3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe

by Amy Lehman | November 10, 2023 8:57 am

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3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies

When expe­ri­enc­ing a sud­den cook­ie crav­ing, these 3‑ingredient peanut but­ter cook­ies are your go-to solu­tion. You can quick­ly whip up a batch of these deli­cious treats with min­i­mal effort and basic pantry sta­ples.

Com­bine 1 cup of peanut but­ter, 1 cup of white sug­ar, and one whole egg in a large bowl. Stir until the mix­ture achieves a smooth con­sis­ten­cy. There is no need for fan­cy equip­ment; a wood­en spoon works per­fect­ly.

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Pre­heat your oven to the required tem­per­a­ture and line your cook­ie sheet with parch­ment paper for easy removal and min­i­mal cleanup. Use a cook­ie scoop or a sim­ple ice cream scoop­er to cre­ate uni­form dough balls, ensur­ing con­sis­tent bake time and per­fect cook­ies.

Store your cook­ies in an air­tight con­tain­er to main­tain their fresh­ness. If you have any left­over cook­ie dough, con­sid­er freez­ing it in a plas­tic freez­er bag for future crav­ings.


Peanut But­ter Cook­ies Recipe

- 1 cup sug­ar
- 1 whole egg (or 1/4 cup if using an egg beat­er)
- 1 cup peanut but­ter
- Option­al: 1/2 cup choco­late chips


1. In a mix­ing bowl, com­bine 1 cup of sug­ar, one whole egg (or 1/4 cup if using an egg beat­er), and 1 cup of peanut but­ter.

2. Stir the ingre­di­ents until the mix­ture achieves a smooth con­sis­ten­cy.

3. Pre­heat the oven to 375 degrees.

4. If desired, enhance the fla­vor by adding 1/2 cup of choco­late chips to the cook­ie dough. Mix well to incor­po­rate the choco­late chips even­ly.

5. Line the bak­ing pan with parch­ment paper to pre­vent stick­ing.

6. Drop spoon­fuls of cook­ie dough onto the pre­pared pan, leav­ing space between each.

7. Use a fork to gen­tly press down on each cook­ie, cre­at­ing a clas­sic fork pat­tern.

8. Bake in the pre­heat­ed oven for 6 to 8 min­utes.

9. Once baked, allow the cook­ies to cool on the pan for a few min­utes before trans­fer­ring them to a wire rack to cool com­plete­ly.

10. Enjoy your deli­cious home­made peanut but­ter cook­ies!

Fol­low key steps to ensure the per­fect tex­ture for your three-ingre­di­ent peanut but­ter cook­ies. Start with room-tem­per­a­ture but­ter in a large bowl for eas­i­er mix­ing. The absence of much flour in this recipe con­tributes to the cook­ies’ soft­ness. Be mind­ful of the tem­per­a­ture; an oven ther­mome­ter can make a huge dif­fer­ence in achiev­ing that gold­en brown hue. Addi­tion­al­ly, con­sid­er adding an extra egg yolk for rich­ness and mois­ture, enhanc­ing the over­all fla­vor pro­file of your cook­ies.

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Once your cook­ies are baked to a gold­en brown with crisp edges, trans­fer them to an air­tight con­tain­er. For an extra touch, place a piece of parch­ment paper between lay­ers to pre­vent stick­ing. If you’ve made dif­fer­ent dough balls, store them in a plas­tic freez­er bag for lat­er use. Con­sid­er arrang­ing the cook­ies in a sin­gle lay­er in the con­tain­er to cre­ate a visu­al­ly appeal­ing pre­sen­ta­tion. If you’re feel­ing cre­ative, exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent add-ins like choco­late chunks or coconut oil for an extra lay­er of fla­vor. Whether serv­ing these cook­ies at a gath­er­ing or sat­is­fy­ing a sud­den crav­ing, these tips ele­vate your cook­ie expe­ri­ence.

In just a few easy steps, you’ll have a batch of peanut but­ter cook­ies that rival the best choco­late chip cook­ies. Sim­ple, quick, and utter­ly deli­cious, these cook­ies will become a sta­ple in your col­lec­tion of favorite cook­ie recipes.


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Source URL: https://amysdiyfrugallife.com/3-ingredient-peanut-butter-cookies-recipe/