
Delicious Cherry Coke Brownies: A Sweet Twist on a Classic Dessert

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Cherry Coke Brownies Recipe

Look­ing for a fun and deli­cious way to ele­vate your next dessert? These Cher­ry Coke brown­ies are just the treat you need! A unique twist on tra­di­tion­al brown­ie recipes, the com­bi­na­tion of cher­ry cola and cocoa pow­der brings an unex­pect­ed depth of fla­vor that’s sure to impress. Whether you’re host­ing a gath­er­ing, cel­e­brat­ing St. Patrick’s Day, or sim­ply look­ing for an indul­gent snack, these choco­late cher­ry brown­ies are an easy-to-make, mouth­wa­ter­ing choice. Let’s dive into this sim­ple recipe and cre­ate gooey brown­ies with a hint of cher­ry that every­one will love!

To start, you’ll need a few key ingre­di­ents to bring these Cher­ry Coke brown­ies to life. In a large bowl, com­bine your box of brown­ie mix with a cup of veg­etable oil, eggs, and a cup of Cher­ry Coke. The addi­tion of the cher­ry cola adds an irre­sistible cher­ry fla­vor that pairs per­fect­ly with the rich cocoa pow­der and choco­late chips. For an extra touch, you can also incor­po­rate a jar of maraschi­no cher­ries, adding some extra sweet­ness and col­or to your brown­ies.

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Cherry Coke Brownies Recipe

You’ll Need:

  • 1 box of milk choco­late brown­ie mix
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ cup veg­etable oil
  • ¼ cup Cher­ry Coke
  • ¾ cup semi-sweet choco­late chips
  • 1 tea­spoon vanil­la extract

Pre­heat your oven to 350°F and coat the bot­tom of a 9‑inch pan with cook­ing spray. Once your brown­ie bat­ter is mixed well in a medi­um mix­ing bowl, pour it into the pre­pared pan, mak­ing sure to smooth the top even­ly. If you’d like to give the brown­ies a lit­tle extra fla­vor, con­sid­er adding a hand­ful of dark choco­late can­dy bars or extra choco­late chips to the mix before bak­ing. The choco­late chips will melt into the bat­ter, cre­at­ing those sig­na­ture gooey pock­ets of choco­late.

Once the oven is ready, bake the brown­ies for about 32 min­utes or until the top has set and a tooth­pick insert­ed comes out with a few moist crumbs. The brown­ies should have crack­ly tops and a fudgy, gooey cen­ter. After bak­ing, let them cool and then slice into squares, reveal­ing their rich, choco­latey good­ness.

These Cher­ry Coke brown­ies are per­fect for any occa­sion, whether you’re mak­ing them as a treat for your fam­i­ly or for a spe­cial gath­er­ing. With the sweet twist of cher­ry cola and the deca­dent blend of cocoa pow­der and choco­late chips, these brown­ies bring some­thing new and excit­ing to your typ­i­cal dessert line­up. So next time you’re in the mood for a fun and easy-to-make dessert, skip the boxed brown­ies and give this Cher­ry Coke-inspired treat a try. They’re sure to become a sta­ple in your col­lec­tion of deli­cious desserts!

CHERRY COKE: For a twist, replace the reg­u­lar soda with Cher­ry Coke, adding a sweet cher­ry fla­vor that pairs per­fect­ly with the rich choco­late.

TOPPINGS: Keep it sim­ple with pow­dered sug­ar, or ele­vate your brown­ies with a scoop of ice cream and a driz­zle of hot fudge for a deca­dent treat.

CHOCOLATE CHIPS: Feel free to mix it up with white choco­late chips, peanut but­ter chips, or even larg­er chunks of choco­late for added tex­ture and fla­vor.

How to Make Cher­ry Coke Brown­ies

STEP ONE: Pre­heat your oven to 350°F. Line a 9x9 inch bak­ing pan with parch­ment paper.

OUR RECIPE DEVELOPER SAYS: Using parch­ment paper or alu­minum foil makes it easy to lift the brown­ies out of the pan once cooled, mak­ing them eas­i­er to cut. Alter­na­tive­ly, you can grease the pan.

STEP TWO: In a large bowl, mix togeth­er the brown­ie mix, eggs, veg­etable oil, Cher­ry Coke, semi-sweet choco­late chips, and vanil­la extract. Stir until the bat­ter is smooth.

TIP: We’ve swapped in the right ingre­di­ents here with eggs, oil, and Cher­ry Coke. For an extra pro tip, toss your choco­late chips in a bit of flour before adding them to the bat­ter. This will help keep them even­ly dis­trib­uted through­out the brown­ies, instead of sink­ing to the bot­tom.

STEP THREE: Pour the brown­ie bat­ter into the pre­pared pan.

STEP FOUR: Bake for 32 min­utes at 350°F, or until a tooth­pick insert­ed comes out almost clean.

STEP FIVE: Allow the brown­ies to cool com­plete­ly.

STEP SIX: Once cooled, lift the brown­ies out using the parch­ment paper and cut into squares.

How to Serve

Serve your Cher­ry Coke brown­ies with a scoop of vanil­la ice cream, a driz­zle of hot fudge, and a dol­lop of whipped cream for the ulti­mate indul­gence.

For more easy brown­ie recipes, try our coconut brown­ies or choco­late-cov­ered straw­ber­ry brown­ies.

Car­rot Cake Bars Click Here


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