it for a fes­tive touch if you’re giv­ing it as a gift.

**How to Use:**
- In the show­er or bath, apply the scrub to damp skin. Gen­tly mas­sage in cir­cu­lar motions to exfo­li­ate and mois­tur­ize your skin. Rinse off with warm water. Your skin will be left feel­ing soft and smooth with a warm, fall-inspired scent.

- Store the sug­ar scrub in a cool, dry place. It should last for a few weeks, but use it with­in a month for the best fresh­ness and effec­tive­ness.

17. Fall Leaf Mason Jar Vase: Using mason jars, fall leaves, and spray paint, cre­ate a vase that cap­tures the essence of fall. This sim­ple craft is a delight­ful way to bring nature indoors.

Fall Crafts for Adults

18. Rus­tic Wood Slice Coast­ers: Cut wood slices and dec­o­rate them with acrylic paint or wood burn­ing tools. These coast­ers are a prac­ti­cal and styl­ish fall craft that’s per­fect for enjoy­ing a hot cup of cider.

Fall Crafts for Adults

19. Pump­kin Paint­ing: Instead of carv­ing, paint plas­tic pump­kins with dif­fer­ent col­ors and designs. This is a fun fall craft for those who pre­fer a less messy option.

Fall Crafts for Adults

20. Tis­sue Paper Fall Leaves: Use tis­sue paper and mod podge to cre­ate col­or­ful leaves that can be used in a vari­ety of fall art projects. This is an easy no-mess craft that’s per­fect for all ages.

Fall Crafts for Adults

Fall crafts are a per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to embrace the chang­ing sea­son and add a per­son­al touch to your home décor. With so many easy steps and sim­ple projects, any­one can cre­ate beau­ti­ful autumn crafts that reflect the warmth and cozi­ness of the fall sea­son. Whether you’re craft­ing alone or with loved ones, these DIY fall crafts are a great way to spend time togeth­er and cel­e­brate this vibrant time of the year. So gath­er your craft sup­plies, get inspired, and start cre­at­ing your favorite fall crafts today!

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