Crochet a Baby Crocodile Stitch Mermaid Tail Cocoon Pattern

by Amy Lehman | November 3, 2023 7:41 am

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How to Crochet a Baby Crocodile Stitch Mermaid Tail Cocoon

If you want to cre­ate a warm and adorable cocoon for new­born babies, you’ve come to the right place. This cro­chet tuto­r­i­al will guide you through mak­ing a Croc­o­dile Stitch Mer­maid Tail Cocoon and match­ing hat set. This pat­tern is per­fect for last-minute baby gifts, show­ers, or a charm­ing new­born pho­to prop. We’ve designed it with dif­fer­ent sizes in mind, from pre­emie to aver­age new­born, and includ­ed var­i­ous fea­tures like sin­gle cro­chet, slip stitch, and spe­cial stitch­es for a unique con­struc­tion. Let’s dive into this easy, free cro­chet baby cocoon pat­tern and cre­ate a won­der­ful gift that’s both cozy and cute.

To begin, you’ll need some basic mate­ri­als, includ­ing a cro­chet hook, yarn in dif­fer­ent col­ors, stitch mark­ers, a yarn nee­dle, and a tape mea­sure. For this pro­jec­t’s thick and cozy fin­ish, we rec­om­mend using chunky or super bulky yarn. The hook size and yarn choice can be adjust­ed to achieve your desired fin­ished size.

You’ll find affil­i­ate links with­in this post. If you decide to pur­chase through these links, I may earn a mod­est com­mis­sion at no extra cost. Addi­tion­al­ly, please review my pri­va­cy policy[1] for more details.

✨ We hope you enjoyed these pho­tos! If so, please con­sid­er shar­ing them on Pin­ter­est by click­ing the Pin But­ton on each image. Your sup­port helps us con­nect with more peo­ple and spread cre­ativ­i­ty. Thank you so much! 💖

Crochet Baby Crocodile Stitch Mermaid Tail Cocoon


sc=single cro­chet
dc=double cro­chet
sl st=slip stitch

Click the Links for Your Mate­ri­als

All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here[2]

- Cro­chet hook 
- Tapes­try nee­dle
- Stitch mark­er

H hook
Mul­ti-col­ored Red Heart Yarn,[3] 2 Skeins
Start: Ch 2, work 5 sc in the 2nd chain from the hook, sl st ‑5 sc
Rnd 2: Ch 2 (counts as a dc), dc the back loop in the same stitch, *work 2 dc in the back loop in the next stitch, *Repeat around, sl st ‑10 dc

Rnd 3: Ch 2 (counts as a dc),  *work 2 dc in the next back loop dc, dc in the next back loop dc, *Repeat around, sl st ‑15 dc

Rnd 4: Ch 2 (counts as a dc), dc in the next back loop dc, *work 2 dc in the next back loop dc, dc in the next 2 back loop dc, *Repeat around, sl st ‑20 dc
Rnd 5: Ch 2 (counts as a dc), dc in the next two back loop dc, *work 2 dc in the next back loop dc, dc in the next 3 back loop dc, *Repeat around, sl st ‑25 dc
Rnd 6: Ch 2 (counts as a dc), dc in the next 3 back loop dc, *work 2 dc in the next back loop dc, dc in the next 4 back loop dc, *Repeat around, sl st ‑30 dc
Rnd 7: Ch 2 (counts as a dc), dc in the next 4 back loop dc, *work 2 dc in the next back loop dc, dc in the next 5 back loop dc, *Repeat around, sl st ‑35 dc
Rnd 8: Ch 2 (counts as a dc), dc in the next 5 back loop dc, *work 2 dc in the next back loop dc, dc in the next 6 back loop dc, *Repeat around, sl st ‑40 dc

Croc­o­dile Stitch­es: v‑stitch=dc,ch 1, dc

How to Cro­chet For Begin­ners Playlist — Click Here[4]

Rnd 9: Ch 3 (counts as a dc and ch 1), work dc in the same stitch (v‑stitch made), *skip next dc,  dc in the next dc, ch 1,  skip next dc, dc, ch 1, dc in the next dc, ch 1,*Repeat around,  sl st in the begin­ning ch 2 of the v‑stitch
Rnd 10: *work 5 front post dc around the first dc on the v‑stitch from top to bot­tom, ch 2, work 5 front post dc from bot­tom to top of the 2nd dc of the v‑stitch, sl st in the next dc, *Repeat around, sl st in the begin­ning ch 2 of the v‑stitch, just above that last dc in that round, then go back to round 9, where you will cre­ate a v‑stitch, you want your croc­o­dile stitch­es to over­lap each oth­er.

 Repeat Rnd 9, then go to Rnd 10, so alter­nate between rounds 9 and 10. I did 14 rounds of the Croc­o­dile stitch.

Then the last rounds. Sc around each stitch around. In the last round, Chain 3 (counts as first tre­ble cro­chet), tre­ble cro­chet in each sc around. This will be the belt loops. Work a 1‑inch rib­bon in and out of each tre­ble cro­chet loop. Then tie a bow in the cen­ter.
H hook
Mul­ti Col­ored yarn
Row 1: Chain 26, work hdc in the 3rd chain from the hook, hdc across, skip the last chain, Turn ‑23 hdc
Row 2: Ch 1, 2hdctog decrease in the back loops, hdc in the back loops of each stitch across, Turn ‑22 hdc
Row 3: Ch 1, hdc in each front loops across, skip last chain, Turn ‑21 hdc
Row 4: Ch 1, 2hdctog decrease in the back loops, hdc in the back loops of each stitch across, Turn ‑20 hdc
Row 5: Ch 1, hdc in each front loops across, skip last chain, Turn ‑19 hdc
Row 6: Ch 1, 2hdctog decrease in the back loops, hdc in the back loops of each stitch across, Turn ‑18 hdc
Row 7: Ch 1, hdc in each front loops across, skip last chain, Turn ‑17 hdc
Row 8: Ch 1, hdc in each back loop across, Turn ‑17 hdc
Row 9: Ch 1, hdc in each front loops across, 2 hdc in front loops at the last hdc, Turn — 18 hdc
Row 10: Ch 1, 2 hdc in the back loops, hdc in the each back loops across, Turn ‑19 hdc
Row 11: Ch 1, hdc in each front loops across, 2 hdc in front loops at the last hdc, Turn — 20 hdc
Row 12: Ch 1, 2 hdc in the back loops, hdc in the each back loops across, Turn ‑21 hdc
Row 13: Ch 1, hdc in each front loops across, 2 hdc in front loops at the last hdc, Turn — 22 hdc
Row 14: Ch 1, 2 hdc in the back loops, hdc in the each back loops across, Turn ‑23 hdc
Row 15: Ch 1, hdc in each front loops across, 2 hdc in front loops at the last hdc, Turn — 24 hdc. Fas­ten off.
Now Sew the tail by fold­ing around the tip of the mer­maid tail as seen in the pic­ture above. Have the back loop ridge fac­ing out­ward when you sew it on.
Mer­maid shells, Make 2
F hook
Pur­ple yarn
Row 1: Ch 6, work sc in the 2nd chain from the hook, Turn, ‑5 sc
Row 2: Ch 2, hdc in the same stitch as the ch 2, hdc in the next 3 sc, 2 hdc, Turn — 7 hdc
Row 3: Ch 2, Front post hdc in the next hdc, hdc in the next hdc, front post hdc in the next hdc, hdc, front post hdc, hdc in the last, Turn
Row 4: Ch 2, Back post hdc in the next hdc, hdc in the next hdc, Back post hdc in the next hdc, hdc, Back post hdc, hdc in the last, Turn
Row 5: Skip first hdc, *work 4 hdc in the next hdc, slip stitch in the next hdc, *Repeat to the end, with 3(4 hdc’s) sl st, Fas­ten off.

Strap for the top: I hook, Mul­ti Col­ored yarn, Chain 120, hdc in the 3rd chain from the hook, hdc in each ch across. Fas­ten off. Sew the shells on the cen­ter mid­dle of the strap, with the shells side by side.

Print the entry at the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

Click Here for Cro­chet Baby Pat­terns[5]

Don’t for­get to incor­po­rate the adorable rasp­ber­ry stitch for a unique touch. We’ll guide you through the process, row by row, and pro­vide instruc­tions for dif­fer­ent sizes, from pre­emie to aver­age new­born. The match­ing hat set pat­tern is an excel­lent addi­tion, and we’ll show you how to cre­ate it eas­i­ly.

Click Here for the Crown Pat­tern

If you pre­fer, there’s also a but­toned alter­na­tive for the cocoon’s top, offer­ing a snug fit while allow­ing for quick access. You can cus­tomize the cocoon and hat using dif­fer­ent col­ors and add lit­tle dots or embell­ish­ments for a per­son­al touch.

We’ve includ­ed a video tuto­r­i­al to help you along the way, mak­ing this a quick and enjoy­able project, per­fect for last-minute gift ideas. Whether you’re a begin­ner or an expe­ri­enced cro­cheter, you’ll appre­ci­ate the sim­plic­i­ty of this pat­tern. Plus, the unique con­struc­tion of the Croc­o­dile Stitch Mer­maid Tail Cocoon adds a spe­cial touch to your hand­made gift.

In con­clu­sion, this free cro­chet baby cocoon pat­tern is a beau­ti­ful way to cre­ate a hand­made gift for new­born babies. The adorable Croc­o­dile Stitch Mer­maid Tail Cocoon and match­ing hat set are ver­sa­tile and cus­tomiz­able and make for a fan­tas­tic baby show­er gift or a last-minute project. With detailed instruc­tions, video tuto­ri­als, and var­i­ous sizes, you can eas­i­ly cro­chet a one-of-a-kind cocoon that will keep lit­tle ones warm and snug. Whether cro­chet­ing for your lit­tle angel or mak­ing a thought­ful present, this pat­tern will sure­ly be a hit. Enjoy the process, exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent col­ors, and have fun cre­at­ing this charm­ing baby cocoon and hat set. 


To Find All My Cro­chet Jew­el Pat­terns, Click Here


Click Here for My Rav­el­ry Pat­terns



Cro­chet Hats for Begin­ners Book For Sale — Click Here


Cro­chet For Begin­ners Book for Sale — Click Here


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  1. pri­va­cy pol­i­cy:
  2. All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here:
  3. Mul­ti-col­ored Red Heart Yarn,:
  4. How to Cro­chet For Begin­ners Playlist — Click Here:
  5. Click Here for Cro­chet Baby Pat­terns:
  6. [Image]:
  7. [Image]:
  8. [Image]:
  9. [Image]:

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