A Step-by-Step Guide to Crocheting the Perfect Scrubby

by Amy Lehman | October 19, 2023 8:03 am

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How to Crochet a Scrubby

Learn­ing how to cro­chet a scrub­by is the per­fect solu­tion if you’re look­ing for a fun and eco-friend­ly way to keep your kitchen or bath­room sparkling clean. In this tuto­r­i­al, we’ll explore the world of cro­chet scrub­bers, teach­ing you how to make these handy and ver­sa­tile clean­ing tools using sim­ple stitch­es and min­i­mal mate­ri­als. Cro­chet scrub­bers are not only great for per­son­al use, but they also make fan­tas­tic gifts. Let’s dive into the art of cre­at­ing scrub­by pat­terns using the mag­ic of cro­chet.

You’ll find affil­i­ate links with­in this post. If you decide to pur­chase through these links, I may earn a mod­est com­mis­sion at no extra cost. Addi­tion­al­ly, please review my pri­va­cy policy[1] for more details.

Please pro­vide a link to my blog if you want to share my con­tent. How­ev­er, I kind­ly request that you refrain from copy­ing and post­ing my pat­terns on your web­site. You are wel­come to sell any items you cre­ate using my pat­terns, but please refrain from sell­ing the pat­terns them­selves, as they are offered for free. Thank you for your under­stand­ing and sup­port!

✨ We hope you enjoyed these pho­tos! If so, please con­sid­er shar­ing them on Pin­ter­est by click­ing the Pin But­ton on each image. Your sup­port helps us con­nect with more peo­ple and spread cre­ativ­i­ty. Thank you so much! 💖

crochet scrubby

Cre­at­ing cro­chet scrub­bers is easy and eco-con­scious. You’ll need basic cro­chet sup­plies: a K cro­chet hook, scrap yarn or cot­ton blend, and a yarn nee­dle. One of the most com­mon­ly used stitch­es for scrub­bers is the sin­gle cro­chet (sc), which cre­ates a dense and scrub­by tex­ture. You’ll also use the slip stitch (sl st) to join rounds. Begin your project with a mag­ic ring or chain stitch (ch), depend­ing on your pref­er­ence.

Add puff stitch­es or dou­ble cro­chets (dc) for extra scrub­bing pow­er to make your scrub­by effec­tive. Col­or changes cre­ate a visu­al­ly appeal­ing design. For dou­ble-sided dish scrub­bers, cro­chet both sides and stitch them togeth­er, leav­ing a small space for turn­ing. You can cus­tomize your scrub­ber with bright col­ors or use left­over yarn to cre­ate a unique pat­tern. These lit­tle guys are great for wash­ing dish­es and work won­der­ful­ly as cro­chet face or bath scrub­bers for per­son­al use.


sc=single cro­chet

sl st=slip stitch ch=chain

dc=double cro­chet

Dimen­sions: 3″ X 3″

Click the Links for Your Mate­ri­als

Scrub­by Yarn[2]

- Cro­chet hook 
- Tapes­try nee­dle
- Stitch mark­er

These scrub­bers are love­ly to have in the kitchen and give as gifts! The scrub­bers clean your pots, pans, and pret­ty much any­thing! Learn how to cro­chet a scrub­by in min­utes with this easy tuto­r­i­al! This scrub­by is a great way to help you clean sur­faces quick­ly and eas­i­ly!

Whether you’re clean­ing your kitchen or bath­room counter, this cro­chet scrub­by is a great way to help you get the job done quick­ly and effi­cient­ly! Check out the tuto­r­i­al below to make this fun and easy cro­chet scrub­by!

How to Watch Videos in Slow Motion — if the video is too fast — Click Here!

How to Cro­chet For Begin­ners Playlist — Click Here


Tulle (I bought this from Wal­mart)

K hook

Make 2

Rnd 1: Ch 4, sl st to form a ring. Ch 3, work 11 dc in the ring. sl st to join.

Rnd 2: Ch 3(Counts as dc) and dc in the same stitch, then Work 2 dc in each dc around, sl st to join. ‑12 dc.

Take both Cir­cles with the wrong sides, and sc in each dc around with both cir­cles togeth­er to cre­ate the scrub­ber. sl st to join.

Print the entry at the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

Click Here for Cro­chet Coast­er Pat­terns[3]


Click Here for a Cro­chet Sun­flower Coast­er Pat­tern

If you want to go the extra mile and explore a cre­ative side hus­tle, con­sid­er sell­ing your scrub­by cro­chet pat­terns on your Etsy shop. You can also use affil­i­ate links on your blog or social media to earn a small com­mis­sion by pro­mot­ing your favorite cro­chet tools. These sim­ple stitch­es and thick cro­chet scrub­bers can be fan­tas­tic quick cro­chet projects for social media con­tent or crafty blog posts. Share your work on Pin­ter­est boards or Face­book groups to inspire oth­ers and con­nect with fel­low cro­chet enthu­si­asts. Cro­chet scrub­bers are a per­fect thing to start if you’re new to cro­chet­ing, and the best part is that they’re machine-wash­able, mak­ing cleanup a breeze.

More­over, cro­chet scrub­bers are an excel­lent exam­ple of how a small and sim­ple project can make a big dif­fer­ence. They are the ide­al solu­tion for those look­ing to make sus­tain­able choic­es in their dai­ly lives, reduc­ing waste by using scrap yarn or acrylic yarn rem­nants. These lit­tle scrub­bers, whether in the form of cro­chet kitchen scrub­bers or dish scrub­ber cro­chet pat­terns, are reli­able in their abil­i­ty to clean effi­cient­ly, and they can be tossed into the wash­ing machine after use. Whether you cre­ate dou­ble-sided dish scrub­bers with thick cro­chet scrub­bers or opt for a more gen­tle approach with a cro­chet cot­ton face scrub­ber, the cro­chet com­mu­ni­ty pro­vides ample sup­port with detailed pho­to tuto­ri­als and help­ful fel­low crafters in social media groups and Face­book com­mu­ni­ties. So, if you’re search­ing for a quick cro­chet project with min­i­mal envi­ron­men­tal impact, a cro­chet scrub­ber is the per­fect thing to embark on.

In con­clu­sion, learn­ing to cro­chet a scrub­by is a fan­tas­tic way to cre­ate valu­able, eco-friend­ly clean­ing tools and an enjoy­able hob­by. Cro­chet scrub­bers are ver­sa­tile, cus­tomiz­able, and suit­able for var­i­ous uses, mak­ing them a great addi­tion to your cro­chet projects. Whether you’re mak­ing them for per­son­al use, as great gifts, or to sell online, the sat­is­fac­tion of craft­ing your own scrub­by pat­terns is unde­ni­able. So, gath­er your cro­chet hook and yarn, fol­low our step-by-step tuto­r­i­al, and have much fun cre­at­ing your col­or­ful and com­pelling scrub­by cro­chet projects.


To Find All My Cro­chet Jew­el Pat­terns, Click Here


Click Here for My Rav­el­ry Pat­terns



Cro­chet Hats for Begin­ners Book For Sale — Click Here


Cro­chet For Begin­ners Book for Sale — Click Here


Post Views: 2,081
  1. pri­va­cy pol­i­cy: https://amysdiyfrugallife.com/privacy-policy/
  2. Scrub­by Yarn: https://amzn.to/48D841z
  3. Click Here for Cro­chet Coast­er Pat­terns: https://amysdiyfrugallife.com/coaster/
  4. [Image]: https://amysdiyfrugallife.com/how-to-crochet-a-sunflower-coaster-pattern-tutorial/
  5. [Image]: https://www.ravelry.com/people/amray767
  6. [Image]: https://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=6220&awinaffid=470125&platform=dl&ued=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.etsy.com%2Fshop%2FAmyCreativeCreations%3Fref%3Dseller-platform-mcnav
  7. [Image]: https://amzn.to/2ILFrGN
  8. [Image]: https://amzn.to/2HVIis6

Source URL: https://amysdiyfrugallife.com/how-to-crochet-a-scrubby-tutorial/