How to Crochet a Cute Easter Bunny Basket Tutorial

by Amy Lehman | March 23, 2025 4:29 am

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Crochet Easter Bunny Basket

Cro­chet­ing a bun­ny East­er bas­ket is a fun and cre­ative way to cel­e­brate the hol­i­day while work­ing on a sim­ple cro­chet project. With just a few basic cro­chet stitch­es and some col­or­ful yarn, you can cre­ate a cute and func­tion­al bas­ket per­fect for East­er egg hunts or as a gift bas­ket. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps for cre­at­ing your very own bun­ny East­er bas­ket using free cro­chet pat­terns and begin­ner-friend­ly tech­niques. Whether you’re a sea­soned cro­cheter or just start­ing out, this project is an ide­al way to prac­tice and add a per­son­al touch to your East­er cel­e­bra­tions.

To start your bun­ny East­er bas­ket, you’ll need to gath­er your mate­ri­als: a mag­ic ring, stitch mark­ers, and your choice of yarn, such as worsted weight yarn or super bulky yarn for a stur­dier bas­ket. If you’re look­ing for a more eco-friend­ly option, t‑shirt yarn works great, pro­vid­ing tex­ture and dura­bil­i­ty to your fin­ished piece. For the hook size, a mm cro­chet hook is com­mon­ly used, but depend­ing on the yarn you choose, you may need a small­er hook for fin­er strands. Begin by cro­chet­ing the base of the bas­ket using sc stich­es, ensur­ing the foun­da­tion is strong and sol­id. As you work your way through the first round, fol­low the free cro­chet bas­ket pat­tern, repeat­ing rounds with sin­gle cro­chet stitch­es and slip stitch­es until the bas­ket reach­es your desired size. The next round will build the walls of the bas­ket, and you can adjust the bas­ket han­dles by cro­chet­ing a stur­dy edge using back loop cro­chet for added tex­ture and sup­port.

With­in this post, you’ll find affil­i­ate links. If you decide to pur­chase through these links, I may earn a mod­est com­mis­sion at no extra cost. Addi­tion­al­ly, please review my pri­va­cy policy[1] for more details.

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Click the Links for Your Mate­ri­als

All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here[7]
- Safe­ty eyes
- Cro­chet hook 
- Tapes­try nee­dle
- Stitch mark­er



sc=single cro­chet

hdc=half dou­ble cro­chet 

dc=double cro­chet

sl st=slip stitch

Mea­sures 3.5 inch­es across 

I hook, Medi­um worsted yarn 

Rnd 1: In the Mag­ic Ring, work 8 sc, sl st ‑8 sc

Rnd 2: *2 sc each stitch around,*Repeat around ‑16 sc work in con­tin­u­ous rounds, use a stitch mark­er

Rnd 3: *sc, 2 sc, Repeat around  -24 sc

Rnd 4: *sc in the next 2 sts, 2 sc, *Repeat around ‑32 sc

Rnd 5: *sc in the next 3 sts, 2 sc, *Repeat around ‑40 sc

Rnd 6: sl st, sc in the front loop, sl st

Rnds 7–12: sc in each each stitch around for 6 rounds

Rnd 8: sl st with green yarn, sc in each stitch around, 

Rnds 9–14: sl st with white yarn, sc in each stitch around, for 6 rounds

Rnd 15: sl st with green yarn, sc in each stitch around, sl st Fas­ten off. 

Make 4 Ears: You will sew two togeth­er. Sew the ears above the eyes. Attach safe­ty eyes on the top cen­ter a cou­ple of inch­es. Attach the nose below the eyes. 

Chain 10, sc in sec­ond chain from hook, sc in next 2 chains, hdc in next 3 chains, dc in next 2 chains, 5 dc in last chain, now work­ing on oth­er side of chain, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, sc in the next 3 sts, fas­ten off leav­ing long tail to stitch onto inside of bas­ket.

This cro­chet bun­ny East­er bas­ket is an easy and enjoy­able project that’s per­fect for the hol­i­day sea­son. Whether you make a large, stur­dy bas­ket or a small, cute one, it’s an excel­lent way to prac­tice your cro­chet skills while cre­at­ing some­thing both beau­ti­ful and func­tion­al. You can fol­low the free cro­chet pat­terns avail­able online or cre­ate your own design by adjust­ing the size and shape of the bas­ket. With a lit­tle cre­ativ­i­ty and the right mate­ri­als, you can craft a cro­cheted bas­ket that’s not only a great stor­age solu­tion but also a delight­ful gift for friends and fam­i­ly. Hap­py cro­chet­ing, and be sure to share your fin­ished bas­kets on social media for every­one to admire!


Click here for Cro­chet East­er Pat­terns



Click Here for My Rav­el­ry Pat­terns



Cro­chet Hats for Begin­ners Book For Sale — Click Here


Cro­chet For Begin­ners Book for Sale — Click Here


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