Create Your Own Crochet Maple Leaf: A Step-by-Step DIY Tutorial

by Amy Lehman | September 29, 2024 5:15 am

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Crochet Maple Leaf

As the fall sea­son approach­es, it’s the per­fect time to embrace the vibrant col­ors of autumn by cre­at­ing a beau­ti­ful cro­chet maple leaf. This sim­ple yet stun­ning cro­chet project not only cel­e­brates the icon­ic sug­ar maple, known for its stun­ning hues, but also adds a touch of sea­son­al decor to your home. Whether you’re a begin­ner or an expe­ri­enced cro­cheter, this cro­chet maple leaf pat­tern offers a delight­ful way to prac­tice your skills. In this post, we’ll explore a free cro­chet pat­tern that includes writ­ten instruc­tions, a cro­chet chart, and a full video tuto­r­i­al to guide you through each step.

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To begin craft­ing your cro­chet maple leaf, gath­er your sup­plies: a suit­able yarn weight, a 5 mm cro­chet hook (or an mm cro­chet hook of your choice), and a tapes­try nee­dle for weav­ing in ends. Start with a mag­ic cir­cle, fol­lowed by a chain stitch (ch) to form the first chain. From there, work your way through the leaf pat­tern, incor­po­rat­ing a com­bi­na­tion of sin­gle cro­chet (sc), dou­ble cro­chet (dc), and tre­ble cro­chet stitch­es. Don’t for­get to include slip stitch­es (sl st) to cre­ate clean edges and seam­less tran­si­tions between sec­tions.

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crochet maple leaf


dc=double cro­chet

tr=treble cro­chet
sc=single cro­chet
sl st=slip stitch

hdc=half dou­ble cro­chet

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All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here[2]

- Cro­chet hook 
- Tapes­try nee­dle
- Stitch mark­er

H hook

Rnd 1: In the Mag­ic Cir­cle, work 8 hdc, sl st — 8 hdc

Rnd 2: Ch 3 and dc in the same st, 2 dc in each st around, sl st — 16 dc

Rnd 3: sl st, *( in the same stitch, 2 dc, 2 tr, ch 3, sl st into the top of the dc, 2 tr, 2 dc), skip stitch, sl st next st, *Repeat around for 4 more petals, sl st, ch 11, sl st in the 2nd chain from the hook, sc in each chain across, sl st Fas­ten off and Weave in your ends. 

As you progress, pay atten­tion to col­or changes, using dif­fer­ent shades to mim­ic the nat­ur­al beau­ty of maple leaves. You can even explore the Irish cro­chet tech­nique for a unique twist. The cro­chet leaf pat­tern typ­i­cal­ly con­sists of sev­er­al lobes, such as the first lobe, sec­ond lobe, and third lobe, which give your leaf its dis­tinc­tive shape. The mid­dle leaf is often the largest, pro­vid­ing a focal point for your design. By fol­low­ing the writ­ten instruc­tions and the cro­chet chart, you’ll find it easy to com­plete each sec­tion, includ­ing the last sc to final­ize your piece.

This cro­chet maple leaf can be used in var­i­ous ways, from fall decor to bag charms or even as a charm­ing acces­so­ry for Cana­da Day. The ver­sa­til­i­ty of this pat­tern makes it a fan­tas­tic addi­tion to your col­lec­tion of fun pat­terns, per­fect for the time of year when you want to cel­e­brate the beau­ty of nature.

crochet leaf


Cro­chet Leaf Pat­tern[3]

Once you’ve com­plet­ed your cro­chet maple leaf, take a moment to admire your hand­i­work! Whether you’re dis­play­ing it as part of your autumn decor or gift­ing it to a friend, this cro­chet project is sure to evoke the warmth and beau­ty of the sea­son. For those look­ing for a free pat­tern, you can eas­i­ly find a PDF for­mat avail­able online, mak­ing it sim­ple to fol­low along. Enjoy the process of cre­at­ing these stun­ning cro­chet leaves, and don’t for­get to share your fin­ished projects with the cro­chet com­mu­ni­ty. Hap­py cro­chet­ing!


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Cro­chet Hats for Begin­ners Book For Sale — Click Here


Cro­chet For Begin­ners Book for Sale — Click Here

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