Black Friday Deals: Stock Up on Yarn and Craft Supplies

by Amy Lehman | November 29, 2024 5:37 am

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Black Fri­day Yarn Deals

Black Fri­day is here, and it’s the per­fect time to stock up on craft sup­plies, includ­ing beau­ti­ful yarns, knit­ting nee­dles, and cro­chet hooks, at incred­i­ble dis­counts. Whether you’re an avid cro­cheter, knit­ter, or just look­ing for the per­fect gift for some­one who loves to craft, there are fan­tas­tic Black Fri­day yarn sales hap­pen­ing online this year. From gor­geous hand-dyed yarns to the lat­est cro­chet pat­terns, there are plen­ty of deals that can help you cre­ate beau­ti­ful projects with­out break­ing the bank. In this guide, we’ll explore 10 online stores offer­ing the best Black Fri­day deals for yarn and craft sup­plies, includ­ing spe­cial ear­ly access and Cyber Mon­day deals, so you don’t miss out on these lim­it­ed-time offers.

This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase through these links, I may earn a modest commission at no extra cost. Please review my privacy policy[1] for more details.

✨ We hope you enjoyed these pho­tos! If so, please con­sid­er shar­ing them on Pin­ter­est by click­ing the Pin But­ton on each image. Your sup­port helps us con­nect with more peo­ple and spread cre­ativ­i­ty. Thank you so much! 💖

Go to each web­site and type in Black Fri­day Yarn in the Search Bar to Find deals on yarn and sup­plies!

Click Here for Ama­zon Yarn[2]

Ama­zon offers a wide selec­tion of yarns in var­i­ous col­ors, tex­tures, and brands, mak­ing it a con­ve­nient des­ti­na­tion for find­ing high-qual­i­ty yarn at com­pet­i­tive prices for all your knit­ting and cro­chet projects. Go to each web­site and type in Black Fri­day Yarn in the Search Bar to Find deals on yarn and sup­plies!

Black Friday Yarn Deals

Click the Links for Your Mate­ri­als From Ama­zon

All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here from Ama­zon

- Cro­chet hook [3]
- Tapes­try needle[4]
- Stitch marker[5]

Click Here Lion Brand Yarn[6]
Lion Brand is known for its wide selec­tion of high-qual­i­ty yarn, includ­ing cot­ton yarn and wool yarn, per­fect for any knit­ting or cro­chet project. Dur­ing Black Fri­day, they offer amaz­ing sales on their newest kits, spe­cial yarn sales, and fab­u­lous yarns in a vari­ety of gor­geous col­ors. Plus, their sitewide sale often includes free ship­ping, mak­ing it a great way to get your craft sup­plies at low prices. Use pro­mo codes to get the best dis­counts, and don’t for­get to check their pri­va­cy pol­i­cy and unsub­scribe link if you want to man­age your email pref­er­ences.

Black Friday Yarn Deals

Click Here for Pre­mier Yarn [7]

Pre­mier Yarn offers a diverse range of high-qual­i­ty yarns in vibrant col­ors and tex­tures, per­fect for knit­ters and cro­cheters of all skill lev­els look­ing to cre­ate beau­ti­ful and durable projects.

Click Here for Love­crafts Yarn[8]
Love­crafts is an excel­lent des­ti­na­tion for craft lovers in the Unit­ed States and beyond. This year, their Black Fri­day sale offers incred­i­ble dis­counts on cro­chet hooks, knit­ting nee­dles, yarn, and much more. Check out their pop­u­lar sec­tions, includ­ing the yarns cat­e­go­ry and cro­chet sup­plies, where you’ll find col­or­ful yarns, bud­get-friend­ly options, and hand-dyed yarn. Their free cro­chet hook offer is a pop­u­lar deal, so make sure to grab it while it’s avail­able. You can also enjoy free ship­ping and exclu­sive online deals when you sub­scribe to their email list.

Black Friday Yarn Deals

Click Here for Joann Fab­rics Yarn[9]
Joann Fab­rics is a craft sup­ply giant, and their Black Fri­day deals on yarn, cro­chet sup­plies, and knit­ting nee­dles are always a favorite. With deals like buy-one-get-one-free offers and addi­tion­al dis­counts on sale items, you can stock up on yarn and oth­er craft sup­plies for your future projects. Keep an eye out for their “week­end deal” or lim­it­ed quan­ti­ties sales that often pop up around Black Fri­day and Cyber Mon­day.

Black Friday Yarn Deals

Click Here for Hob­by Lob­by Yarn[10]
Hob­by Lobby’s craft sale dur­ing Black Fri­day is one of the best times of the year to buy yarn, cro­chet sup­plies, and knit­ting kits. Their fan­tas­tic deals often include dis­count­ed yarns like soft aran and wool yarn, along with knit­ting nee­dles and cro­chet hooks at unbeat­able prices. Be sure to check out their sitewide sale, where you can apply dis­count codes on almost every­thing, from yarn to thread cut­ters.

Black Friday Yarn Deals

Click Here for Michaels Yarn[11]
Michaels is a great place to find yarn and craft sup­plies, with fre­quent sales and spe­cial offers dur­ing Black Fri­day and Cyber Mon­day. This year, you can expect dis­counts on yarn, cro­chet hooks, and knit­ting nee­dles. Michaels also offers fan­tas­tic bun­dles and kits that make great gifts for the hol­i­days. If you’re look­ing for dis­count­ed craft sup­plies, this store should be on your list for ear­ly Black Fri­day deals.

Black Friday Yarn Deals

Click Here for Yarn­spi­ra­tions Yarn[12]
Yarn­spi­ra­tions has a vari­ety of Black Fri­day yarn deals, includ­ing sales on their pop­u­lar yarn col­lec­tions such as Bernat, Red Heart, and Caron. They often pro­vide free pat­terns and tuto­ri­als to help inspire your next project, and you can find some amaz­ing dis­counts on balls of yarn in dif­fer­ent weights. Their clear­ance sec­tion also offers lim­it­ed-time deals on yarns and cro­chet tools, so keep an eye on their sale items for the best prices.

Black Friday Yarn Deals

Click Here for Hob­bii Yarn

Hob­bii Yarn is known for its pre­mi­um selec­tion of yarns in a vari­ety of tex­tures and vibrant col­ors, offer­ing high-qual­i­ty options for knit­ting and cro­chet enthu­si­asts to cre­ate stun­ning, one-of-a-kind projects.

black friday yarn deals

This Black Fri­day, it’s the per­fect time to treat your­self or your loved ones to amaz­ing yarn sales and cro­chet sup­plies. With spe­cial yarn sales, exclu­sive dis­count codes, and ear­ly access to Cyber Mon­day deals, online stores like Lion Brand, Love­crafts, and Michaels offer some of the best deals for crafters this sea­son. Whether you’re stock­ing up on yarn for your lat­est project or pick­ing up knit­ting nee­dles, cro­chet hooks, and oth­er craft sup­plies, these fan­tas­tic deals will help you save big. Don’t for­get to check out the sale items and free pat­terns avail­able at each store, and make sure to sub­scribe to their email lists for ear­ly access to the best Black Fri­day and Cyber Mon­day yarn sales. Hap­py craft­ing!



Click Here for My Rav­el­ry Pat­terns



Cro­chet Hats for Begin­ners Book For Sale — Click Here


Cro­chet For Begin­ners Book for Sale — Click Here

Post Views: 702
  1. pri­va­cy pol­i­cy:
  2. Click Here for Ama­zon Yarn:
  3. Cro­chet hook :
  4. Tapes­try nee­dle:
  5. Stitch mark­er:
  6. Click Here Lion Brand Yarn:
  7. Click Here for Pre­mier Yarn :
  8. Click Here for Love­crafts Yarn:
  9. Click Here for Joann Fab­rics Yarn:
  10. Click Here for Hob­by Lob­by Yarn:–845?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI44bG3OaAigMVek7_AR1j7R6TEAAYASAAEgIt__D_BwE
  11. Click Here for Michaels Yarn:
  12. Click Here for Yarn­spi­ra­tions Yarn:
  13. [Image]:
  14. [Image]:
  15. [Image]:
  16. [Image]:

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