Crochet Kitchen

Create a Stylish Crochet Towel Holder: Step-by-Step Tutorial

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How to Crochet a Towel Holder!

In the world of cro­chet, there’s a fan­tas­tic way to add both func­tion and style to your kitchen — cro­chet tow­el hold­ers. These charm­ing tow­el top­pers are a delight­ful project for crafters of all skill lev­els. Whether you are a begin­ner or an expe­ri­enced cro­cheter, our cro­chet tow­el hold­er tuto­r­i­al will guide you through cre­at­ing these love­ly kitchen acces­sories. This tuto­r­i­al includes a free cro­chet pat­tern and step-by-step instruc­tions to eas­i­ly add a per­son­al touch to your kitchen decor.

This pat­tern is copy­right­ed by Amy Lehman. Please do not copy or dupli­cate this pat­tern. You are wel­come to link back to my pat­tern, but do NOT post the pat­tern on your web­site. Thank you for respect­ing my work!

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Cro­chet tow­el hold­ers, also known as tow­el top­pers, are an excel­lent way to keep your dish tow­els and tea tow­els with­in easy reach while adding a touch of col­or to your kitchen decor. They are prac­ti­cal and make love­ly dec­o­ra­tions that can be cus­tomized to match your kitchen’s col­or scheme or to bring fes­tive pop to your hol­i­day tow­els.

This charm­ing cro­chet tow­el hold­er is a prac­ti­cal and dec­o­ra­tive addi­tion to your kitchen, with a sim­ple kitchen tow­el hold­er design that can be cus­tomized with a cute cro­chet tow­el top­per for a per­son­al­ized touch.

I hand­craft­ed this handy cro­chet tow­el hold­er for my kitchen, which has become essen­tial for dry­ing our hands. Addi­tion­al­ly, I enjoy mak­ing these prac­ti­cal cre­ations as heart­felt gifts for my fam­i­ly mem­bers, shar­ing their use­ful­ness and charm.

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- Safe­ty eyes
- Cro­chet hook 
- Tapes­try nee­dle
- Stitch mark­er
- Poly­fill stuff­ing

crochet towel holder

Our tuto­r­i­al offers a range of cro­chet tow­el hold­er pat­terns. From tra­di­tion­al tow­el top­pers to sun­flower-themed designs, you can select the pat­terns that suit your pref­er­ences and skill lev­els. The beau­ty of these projects is that they can be adapt­ed for var­i­ous yarn weights, offer­ing great ver­sa­til­i­ty in your cro­chet.

If you’re new to cro­chet or need a refresh­er, our step-by-step instruc­tions will help you cre­ate tow­el hold­ers with ease. The pat­terns are acces­si­ble and allow for a quick and sat­is­fy­ing cro­chet expe­ri­ence.

You won’t need much to start these prac­ti­cal yet dec­o­ra­tive cro­chet projects. A small amount of yarn, a cro­chet hook, and your pre­ferred dish tow­els are all you need. These sim­ple tow­el hold­ers are per­fect for using up scrap yarn and are an eco-friend­ly way to add love­ly dec­o­ra­tions to your kitchen.


H hook
Yarn Nee­dle
Medi­um worsted yarn


sc=single cro­chet
dc=double cro­chet

I used a yarn nee­dle and punc­tured about 28 holes about 1/2 inch apart on my 16-inch tow­el on the top.

I used a H hook.

Row 1: sc in the first hole, ch 1, *sc in the next hole, ch 1, *Repeat until the end. 

Row 2: Ch 3, Turn, *dc in each ch 1 space, *Repeat until you reach the end. 

Row 3: Ch 3, Turn, dc in the next stitch, skip one dc, *dc in the next two stitch­es, skip one dc, *Repeat

Row 4: Ch 3, Turn, skip dc, work into between the stitch, *skip two dc, dc in between, *Repeat

Row 5: Ch 3, Turn, skip dc, *dc in the next stitch, skip dc, *Repeat

Rows 6–11  **Ch 3, Turn, dc in each stitch across, **Repeat for 6–8 times depend­ing on how long you want your flap. Fas­ten off and Weave in your ends.

Sew a but­ton in the cen­ter right before row 6. I hope you enjoyed this free cro­chet tow­el hold­er pat­tern!

Print the entry at the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

Click Here for Cro­chet Kitchen Pat­terns

Click Here for Cro­chet Kitchen Bowl Cozy Pat­tern

You can find count­less tow­el hold­er pat­terns online, many of which are free cro­chet pat­terns. These resources are excel­lent for those look­ing for fresh ideas or pat­terns cater­ing to their pref­er­ences. Whether you’re search­ing for prac­ti­cal projects or love­ly dec­o­ra­tions to grace your kitchen, the inter­net is an invalu­able source for cro­chet enthu­si­asts.

Tow­el hold­ers are a fun way to add col­or to your kitchen decor. Whether you pre­fer bright and cheer­ful col­ors for a live­ly atmos­phere or mut­ed tones for a more relaxed space, there’s a tow­el hold­er pat­tern to match your kitchen’s theme. Con­sid­er the tex­ture and design of your dish tow­els to ensure they com­ple­ment your cho­sen tow­el hold­er pat­tern.

Cro­chet is a cre­ative hob­by and an oppor­tu­ni­ty to explore a vast world of yarn weights, skill lev­els, and designs. From small and easy projects to more com­plex endeav­ors, tow­el hold­er pat­terns are suit­ed for all skill lev­els. This offers the per­fect chance to try some­thing new, whether you’re a begin­ner look­ing for an easy solu­tion or an expe­ri­enced cro­cheter eager to tack­le a chal­leng­ing project.

*Craft­ing with Ver­sa­til­i­ty*: Cro­chet tow­el hold­ers come in var­i­ous styles and designs, allow­ing you to choose one that match­es your kitchen decor. The options are plen­ti­ful, from tra­di­tion­al tow­el top­pers that exude a cozy, homey feel to more con­tem­po­rary pat­terns that add a chic touch. Depend­ing on your pref­er­ences, you can opt for bright col­ors or a sub­tler palette. The ver­sa­til­i­ty of cro­chet pat­terns makes it pos­si­ble to cre­ate a tow­el hold­er that gen­uine­ly fits your kitchen’s ambiance.

*Effort­less Yet Prac­ti­cal*: One of the perks of craft­ing cro­chet tow­el hold­ers is the quick turn­around time. These projects are known for being rel­a­tive­ly fast, mak­ing them ide­al for last-minute dec­o­ra­tions or gifts. If you have extra scrap yarn or a spe­cif­ic col­or com­bi­na­tion in mind, these tow­el hold­ers pro­vide a prac­ti­cal and enjoy­able way to uti­lize your yarn stash. Cro­chet­ing tow­el hold­ers isn’t just an artis­tic endeav­or; it’s an acces­si­ble project suit­able for all skill lev­els. With straight­for­ward pat­terns and step-by-step instruc­tions, crop­ping your tow­el hold­ers becomes effort­less yet cre­ative.

Tow­el hold­ers in your kitchen aren’t mere­ly func­tion­al; they serve as dec­o­ra­tive ele­ments that express your unique style and taste. So, whether you’re craft­ing tow­el hold­ers as love­ly dec­o­ra­tions for your kitchen or as thought­ful gifts for oth­ers, these cro­chet projects offer a great way to enhance your kitchen decor with bursts of col­or, charm, and a dash of your per­son­al touch.

The joy of cro­chet­ing tow­el hold­ers goes beyond the fin­ished prod­uct. It’s about the sat­is­fac­tion of cre­at­ing some­thing love­ly and func­tion­al for your home or giv­ing it as a thought­ful gift. These cro­chet projects let you make your kitchen decor tru­ly your own, allow­ing you to cel­e­brate your cre­ativ­i­ty while enjoy­ing prac­ti­cal and styl­ish tow­el hold­ers. So, explore the vari­ety of pat­terns, pick your favorite yarn weights, and embark on this delight­ful jour­ney to enhance your kitchen with col­or­ful and charm­ing tow­el hold­ers.

*Per­son­al­ized for Your Space*: Cro­chet tow­el hold­ers allow you to cater to your per­son­al pref­er­ences and match your kitchen’s decor. Whether you pre­fer wood­en rings’ rus­tic charm or acrylic yarn’s vibrant appeal, the options are plen­ti­ful. These tow­el hold­ers pro­vide an easy solu­tion to bright­en your kitchen decor while offer­ing func­tion­al­i­ty. You can cre­ate tow­el hold­ers in var­i­ous col­ors and pat­terns to match your kitchen’s exist­ing col­or scheme, giv­ing your space a cohe­sive and visu­al­ly appeal­ing look. These lit­tle cro­cheted won­ders can be per­son­al­ized to reflect your unique style and bright­en your kitchen, mak­ing them an enjoy­able and prac­ti­cal addi­tion to your home.

Cro­chet tow­el hold­ers are a ver­sa­tile addi­tion to your kitchen decor, offer­ing prac­ti­cal­i­ty and a touch of per­son­al­i­ty. Craft­ed with cot­ton yarn, these tow­el hold­ers pro­vide the ide­al mix of func­tion­al­i­ty and aes­thet­ics. They work per­fect­ly with var­i­ous tow­els, whether you favor dish, tea, or tra­di­tion­al hand tow­els. These tow­el hold­ers are easy to cre­ate, thanks to free cro­chet pat­terns and step-by-step instruc­tions from video tuto­ri­als and online resources.

Plus, you can choose from a delight­ful vari­ety of col­ors and yarn weights, allow­ing you to exper­i­ment with a pop of col­ors, or per­haps even a sun­flower cen­ter, to match your kitchen’s col­or com­bi­na­tion or cre­ate a love­ly dec­o­ra­tion. Whether you’re an expe­ri­enced cro­cheter or a begin­ner, you’ll find that these cro­chet tow­el top­pers offer prac­ti­cal projects that cater to your per­son­al pref­er­ences and skill lev­el. Cro­chet­ing your kitchen tow­els is an easy, cost-effec­tive, and enjoy­able solu­tion to enhanc­ing your kitchen decor. It makes them a great addi­tion to your space or a thought­ful house­warm­ing gift for oth­ers.

Cro­chet­ing these tow­el hold­ers typ­i­cal­ly requires basic stitch­es like sin­gle cro­chet, slip stitch, and dou­ble cro­chet, mak­ing it acces­si­ble to var­i­ous skill lev­els. The step-by-step instruc­tions and detailed tuto­ri­als pro­vide an easy-to-fol­low path for those look­ing for quick cro­chet projects. Plus, you can cre­ate tow­el hold­ers with­out incur­ring extra costs using afford­able mate­ri­als like acrylic or scrap yarn. The ver­sa­til­i­ty of these hold­ers is fur­ther enhanced as they fit a range of tow­el sizes and are com­pat­i­ble with dif­fer­ent types of han­dles, such as oven doors, stove han­dles, or tow­el rings. The fin­ished prod­ucts, dec­o­rat­ed with love­ly designs and col­or com­bi­na­tions, can breathe life into your kitchen decor. Whether you adorn your kitchen with vibrant and bright col­ors or go for a boho tow­el ring style, these prac­ti­cal cro­chet tow­el hold­ers will trans­form your kitchen into a delight­ful space. Their func­tion­al­i­ty and aes­thet­ic appeal make them an essen­tial kitchen item that can be cre­at­ed with a small amount of yarn and a lit­tle time invest­ment, promis­ing a quick cro­chet project that brings a pop of col­or and a fresh touch to your kitchen.

*Effort­less Project for All*: Cro­chet­ing your tow­el hold­ers is suit­able for crafters of all skill lev­els. From begin­ners to expe­ri­enced cro­cheters, the clear step-by-step instruc­tions and straight­for­ward pat­terns make it an enjoy­able and acces­si­ble task. There’s no need to spend extra on store-bought tow­el hold­ers when you can craft your own with a small amount of yarn and min­i­mal time invest­ment. The cro­chet top­per pat­terns are designed with sim­plic­i­ty, ensur­ing that any­one can cre­ate beau­ti­ful tow­el hold­ers that suit their kitchen decor. This project can be accom­plished quick­ly, allow­ing you to see the fin­ished prod­uct in no time, and the sat­is­fac­tion of craft­ing some­thing func­tion­al and aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing is its reward.

Our cro­chet tow­el hold­er tuto­r­i­al offers a cre­ative and prac­ti­cal way to add a per­son­al touch to your kitchen decor. These charm­ing tow­el top­pers are func­tion­al and make love­ly gifts, house­warm­ing presents, or hol­i­day dec­o­ra­tions. As you embark on this cro­chet jour­ney, you’ll find these projects are an enjoy­able way to craft a great addi­tion to your kitchen. With a wide vari­ety of pat­terns to choose from and straight­for­ward instruc­tions, you’ll have your kitchen dec­o­rat­ed with col­or­ful and styl­ish tow­el hold­ers in no time. Get ready to enjoy the sat­is­fac­tion of cre­at­ing love­ly kitchen acces­sories that you’ll be proud to dis­play. Hap­py cro­chet­ing!


To Find All My Cro­chet Jew­el Pat­terns, Click Here

Click Here for My Rav­el­ry Pat­terns

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Cro­chet For Begin­ners Book for Sale — Click Here

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