Step-by-Step Guide: Crochet a Rainbow Ear Flap Hat Beanie

by Amy Lehman | October 31, 2023 8:16 pm

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Crochet a Beautiful Rainbow Ear Flap Hat Beanie

Add a burst of col­or and whim­sy to your win­ter wardrobe with a cro­chet project that’s as delight­ful to make as it is to wear – a beau­ti­ful rain­bow ear flap hat beanie! Per­fect for chilly days and cheer­ful out­ings, this eye-catch­ing acces­so­ry com­bines the warmth of a cozy beanie with the play­ful charm of rain­bow hues and fun ear flaps. Whether craft­ing it for your­self or as a thought­ful gift for a friend or fam­i­ly mem­ber, cro­chet­ing a rain­bow ear flap hat will bring joy and warmth to any­one wear­ing it.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to cro­chet a beau­ti­ful rain­bow ear flap hat beanie step by step, from select­ing the per­fect yarn col­ors to mas­ter­ing the essen­tial stitch­es and tech­niques need­ed to cre­ate this whim­si­cal acces­so­ry. With just a few skeins of yarn and some basic cro­chet skills, you can bring this vibrant cre­ation to life, adding your own per­son­al touch­es and flair along the way.

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Crochet a Beautiful Rainbow Ear Flap Hat Beanie

To begin, gath­er your mate­ri­als. You’ll need worsted-weight yarn in dif­fer­ent col­ors to cre­ate the rain­bow effect, a size J/6 mm cro­chet hook, a tapes­try nee­dle, and a stitch mark­er. You can also add a faux fur pom pom for that extra touch of style.

How to Watch Videos in Slow Motion — if the video is too fast!

How to Cro­chet For Begin­ners Playlist — Click Here



Click the Links for Your Mate­ri­als

All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here[2]

- Cro­chet hook 
- Tapes­try nee­dle
- Stitch mark­er

H hook

Red Heart blue, green, yel­low, orange, pur­ple, red, and pink yarn

sc=single cro­chet
dc=double cro­chet
sl st=slip stitch

dc2tog=double cro­chet 2 togeth­er

H hook, I start­ed with Blue yarn

rnd 1: Work 11 dc in a Mag­ic Cir­cle, sl st on top of the chain 3. ‑11 dc

rnd 2. ch 3, dc in same st. as join­ing, 2dc in each st. around. join with sl st on top of chain 2. ‑22 sts.

rnd 3. Then sl st in the beg stitch with green yarn, ch 3, counts as the first Dc stitch, *2dc in next st., dc in the next stitch, repeat from *around, join with sl st. ‑33 sts.
rnd 4. ch 3, dc in the next st., 2dc in the next st., *dc in the next two stitch­es, 2dc in the next stitch, repeat from *around, join with sl st. ‑44 sts.
rnd 5.  Then sl st in the beg stitch with yel­low yarn,  ch 3, dc in the next two stitch­es, 2dc in the next st., *dc in the next three stitch­es, 2dc in the next stitch, repeat from *around, join with sl st. ‑55 sts.
rnds 6. *ch 3, dc in each st around, sl st to join. *Repeat this round through­out.
rnd 7. Then sl st in the beg stitch with orange yarn , *ch 3, dc in each st around, sl st to join.
rnd 8. ch 3, dc in each st around, sl st to join.
rnd 9. Then  sl st in the beg stitch with red yarn , *ch 3 , dc in each st around, sl st to join.
rnd 10. ch 3, dc in each st around, sl st to join.
rnd 11. Then  sl st in the beg stitch with pur­ple yarn , *ch 3, dc in each st around, sl st to join.
rnd 12. ch 3, dc in each st around, sl st to join.
rnd 13. Then  sl st in the beg stitch with pink yarn , *ch 3, dc in each st around, sl st to join. Fas­ten off.
Ear flaps:

Make 2
H hook
1st ear flap, you can slip stitch onto the side of the hat with your pink yarn, begin the dc stitch­es, (like to have the seam in the back of the hat, so I do the ear flap on the side of the hat)
2nd flap, fold hat in half and sl st in dc direct­ly across from the last dc from the oth­er ear flap. fol­low the direc­tions below for both ear flaps.

Row 1. ch 2, dc in the next 11 dc stitch­es, turn. ‑11 sts
Row 2. ch 2, dc2tog. dc in the next 6 stitch­es. dc2tog. dc in the last st. turn. ‑9
Row 3. ch 2, dc2tog, dc in the next 4 stitch­es. dc2tog. dc in the last st., turn. ‑7
Row 4. ch 2, dc2tog, dc in the next 2 stitch­es. dc2tog. dc in the last st. turn. ‑5
Row 5. ch 2, dc2tog twice, dc in last st. cut yarn and pull through ‑3

The braid from the cen­ter of the ear flap at the bot­tom, attach two col­ors of yarn, pink and pur­ple yarn, with a sl st in the cen­ter of the bot­tom of the ear flap and chain 30, and sl st it off and cut yarn.
sc around the edge of the hat with pur­ple yarn.

Flower: H hook, pink and pur­ple yarn ,
Start with pink yarn ch 5, join round with sl st.
rnd 1. 10 sc in the loop, join with the begin­ning sc with a sl st.
rnd 2. sc in the same stitch, *ch 3, skip the next stitch, sc in the next st., *repeat until you have 5(3 chain spaces)
rnd 3. *ch 1, Work 6 dc in the chain space 3, ch 1, sl st. in the pre­vi­ous sc, *repeat until you have 5(6 ped­als, sl st. Sec­ond petals:
rnd 4.  switch to blue yarn with a sl st,*bpsc, ch 5, bpsc, ch 5, *repeat until you have 5(5 chain spaces) sl st in beg stitch.
rnd 5. *ch 1, 9 dc in the chain 5 space, ch 1, sl st. in the pre­vi­ous sc, *repeat until you have 5(9 petals) sl st to fin­ish. Third set of petals.
rnd 6. switch to pur­ple yarn with a sl st,*bpsc, ch 5, bpsc, ch 5, *repeat until you have 5(5 chain spaces) sl st in beg stitch.

rnd 7. *ch 1, 9 triple cro­chet in the chain 5 space, ch 1, sl st. in the pre­vi­ous sc, *repeat until you have 5(9 triple cro­chet petals) sl st to fin­ish, fas­ten off and weave in the ends, attach to the hat.

Print the Entry on the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

Fol­low our step-by-step instruc­tions and use the video tuto­r­i­al for visu­al guid­ance as you work on each row. You’ll repeat rounds to build the body of the hat, adjust­ing the num­ber of stitch­es to match your head size. There’s also a cro­chet hat size chart includ­ed to help you deter­mine the per­fect fit.

The ear flaps will add both style and warmth to the hat. We’ll work these sep­a­rate­ly and attach them to the sides lat­er in the pat­tern.

By the end of this project, you’ll have a beau­ti­ful rain­bow ear flap hat, a per­fect acces­so­ry for the win­ter sea­son. You can cus­tomize it with dif­fer­ent col­or com­bi­na­tions, mak­ing it unique­ly yours. Don’t for­get to add the option­al faux fur pom pom for that trendy fin­ish. Cro­cheted bean­ies are not only a great project for your­self but also make great gifts for friends and fam­i­ly. Plus, you can use affil­i­ate links and social media to share your cre­ations and earn a small com­mis­sion.

We hope you’ve enjoyed cro­chet­ing this easy hat pat­tern and that it keeps you warm and styl­ish in the cold weath­er. If you’re a begin­ner cro­cheter, this pat­tern is an excel­lent choice to prac­tice your basic cro­chet stitch­es and gain con­fi­dence in your cro­chet­ing skills. Hap­py cro­chet­ing!


To Find All My Cro­chet Jew­el Pat­terns, Click Here


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Cro­chet Hats for Begin­ners Book For Sale — Click Here


Cro­chet For Begin­ners Book for Sale — Click Here

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