Delicious Carrot Cake Bars: A Perfect Spring Treat

by Amy Lehman | February 12, 2025 2:33 pm

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Car­rot Cake Bars: A Sweet and Easy Dessert

Car­rot cake is a beloved clas­sic, and this recipe for car­rot cake bars brings all the deli­cious fla­vors of tra­di­tion­al car­rot cake in a more con­ve­nient and easy-to-make for­mat. These bars are moist, ten­der, and filled with warm spices, mak­ing them the per­fect treat for spring­time gath­er­ings or hol­i­day cel­e­bra­tions. Topped with a tangy home­made cream cheese frost­ing, these car­rot cake bars are sure to impress any­one who loves car­rot cake. Let’s dive into this step-by-step recipe to make your own car­rot cake bars.

These deli­cious car­rot cake bars are a per­fect blend of moist, spiced cake and creamy tex­ture, offer­ing a delight­ful twist on the clas­sic car­rot cake recipe.

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Delicious Carrot Cake Bars: A Perfect Spring Treat

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  1. Pre­pare the Dry Ingre­di­ents
    In a medi­um bowl, com­bine 2 cups all-pur­pose flour, 2 tsp bak­ing pow­der, 1 ½ tsp cin­na­mon, ½ tsp nut­meg, and ½ tsp salt. Whisk the dry ingre­di­ents togeth­er until well com­bined, ensur­ing the spices are even­ly dis­trib­uted. Set the bowl aside while you pre­pare the wet ingre­di­ents.
  2. Com­bine Wet Ingre­di­ents
    In a large mix­ing bowl, whisk togeth­er 1 cup white sug­ar, 1 cup brown sug­ar, and 2 large eggs (at room tem­per­a­ture). Add in 1 tsp vanil­la extract and 1 cup of veg­etable oil. Stir every­thing togeth­er until the mix­ture is smooth. Then, fold in the 2 cups of grat­ed car­rots (you can use a box grater or food proces­sor for this), 1 cup of crushed pineap­ple (drained), and option­al shred­ded coconut.
  3. Mix the Wet and Dry Ingre­di­ents
    Grad­u­al­ly add the dry ingre­di­ents to the wet mix­ture, mix­ing until just com­bined. The bat­ter will be thick and slight­ly lumpy, but that’s per­fect­ly fine. Line your bak­ing pan with parch­ment paper, mak­ing it eas­i­er to remove the bars lat­er. Pour the car­rot cake bat­ter into the pre­pared pan and spread it even­ly with a but­ter knife.
  4. Bake and Cool
    Pre­heat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Bake the bars for about 25–30 min­utes, or until a tooth­pick insert­ed in the cen­ter comes out clean. Once baked, remove the pan from the oven and let it cool in the pan for about 10 min­utes. Then, trans­fer the bars to a wire rack to cool com­plete­ly.
  5. Make the Cream Cheese Frost­ing
    In a sep­a­rate bowl, beat togeth­er 8 oz soft­ened cream cheese, ½ cup soft­ened unsalt­ed but­ter, and 2 cups pow­dered sug­ar until smooth and fluffy. Add 1 tsp vanil­la extract and mix until well incor­po­rat­ed. You can use a pip­ing bag to swirl the frost­ing onto the cooled car­rot cake bars for a beau­ti­ful pre­sen­ta­tion, or sim­ply spread it with a but­ter knife.

These car­rot cake bars are a per­fect alter­na­tive to the clas­sic car­rot cake, offer­ing the same amaz­ing fla­vor in a portable bar form. The addi­tion of warm spices, grat­ed car­rots, and crushed pineap­ple ensures each bite is full of deli­cious fla­vor, while the tangy cream cheese frost­ing adds the per­fect fin­ish­ing touch. These bars are easy to make, and they’ll be a hit at your next gath­er­ing or as a sweet treat for East­er din­ner. So gath­er your ingre­di­ents, fol­low this step-by-step recipe, and enjoy these delight­ful car­rot cake bars!

Click Here for the Valen­tine Cook­ie Recipes

Click Here for My Rav­el­ry Pat­terns



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