Crochet Flowers

How to Crochet a Bouquet Flower Coaster Pattern

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How to Crochet a Bouquet Flower Coaster

Intro­duc­ing our enchant­i­ng Cro­chet Bou­quet Flower Coast­er pat­tern! Delight in the art of craft­ing as you embark on cre­at­ing these charm­ing flo­ral coast­ers. Per­fect for adorn­ing your table­tops with a touch of hand­made ele­gance, this pat­tern com­bines the beau­ty of del­i­cate flow­ers with the prac­ti­cal­i­ty of coast­ers. Whether you’re a sea­soned cro­cheter or just begin­ning your jour­ney, this pat­tern promis­es a grat­i­fy­ing project that will bright­en any space. Get ready to infuse your home decor with the time­less allure of cro­chet flow­ers – let’s begin stitch­ing! This cro­chet bou­quet flower pat­tern allows you to cre­ate a beau­ti­ful, hand­made flower arrange­ment per­fect for any occa­sion.

This pat­tern is copy­right­ed by Amy Lehman. Please do not copy or dupli­cate this pat­tern. You are wel­come to link back to my pat­tern, but do NOT post the pat­tern on your web­site. Thank you for respect­ing my work!

Are you ready to embark on a cre­ative jour­ney with cro­chet? In this tuto­r­i­al, we’ll explore the world of cro­chet by delv­ing into the cap­ti­vat­ing realm of the “How to Cro­chet a Flower Bou­quet Coast­er Pat­tern.” Whether you’re a novice or an expe­ri­enced cro­cheter, we’ll take you step by step through this enchant­i­ng square pat­tern, incor­po­rat­ing var­i­ous stitch­es, like the slip stitch and sin­gle cro­chet. Plus, we’ve got some excit­ing bonus­es, includ­ing a video tuto­r­i­al and a writ­ten pat­tern. So, let’s pick up our cro­chet hooks and dive into the col­or­ful world of flower granny squares!

You’ll find affil­i­ate links with­in this post. If you decide to pur­chase through these links, I may earn a mod­est com­mis­sion at no extra cost. Addi­tion­al­ly, please review my pri­va­cy pol­i­cy for more details.

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The heart of this pat­tern lies in the cro­chet flower granny square. To start, you’ll learn how to cre­ate the mag­ic ring, also known as a mag­ic cir­cle, to form the flow­er’s cen­ter. As you insert your hook and work that first chain and dou­ble cro­chet stitch­es, you’ll wit­ness the petals of the cro­chet flower come to life. The process may seem intri­cate ini­tial­ly, but our step-by-step guide will have you cre­at­ing these charm­ing motifs in no time.

But that’s not all! We’ll explore a vari­ety of spe­cial stitch­es, from tre­ble cro­chet clus­ters to clus­ter stitch­es and puff stitch­es, allow­ing you to cus­tomize your flower granny squares with dif­fer­ent col­ors and unique tex­tures. With our easy-to-fol­low instruc­tions, you can exper­i­ment with vary­ing types of yarn, such as cot­ton or worsted-weight yarn, to achieve your desired look. And if you’re a fan of African flower squares or sun­burst granny squares, we’ve got you cov­ered.

✨ We hope you enjoyed these pho­tos! If so, please con­sid­er shar­ing them on Pin­ter­est by click­ing the Pin But­ton on each image. Your sup­port helps us con­nect with more peo­ple and spread cre­ativ­i­ty. Thank you so much! 💖

crochet flower bouquet coaster

Enable your cre­ativ­i­ty and use var­i­ous stitch­es, col­ors, and yarn types to cre­ate unique cro­chet square projects. This ver­sa­tile pat­tern offers end­less oppor­tu­ni­ties for cro­chet lovers of all lev­els. So, pick up your cro­chet hook, gath­er your mate­ri­als, and let your imag­i­na­tion run wild with the flower bou­quet coast­er pat­tern. Hap­py cro­chet­ing!

Cro­chet is a fun and easy way to make beau­ti­ful flow­ers. In this video, we’ll show you how to cro­chet a flower bou­quet coast­er using sim­ple cro­chet tech­niques for begin­ners. After fol­low­ing our sim­ple instruc­tions, you’ll have a beau­ti­ful coast­er to enjoy your drinks on!

Cro­chet is a fun and easy way to make beau­ti­ful flow­ers. We’ll show you how to cro­chet a flower bou­quet coast­er using sim­ple cro­chet tech­niques for begin­ners. After fol­low­ing our sim­ple instruc­tions, you’ll have a beau­ti­ful coast­er to enjoy your drinks on! If you need help, con­tact me on Etsy mes­sages. 



Sl st=slip stitch

sc=single cro­chet

dc=double cro­chet

6 Inch­es across


G hook

Medi­um worsted or 3 ply yarn, green, white, pink, and yel­low yarn. 

Click the Links for Your Mate­ri­als

All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here

- Cro­chet hook 
- Tapes­try nee­dle
- Stitch mark­er

Rnd 1: G hook, white yarn

In the Mag­ic cir­cle, work ch 3(counts as dc), 11 dc in the ring. 

Sl st on top of the chain 3. ‑12 dc

Rnd 2: ch 3(counts as dc), 2 dc in each stitch around, sl st on top ch 3 ‑24 dc

Rnd 3: ch 3(counts as dc), *dc in the next stitch, 2 dc in the next stitch, *Repeat around, sl st on top ch 3 ‑36 dc Fas­ten off and weave in your ends.

Rnd 4: with green yarn sl st into one of the dc of rnd 3. Ch 4, dc in the same stitch, *skip a stitch, dc, ch 1, dc in the next stitch, *Repeat around, sl st into the begin­ning ch 3. Fas­ten off and weave in your ends. 

Tulip Flow­ers (big­ger flower): with any col­or of  yarn, I chose pink and yel­low. 

Rnd 1: ch 3, 2 dc cluster,(best shown in the video) yarn over and insert hook, grab yarn, yarn over and pull through two loops, leave 2 loops on the hook, yarn over, insert the hook, grab the yarn, yarn over, pull through two loops, yarn over and pull through all loops on the hook. 

Next Flower, *yarn over, insert hook into the next v‑stitch, yarn over, grab the yarn, yarn over, pull through two loops, leave two on the hook, yarn over, insert your hook, yarn over, grab the yarn, yarn over pull through two loops, yarn over, insert your hook, yarn over grab the yarn, yarn over and pull through two loops, yarn over and pull through all 4 loops on the hook, *Repeat for one more dc clus­ter. 

Pull up on your loop at the end. Take out your hook and insert it on top of chain 3. Take the loop at the end of the row of the DC clus­ters and pull it through with a sl st.

Top of the flower. Con­tin­ue on from the pre­vi­ous sl st.

Ch 3, sc in the same stitch, ch 3, sc in the next stitch, *repeat 3 more times, then end with a ch 3, sl st in the begin­ning of the chain 3. Fas­ten off and weave in your ends. 

Make a total of 18 flow­ers. 

Anoth­er Option is Lily Flower (small­er flower)

Sl st with a col­or of your choice. **Ch 2, *yarn over, insert your hook, yarn over, grab the yarn, pull up your loop, *Repeat for 4 more times, ch 2, sl st in the same stitch, 

Sl st into the next v‑stitch, **Repeat for each flower. End with a sl st in the begin­ning stitch. Fas­ten off and weave in your ends. 

Then you can fold it half and then fold again. Tie it with a yarn bow. 

Bas­ket: G hook, blue yarn

Rnd 1: In the Mag­ic cir­cle, work ch 3(counts as dc), 11 dc in the ring. 

Sl st on top of the chain 3. ‑12 dc

Rnd 2: ch 3(counts as dc), 2 dc in each stitch around, sl st on top ch 3 ‑24 dc

Rnd 3: sc in each front loop around, sl st

Rnds 4–6:  sc in each stitch around, work in con­tin­u­ous rounds

Rnd 7: sc, 2 sc in the next stitch *repeat around

Rnds 8–10: sc in each stitch around. End with a sl st. Fas­ten off and weave in your ends. 

Print the entry at the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

As you embark on this cro­chet jour­ney, mas­ter­ing the art of the slip stitch (sl st) and sin­gle cro­chet is fun­da­men­tal. These basic stitch­es are the build­ing blocks of the square pat­tern, and with our easy-to-fol­low instruc­tions and step-by-step guide, you’ll soon be cre­at­ing beau­ti­ful flower granny squares. Explore the mag­ic ring tech­nique for the flower cen­ter and exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent col­ors to make your cre­ations tru­ly unique. Our com­pre­hen­sive video tuto­r­i­al and writ­ten pat­tern also offer a great way to learn and refine your skills. Join our Face­book group to con­nect with fel­low cro­cheters on social media, share your projects, and dis­cov­er cre­ative ways to use these cro­chet squares, from mak­ing baby blan­kets and table run­ners to square bags. Don’t for­get to explore spe­cial stitch­es like the clus­ter and puff stitch­es to add depth and tex­ture to your tra­di­tion­al and dain­ty daisy granny squares. With the right yarn and hook size, you’ll be amazed at the stun­ning results you can achieve. So, pre­pare to cro­chet your way to a beau­ti­ful pat­tern filled with end­less pos­si­bil­i­ties and cre­ate your mas­ter­piece.

Our pat­tern offers cre­ative ways to use these square motifs. You can craft beau­ti­ful square blan­kets, baby blan­kets, table run­ners, and bags, or even design your cro­chet square projects. Don’t for­get to join our Face­book group to share your cre­ations and con­nect with oth­er cro­chet enthu­si­asts on social media.

In con­clu­sion, the “How to Cro­chet a Flower Bou­quet Coast­er Pat­tern Tuto­r­i­al” opens up many pos­si­bil­i­ties for enthu­si­asts. From the basics of a slip stitch and sin­gle cro­chet to the intri­cate details of cre­at­ing flower granny squares, this pat­tern pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive intro­duc­tion to cro­chet. The free pat­tern, video tuto­r­i­al, and writ­ten instruc­tions give you all the tools you need to embark on your cro­chet jour­ney.

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