How to Crochet an Adorable Puppy Dog Lovey Baby Toy Pattern

by Amy Lehman | November 6, 2023 5:54 am

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How to Crochet a Puppy Dog Hat

If you’re a dog lover with a knack for cro­chet, you’re in for a treat! In this free cro­chet pat­tern, we’ll guide you through cre­at­ing a hand­some pup­py dog-lovey baby toy that makes for the per­fect baby show­er gift. Whether you’re a sea­soned cro­cheter or a begin­ner, we have detailed instruc­tions and help­ful tips to ensure your cro­chet jour­ney is as fun as play­ing fetch with a four-legged friend. So grab your cro­chet hook and some white yarn and start this mag­i­cal project.

You’ll find affil­i­ate links with­in this post. If you decide to pur­chase through these links, I may earn a mod­est com­mis­sion at no extra cost. Addi­tion­al­ly, please review my pri­va­cy policy[1] for more details.

✨ We hope you enjoyed these pho­tos! If so, please con­sid­er shar­ing them on Pin­ter­est by click­ing the Pin But­ton on each image. Your sup­port helps us con­nect with more peo­ple and spread cre­ativ­i­ty. Thank you so much! 💖

crochet puppy dog

Use a stitch mark­er to keep track of your rounds as you work sin­gle cro­chet stitch­es and invis­i­ble decreas­es to shape the head. Don’t for­get to add safe­ty eyes and an adorable eye patch to give your pup­py char­ac­ter.

This free cro­chet lovey pat­tern is not just a fun toy to cre­ate but a heart­felt gift for a young child. You’ll have a per­fect project to enjoy with the worsted-weight yarn and a tapes­try nee­dle for weav­ing in yarn tails. Whether you’re an amigu­ru­mi enthu­si­ast or a cro­chet begin­ner, this pat­tern will sure­ly be a hit. So, grab your yarn cro­chet hook, and let the mag­ic of cro­chet bring this adorable pup­py dog lovey to life. Hap­py cro­chet­ing!

This Dog Lovey Pat­tern is great for a new­born gift for a show­er or your baby. This blan­ket attached to the dog is done in a granny square pat­tern. Enjoy this Cro­chet Pup­py Dog Lovey Pat­tern!


Click the Links for Your Mate­ri­als

All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here[2]

- Cro­chet hook 
- Tapes­try nee­dle
- Stitch mark­er

white[3], black[4], and yel­low yarn[5]
H and F hook

How to Cro­chet For Begin­ners Playlist — Click Here[6]


sc=single cro­chet
dc=double cro­chet
hdc=half dou­ble cro­chet
sl st=slip stitch
2sctog=2 sin­gle cro­chet togeth­er decrease

White and Yel­low yarn, H hook.
Chain 6 and join with a sl st to first ch to form a ring.
rnd 1. Start with White yarn, ch 3, 2 dc in ring, ch 2, (3 dc in ring, ch 2) 3 times, join with a sl st to top of first ch‑3.  Fas­ten off.
rnd 2. Sl st in first ch space, ch 3, (2 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in same space to form cor­ner, (ch 1, 3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc all in next ch‑2 space) 3 times for 3 more cor­ners, ch 1, join with a sl st to top of first ch‑3. Fas­ten off.
rnds 3–4. sl st with Yel­low yarn, ch 3, (2 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in same space, work (ch 1, 3 dc) in each ch‑1 space along straight edge and (ch 1, 3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in each ch- 2 space for cor­ner, ch 1, join with a sl st to top of first ch ‑3. Fas­ten off.
rnds 5–11. Sl st with White yarn, Repeat round 3 twice with white yarn, and then with yel­low yarn twice, Repeat the alter­nat­ing col­ors for a Total of 11 rounds or for how big you want your blan­ket.
Arms: Make 2, F hook, yel­low yarn
ch 2, work 5 sc in the 2nd chain from the hook, sl st
rnd 2: work 2 sc in each sc around, sl st
rnds 3–10: sc in each sc around in con­tin­u­al rounds, no sl st
rnd 11: 2sctog in each sc around, sl st. Fas­ten off.  Attach the arms by the head after the head is attached to the cen­ter of the blan­ket.
Ears: Make 2, F hook, Yel­low yarn, Do Ears the same as Arms above. Attach the Ears on top of the head on both sides.

 White yarn, F hook
rnd 1: ch 2, work 5 sc in the 2nd chain from the hook, sl st
rnd 2: work 2 sc in each sc around, sl st ‑10 sc
rnd 3: *sc, 2sc in the next sc, *Repeat around, sl st ‑15 sc
rnd 4: *sc in the next two sc, 2sc in the next sc, *Repeat around, sl st ‑20 sc
rnds 5–6: *sc in each sc around. *Repeat twice. Stuff the mus­sle after you sew the nose and sew the mus­sle in the cen­ter bot­tom of the head.
Nose: chain 5, sc in the 2nd chain from the hook, each sc across, turn ‑4 sc
row 2: 2sctog decrease twice ‑2sc
row 3: 2sctog decrease, chain 4, ‑1 sc. Sew the nose on the cen­ter of the muz­zle with chain 4 going toward the bot­tom of the muz­zle.
Eyes: Make 2, white and black yarn, F hook
rnd 1: black yarn, ch 2, work 5 sc in the 2nd chain from the hook. Fas­ten off. Sew this eye above the muz­zle.
2nd Eye
rnd 1: black yarn, ch 2, work 5 sc in the 2nd chain from the hook, sl st

rnd 2: sl st with white yarn, work 2 sc in each sc around, sl st ‑10 sc. Sew this eye above the muz­zle next to the oth­er eye about 1 inch apart.

Head: Yel­low yarn, F hook
rnd 1: ch 2, work 5 sc in the 2nd chain from the hook, sl st
rnd 2: work 2 sc in each sc around, sl st ‑10 sc
rnd 3: *sc, 2 sc in the next sc, *Repeat around, sl st ‑15 sc
rnd 4: sc in each sc around, sl st ‑15 sc
rnd 5: *sc in the next 2 sc, 2 sc, *Repeat around, ‑20 sc
rnd 6. *sc in the next 3 sc, 2 sc, *Repeat around, ‑25 sc
rnds 7–13: *sc in each sc around, in con­tin­u­al rounds, no sl st. *Repeat around, Start to stuff your head. But Make sure you cre­at­ed all of your fea­tures first so you can sew them on head before you close it up.
rnd 14: 2sctog decrease, sc in the next 4 sc, *Repeat around
rnd 15: 2sctog decrease, sc in the next 3 sc, *Repeat around
rnd 16: 2sctog decrease, sc in the next 2 sc, *Repeat around

Print the Entry on the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

Click Here for Cro­chet Baby Pat­terns[7]

Click Here for the Pon­cho Pat­tern

You can exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent yarn col­ors to cre­ate a per­fect toy and even add a heart-shaped hair bow for extra charm.

For the lovey’s blan­ket, use a con­trast­ing col­or like dark blue and incor­po­rate the famous cor­ner ch‑1 space to make it extra spe­cial. It’s a great pat­tern to show off your cro­chet skills.

As you fin­ish the lovey, secure­ly attach the blan­ket to the body. You can cus­tomize the blan­ket sizes to your lik­ing, mak­ing it an excel­lent baby secu­ri­ty blan­ket. And when you’re done, share your fin­ished prod­uct on your social media plat­forms, cro­chet-relat­ed Face­book page, or pat­tern shops.


To Find All My Cro­chet Jew­el Pat­terns, Click Here


Click Here for My Rav­el­ry Pat­terns



Cro­chet Hats for Begin­ners Book For Sale — Click Here


Cro­chet For Begin­ners Book for Sale — Click Here


Post Views: 1,951
  1. pri­va­cy pol­i­cy:
  2. All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here:
  3. white:
  4. black:
  5. yel­low yarn:
  6. How to Cro­chet For Begin­ners Playlist — Click Here:
  7. Click Here for Cro­chet Baby Pat­terns:
  8. [Image]:
  9. [Image]:
  10. [Image]:
  11. [Image]:

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