Create Memories with 10 Fun Easter Bunny Craft Ideas for Kids

by Amy Lehman | March 4, 2025 8:20 pm

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Easter Bunny Craft Ideas

East­er is a won­der­ful time of year filled with excite­ment, cre­ativ­i­ty, and lots of oppor­tu­ni­ties for fun activ­i­ties with kids. One of the best ways to cel­e­brate the East­er sea­son is by cre­at­ing adorable East­er bun­ny crafts that chil­dren of all ages can enjoy. Whether you have younger chil­dren or old­er kids, there are plen­ty of easy East­er crafts that involve bun­ny shapes, bun­ny ears, and fun mate­ri­als like con­struc­tion paper, pipe clean­ers, and pom-poms. These adorable bun­ny crafts not only keep kids engaged, but they also make great dec­o­ra­tions for the East­er table, East­er bas­kets, or even as gifts for friends and fam­i­ly. Here are 10 cre­ative East­er bun­ny craft ideas that will bring joy to your East­er cel­e­bra­tions!

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Spring is here, and it’s the per­fect time to get crafty with some fun East­er bun­ny projects! Whether you’re enter­tain­ing kids at home or just look­ing for a cre­ative out­let, these 12 easy and delight­ful East­er bun­ny craft ideas will spark your imag­i­na­tion and bring a fes­tive touch to your cel­e­bra­tions. Get your sup­plies ready and let’s jump right into some adorable cre­ations!

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Origami Bunny Folding

Easter Bunny Craft Ideas

Mak­ing origa­mi bun­nies is a fun way to cel­e­brate East­er! All you need is some col­or­ful paper and a bit of fold­ing skill. These cute bun­nies can bright­en up any space and make great dec­o­ra­tions.

Bun­ny Paper Pin­wheels
Anoth­er easy East­er craft is to cre­ate bun­ny paper pin­wheels. Cut out bun­ny faces from con­struc­tion paper and attach them to paper strips. When the pin­wheels spin, the bun­nies will come to life! It’s a fun way for kids to make fun East­er bun­ny crafts that dou­ble as fes­tive dec­o­ra­tions.

Easter Bunny Craft Ideas

Bunny’s Face on a Wood­en Spoon
An easy project is to trans­form a wood­en spoon into a bun­ny. Sim­ply glue a paper plate bun­ny face to the spoon’s han­dle, and add bun­ny ears made from pink paper. This fun East­er craft will keep kids busy and can be used for East­er-themed games or as part of the East­er table décor.

Easter Bunny Craft Ideas

East­er Egg Bun­ny Craft
For a cre­ative way to com­bine East­er eggs and bun­nies, use plas­tic eggs to make lit­tle bun­ny fig­ures. Cut out bun­ny ears from con­struc­tion paper and attach them to the top of the egg. Dec­o­rate with goo­gly eyes, a small pom-pom nose, and a black mark­er for the mouth. These adorable East­er bun­ny crafts are great for dec­o­rat­ing East­er bas­kets or as fun addi­tions to an East­er egg hunt.

Bun­ny Ears Head­band

Easter Bunny Craft Ideas

Pom-Pom Bun­ny Ears Head­band
Take a strip of con­struc­tion paper and glue on pom-poms to cre­ate the fluffy parts of bun­ny ears. You can add pipe clean­ers for extra detail or to give the ears a lit­tle more tex­ture. Kids can wear these cute bun­ny head­bands while par­tic­i­pat­ing in the East­er egg hunt or just as part of their East­er attire. It’s an adorable East­er bun­ny craft that’s also a cre­ative way to get them in the East­er spir­it!

East­er Bun­ny Par­ty Hats
Make East­er even more spe­cial by craft­ing bun­ny par­ty hats for the kids. You can use pink paper to cre­ate bun­ny ears and dec­o­rate the hats with pom-poms for tails. These hats are per­fect for the kids to wear dur­ing the East­er par­ty or when they’re enjoy­ing East­er activ­i­ties. It’s a great way to make the hol­i­day even more fes­tive and fun for every­one.

Mak­ing a bun­ny ears head­band is a fun and easy project for East­er. You only need a few mate­ri­als like felt, a head­band, and some glue. Kids will love wear­ing these cute ears while cel­e­brat­ing the hol­i­day!

Sponge Stamped Bunny Art

Easter Bunny Craft Ideas

Cre­ate adorable bun­ny art using sim­ple sponge stamps! Just cut a sponge into bun­ny shapes, dip them in paint, and stamp away on paper. This fun activ­i­ty allows kids to unleash their cre­ativ­i­ty while mak­ing fes­tive dec­o­ra­tions for East­er.

Bun­ny Shaped East­er Cards
Using con­struc­tion paper or white card­stock, you can cut out bun­ny shapes and add lit­tle facial fea­tures with a black mark­er or goo­gly eyes. These sim­ple but adorable East­er bun­ny crafts can be turned into East­er cards with a spe­cial mes­sage writ­ten inside. Add a lit­tle bun­ny face to each card for a fun East­er craft that kids can share with loved ones.

Easter Bunny Craft Ideas

Cot­ton Ball Bun­ny Cards
A cre­ative way to use cot­ton balls is to glue them onto East­er bun­ny cards. Kids can make lit­tle bun­nies by plac­ing cot­ton balls on the bunny’s body and bun­ny ears. The soft tex­ture of cot­ton adds a cute touch, and it’s an easy peasy craft for younger chil­dren. This project is per­fect for adding a spe­cial mes­sage or a fun East­er mes­sage inside.

Bunny Shadow Puppet

Easter Bunny Craft Ideas

Cre­ate mag­i­cal moments with bun­ny shad­ow pup­pets! Just grab some cut-out bun­ny shapes and a flash­light, then watch the fun unfold as the lit­tle ones put on a show. It’s a delight­ful way to spark cre­ativ­i­ty and enjoy East­er togeth­er.

Fluffy Cotton Ball Bunny

Easter Bunny Craft Ideas

Cre­ate a fluffy cot­ton ball bun­ny that will bright­en up your East­er decor! Using cot­ton balls, some glue, and a lit­tle cre­ativ­i­ty, you can make an adorable bun­ny that’s fun for all ages. This sim­ple craft is a great way to spend time with fam­i­ly and get into the hol­i­day spir­it.

Paper Plate Bunny Mask

Easter Bunny Craft Ideas

Paper Plate Bun­ny Faces
An easy East­er craft idea for younger chil­dren is cre­at­ing a paper plate bun­ny. Sim­ply paint the paper plate white and cut out bun­ny ears from pink paper. Use goo­gly eyes, a small pom-pom for the bunny’s nose, and draw on the facial fea­tures with a black mark­er. It’s a fun way for lit­tle ones to use fine motor skills while cre­at­ing a cute bun­ny face. This sim­ple project can also be a great addi­tion to an East­er par­ty as a fun activ­i­ty for kids.

This paper plate bun­ny mask is a fun and easy project for kids and adults alike. Grab a paper plate, some col­or­ful feath­ers, and a few craft sup­plies to bring your bun­ny to life. It’s a delight­ful way to get cre­ative and add some fes­tive cheer to your East­er cel­e­bra­tions!

East­er Bun­ny Mask
Make a fun bun­ny mask using white card­stock or scrap­book paper. Cut out the shape of a bunny’s face, and use a free tem­plate to make the job eas­i­er. Add details like flop­py ears, goo­gly eyes, and a nose made from a small pom-pom. The best part is that the kids can wear their bun­ny masks and par­tic­i­pate in East­er activ­i­ties like an East­er egg craft or cre­ate their own East­er cards for fam­i­ly and friends.

Eggshell Planter Bunny

Easter Bunny Craft Ideas

Cre­ate a charm­ing eggshell planter bun­ny for your East­er dec­o­ra­tions! Use an eggshell as the base and fill it with col­or­ful flow­ers for a cute touch. This sim­ple project brings a bit of spring inside while adding some fun to your hol­i­day decor.

Pasta Noodle Bunny

Easter Bunny Craft Ideas

Mak­ing a pas­ta noo­dle bun­ny is super fun and easy! Use dif­fer­ent shapes of pas­ta to cre­ate a cute bun­ny fig­ure that will bright­en up your East­er decor. Let your kids join in, and you’ll have a delight­ful craft to show off!

Bunny Footprint Crafts

Bun­ny foot­print crafts are a fun way to cel­e­brate East­er. Use your child’s foot­prints to make cute bun­ny shapes with some col­or­ful paint. Add some flow­ers around the foot­prints for a cheer­ful touch!

Felt Bunny Garland

A colorful felt bunny garland with pastel bunnies and flowers, hanging on a mantel.

East­er Bun­ny Gar­land
Cre­ate a bun­ny gar­land by cut­ting out sev­er­al bun­ny shapes from scrap­book paper or con­struc­tion paper. Kids can dec­o­rate each bun­ny with pink paper for ears, pom-poms for tails, and use pipe clean­ers for whiskers. String them togeth­er with rub­ber bands or twine to cre­ate an adorable gar­land to hang around the house or on the East­er tree.

East­er is a time for fam­i­ly fun, and cre­at­ing East­er bun­ny crafts is a fan­tas­tic way to engage kids in the hol­i­day spir­it. These cre­ative and easy East­er crafts are per­fect for all ages, from younger chil­dren to old­er kids, offer­ing plen­ty of ways to make adorable bun­ny crafts and cel­e­brate the sea­son. Whether it’s mak­ing bun­ny masks, cre­at­ing cute East­er cards, or craft­ing fun bun­ny gar­lands, these projects will pro­vide end­less fun ideas and much fun for every­one. So gath­er your sup­plies, get crafty, and enjoy the East­er hol­i­day with these best East­er craft ideas that kids will love!



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