Granny Squares

Learn How to Crochet a Flower Granny Square Pattern

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How to Crochet Flower Granny Square! 

Cro­chet­ing flower granny squares is a delight­ful and cre­ative way to add a touch of beau­ty to your cro­chet projects. In this tuto­r­i­al, we’ll explore step-by-step instruc­tions in writ­ten and video for­mat to help you cre­ate your own cro­chet flower granny square. These squares can be used for var­i­ous projects, from blan­kets and baby blan­kets to table run­ners and even square bags. Whether you’re a sea­soned cro­cheter or pick­ing up a hook for the first time, this guide will walk you through mak­ing stun­ning cro­chet flower granny squares.

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crochet granny square

**Mate­ri­als and Tools:**
To get start­ed, gath­er your mate­ri­als. You’ll need:
- Yarn (in dif­fer­ent col­ors)
- Cro­chet hook (appro­pri­ate size for your yarn)
- Yarn nee­dle
- Scis­sors
- Mag­ic ring or mag­ic cir­cle

**Cre­at­ing the Cen­ter:**
Begin with a mag­ic ring, also known as a mag­ic cir­cle. This cre­ates a tight and adjustable cen­ter for your flower. Insert your hook and make your first chain.

**First Round: Flower Cen­ter**
In this round, you’ll work basic stitch­es to form the flower cen­ter. Start with sin­gle cro­chets and slip stitch­es. Fol­low the writ­ten pat­tern or video tuto­r­i­al for guid­ance.

**Adding Flower Petals:**
Once the flower cen­ter is com­plete, it’s time to add the petals. You’ll work on var­i­ous spe­cial stitch­es like clus­ter stitch­es and tre­ble cro­chets to achieve the desired petal shape.

**Expand­ing the Square:**
As you progress, con­tin­ue adding rounds to your flower granny square. Each round will typ­i­cal­ly involve work­ing in chain spaces, back loops, and oth­er spe­cif­ic instruc­tions to cre­ate the desired pat­tern.

This Flower Granny Square was made with medi­um worsted yarn and an H hook. It Mea­sures 5.5 inch­es across when you use an H hook with medi­um worsted yarn.

sc=single cro­chet
dc=double cro­chet
tr=treble cro­chet
Rnd 1: Ch 5, sl st to cre­ate a ring. 
Ch 3, work 15 dc in the ring. sl st on top of the ch 3
Rnd 2: draw up the loop,**( *yarn over and insert the hook into the stitch, yarn over and draw up a loop, *Repeat for 3 times total
yarn over and pull through all loops on the hook, ch 2, )
*yarn over and and insert the hook into the next stitch, yarn over and draw up a loop, *Repeat for 3 times total
yarn over and pull through all loops on the hook, ch 2,
**Repeat for a total of 16 puff stitch­es, sl st on top of the chain 3
Rnd 3: sl st into the next stitch, Ch 2, 3dctog, ch 3, *in between the pre­vi­ous puff stitch, work 4dctog, ch 3, *Repeat around, sl st on top of the chain 3
Rnd 4: sl st into the next stitch, ch 3, work 2 dc, 
3tr in the next chain space, ch 3, 3tr in the same stitch, 3dc in the next space, 3dc in the next space, 3d in the next space, 

3tr in the next chain space, ch 3, 3 tr in the same stitch, *3dc in the next space, 3dc in the next space, 3d in the next space, 3tr in the next chain space, ch 3, 3 tr in the same stitch, *Repeat around, sl st on top of the chain 3. I hope you enjoyed this free flower granny square pat­tern! 

**Fin­ish­ing Touch­es:**
Com­plete your square by work­ing the last cor­ner and weav­ing in any loose ends with a yarn nee­dle. The square should mea­sure the desired size for your project.

**Vari­a­tions and Cre­ative Ideas:**
You can cre­ate dif­fer­ent flower motifs by using dif­fer­ent yarn col­ors and mod­i­fy­ing the pat­tern. Explore the pos­si­bil­i­ties and let your cre­ativ­i­ty shine.

Cro­chet­ing flower granny squares is not only a great way to add a touch of ele­gance to your projects but also a fan­tas­tic oppor­tu­ni­ty to exper­i­ment with var­i­ous col­ors and stitch­es. Whether you’re mak­ing a square blan­ket, a baby blan­ket, or any oth­er project, these squares are sure to stand out. Share your cre­ations on social media or join a cro­chet group on plat­forms like Face­book to con­nect with fel­low cro­cheters. With this step-by-step guide, you’ll be well on your way to craft­ing beau­ti­ful flower granny squares in no time. Hap­py cro­chet­ing!


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