Crochet Purses/Bags

Crafting a Charming Child’s Flower Purse with Crochet Delight

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How to Crochet a Flower Purse

Are you look­ing for a cre­ative and enjoy­able cro­chet project? You’ve come to the right place if you love work­ing with yarn and have a pen­chant for mak­ing beau­ti­ful acces­sories. In this guide, we’ll explore the world of cro­chet bags, specif­i­cal­ly focus­ing on a delight­ful and prac­ti­cal project: “How to Cro­chet a Child’s Flower Purse Pat­tern.” Whether you’re an expe­ri­enced cro­cheter or just start­ing, this free pat­tern will walk you through cre­at­ing a charm­ing cro­chet purse using basic cro­chet stitch­es and var­i­ous yarns. So, with­out fur­ther ado, let’s dive into cro­chet bags’ col­or­ful realm and dis­cov­er their fan­tas­tic pos­si­bil­i­ties.

This post con­tains affil­i­ate links. If you pur­chase through these links, I may earn a mod­est com­mis­sion at no extra cost. Please review my pri­va­cy pol­i­cy for more details.

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Crochet a Flower Purse

**Choos­ing Your Yarn:**
Select­ing the right type of yarn is cru­cial when embark­ing on your cro­chet bag jour­ney. Cot­ton yarn is pop­u­lar for its dura­bil­i­ty, mak­ing it ide­al for every­day use. You can also exper­i­ment with acrylic yarns in your favorite col­ors to cre­ate a stun­ning, sol­id-col­ored bag.

**Cro­chet Tech­niques:**
- To start, you must be famil­iar with basic cro­chet stitch­es like sin­gle, dou­ble, and the clas­sic granny square. These sim­ple stitch­es will be the foun­da­tion of your bag’s beau­ti­ful tex­ture.

**Bag Styles and Shapes:**
- Cro­chet bags come in var­i­ous styles and shapes, from beach and mar­ket bags to shoul­der and tote bags. You can choose a round shape, a square bag, or even a clas­sic design, depend­ing on your style and the bag’s intend­ed use.

**Free Pat­terns and Ideas:**
- The inter­net offers a trea­sure trove of free cro­chet purse pat­terns and mar­ket bag pat­terns. You can find a col­lec­tion of beau­ti­ful pat­terns for dif­fer­ent occa­sions, from boho bags for sum­mer out­ings to styl­ish bags for every­day use.

Add a Cord Purse Han­dle to Your Purse


Click the Links for Your Mate­ri­als

All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here

- Cro­chet hook 
- Tapes­try nee­dle
- Stitch mark­er

G hook

Pink, Pur­ple, White Yarn
hdc=half dou­ble cro­chet
sl st=slip stitch
sc=single cro­chet
dc=double cro­chet
bpsc=back post sin­gle cro­chet
Body of the purse, G hook
ch 30,
rnd 1. hdc in the 2nd chain in the hook to the end, ch 2, turn
rnd 2. *hdc in each stitch across, ch 2, turn *repeat, until it mea­sures 8 inch­es long

Shell the top of the purse:

rnd 3. ch 3, counts as 1st dc, skip next hdc, work 1 dc in next hdc, *skip 4 hdc, (dc,ch1,dc,ch1,dc,ch1,dc), in next st., ‑shell made. repeat from * across, end last rep skip 4 hdc , 2 dc in last hdc.
rnd 4. ch 3, turn, skip next dc, dc in next dc, *work shell in cen­ter of ch‑1 space of shell; rep from * across, end 2 dc in last dc.
repeat last row until it mea­sures 11 inch­es from the begin­ning. fas­ten off and weave in ends.
Fold the square in half and sew the seams togeth­er. I sewed a but­ton in the cen­ter and glued on a rhine­stone. After I sew it, I turn it right side out so the seams are inside.
G hook
Caron soft Pink yarn
Van­na White Pur­ple yarn
rnd 1. ch 2, do 10 sc in the 2nd chain from the hook, you can change col­ors if you choose to, sl st in begin­ning st.
rnd 2. sc in the same stitch, *ch 3, skip the next st., sc in the next st, *repeat, until you have 5(3 chain spaces) sl st.
rnd 3. *ch 1, do 6 dc in the chain 3 space, ch 1, sl st in the pre­vi­ous sc, *repeat until you have 5(6 ped­als) sl st.
Next Flower:
rnd 4. *bpsc around round 2, ch 5, bpsc around the next sc, ch 5 *repeat, until you have 5(5 chain spaces) sl st in beg. chain
rnd 5. *ch 1, do 9 dc in the chain 5 space, ch1, slip st in the pre­vi­ous sc, *repeat until you have 5(9dc ped­als) sl st.
option­al: used a glue gun to glue on a rhine­stone in the cen­ter of the flower.
chain 90, attached to one side of the purse, and sc in the 2nd chain from the hook to the end and attach to oth­er side of the purse. Fas­ten off and Weave in the ends. 

Print the Entry on the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

Click Here for More Cro­chet Bag Pat­terns

Click Here for a Cro­chet Clutch Purse Pat­tern

**Spe­cial Touch­es:**
- To make your cro­chet bag unique, con­sid­er incor­po­rat­ing new tech­niques like adding cro­chet bob­bles, using t‑shirt yarn for a mod­ern twist, or cre­at­ing intri­cate stitch pat­terns. You can also attach shoul­der straps or tuck locks for that extra flair.

**Shar­ing Your Cre­ations:**
- If you enjoy cro­chet­ing and want to share your cre­ations, con­sid­er includ­ing affil­i­ate links in your pat­terns. This way, you can earn a small com­mis­sion while rec­om­mend­ing the best yarns, cro­chet hooks, and oth­er sup­plies to fel­low cro­chet enthu­si­asts.

Any lit­tle girl will love this cro­chet flower purse. This purse is made of a pret­ty accent-lay­ered flower with medi­um-worsed yarn.

In con­clu­sion, cro­chet­ing a bag is a cre­ative and enjoy­able project and a great way to express your style and cre­ate unique acces­sories for your­self or as spe­cial gifts. Whether you’re mak­ing a child’s flower purse, a cro­chet mar­ket bag for a farm­ers’ mar­ket vis­it, or a trendy boho bag for warmer weath­er, the pos­si­bil­i­ties are end­less. You can use dif­fer­ent yarns, exper­i­ment with var­i­ous tech­niques, and fol­low free cro­chet pat­terns to make your bags stand out. So, grab your cro­chet hooks, choose your favorite col­ors, and embark on the per­fect cro­chet bag project today. Don’t for­get to explore video tuto­ri­als and resources online to enhance your skills and cre­ate beau­ti­ful bags that reflect your indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. Hap­py cro­chet­ing! For more infor­ma­tion on pri­va­cy poli­cies and using affil­i­ate links as an Ama­zon asso­ciate, check out our resources and guide­lines to make your bag cro­chet jour­ney even more reward­ing.

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