How to Crochet an Angel Dishcloth Tutorial

by Amy Lehman | November 20, 2023 11:14 am

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How to Crochet an Angel Dishcloth

Cro­chet­ing your dish­cloths can be a reward­ing and enjoy­able expe­ri­ence, espe­cial­ly when you add a touch of heav­en­ly charm to your kitchen with an Angel Dish­cloth. This tuto­r­i­al will guide you through cre­at­ing a beau­ti­ful and func­tion­al dish­cloth using an easy cro­chet pat­tern. This project is per­fect for both begin­ners and sea­soned cro­cheters alike. It is a great way to prac­tice basic cro­chet stitch­es and intro­duces a new stitch tech­nique to enhance your skills. Hand­made dish­cloths make per­fect gifts, and an Angel Dish­cloth adds a delight­ful touch to any kitchen. Let’s get start­ed!

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crochet angel dishcloth

To begin this easy cro­chet dish­cloth pat­tern, gath­er your mate­ri­als. You’ll need a cro­chet hook, prefer­ably in a size suit­able for worsted-weight cot­ton yarn. Choos­ing yarn is cru­cial; using the best yarn ensures a durable and long-last­ing dish­cloth. Worsted-weight cot­ton yarn, such as Lion Brand, works well for this project. Addi­tion­al­ly, if you pre­fer a tex­tured dish­cloth, con­sid­er using scrub­by yarn for a great tex­ture, per­fect for scrub­bing dish­es.

Start by cre­at­ing a slip knot and chain­ing your dish­cloth’s desired num­ber of stitch­es. The pat­tern involves basic stitch­es like sin­gle cro­chet, dou­ble cro­chet, slip stitch, and more. Feel free to exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent col­or com­bi­na­tions to make your Angel Dish­cloth tru­ly unique. The stitch pat­tern, incor­po­rat­ing tech­niques like the waf­fle stitch, moss stitch, and lemon peel stitch, adds inter­est and a touch of ele­gance to your cre­ation.

How to Watch Videos in Slow Motion — if the video is too fast — Click Here!

How to Cro­chet For Begin­ners Playlist — Click Here


Part 2 : [2]

Part 3: [3]

Part 4:‑4ZgkfHGXQ& [4]

Part 5: [5]

Part 6:[6]

It mea­sures about 9 inch­es long and 6 inch­es wide.

sc=single cro­chet
dc=double cro­chet
sl st=slip stitch

Click the Links for Your Mate­ri­als

All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here[7]

- Cro­chet hook 
- Tapes­try nee­dle
- Stitch mark­er

E hook, Pur­ple Red heart thread yarn size 3[8], 
Ch 5, sl st to make a ring.
Rnd 1. Ch 2 (counts as first dc), work 13 dc into the ring. st in the beg ch. ‑14dc
Rnd 2. Ch 2 (counts as first dc), work a dc in the same stitch as the ch 2, then work 2dc in each dc around, sl st. ‑28 dc
Rnd 3. (this is the hair sil­hou­ette on the angel’s head) *Ch 5, skip next dc, sl st in the next dc,*Repeat, ‑Total of 4 chain 5’s. Ch 14 (this is the loop that will hang the angel), sl st in the beg. st. to cre­ate the loop. *Ch 5, skip next dc, sl st in the next dc,*Repeat, ‑Total of 4 chain 5’s. Fas­ten off. You will attach this angel head lat­er. When the body is fin­ished Attach the head on the cen­ter of.
So the head sits above the wings.
Row  4.  Ch 13, dc in the 3rd ch from the hook, work 2dc in each ch across, turn ‑22dc
Row 5. Ch 2 (counts as first dc), dc in the back post of the next dc, skip a dc, work 3 dc in the next dc, dc in the back post of the next dc, *work 3 dc in the next dc, dc in the back post of the next dc, *Repeat, the last stitch work 1 dc, turn ‑39 dc
Row 6. Ch 2 (counts as first dc), dc in the front post of the next dc, dc in the next 3 dc, dc in the front post of the next dc, *Repeat, turn — 39 dc
Row 7. Ch 2 (counts as first dc), dc in the back post of the next dc, *dc in the next dc, work 2 dc in the next dc, dc in the next dc, dc in the back post of the next dc, dc in the last dc, *Repeat, turn, ‑48 dc
Row 8. Ch 2 (counts as first dc), dc in the front post of the next dc, *work 2 dc in the next dc, work a dc in the next two dc, work 2 dc in the next dc, dc in the front post of the next dc, dc in the last dc, *Repeat, Turn ‑66 dc
Row 9. (Shells around the edge) Ch 1, sc in the back loop of the first two dc, skip 2 dc, *work 4 dc in the back loop of the next dc, work 4 dc in the back loop of the next dc, skip 2 dc, sc in the next dc, skip 2 dc, at the end of the row, sc in the back loops of the last two dc, *Repeat, — 9 shells, Fas­ten off.
Row 10. Turn your angel back­ward, and sl st in the beg of the 4th shell in the back. Ch 2 (counts as first dc), work a dc in the next 20 dc, turn ‑21 dc
Row 11. Ch 2 (counts as first dc), dc in the next 2 dc, dc in the front post of the next dc, dc in the next dc, work 2 dc in the next dc, dc in the front  post of the next dc, dc in the next 3 dc, dc in the front post of the next dc, dc in the next dc, work 2 dc in the next dc, dc in the front post of the next dc, dc in the next 3 dc, dc in the front post of the next dc, dc in the next dc, work 2 dc in the next dc, turn, ‑23 dc
Row 12. Ch 2, (counts as first dc), dc in the next two dc, dc in the back post of the next dc, dc in the next 3 dc, *dc in the back post of the next dc, dc in the next 3 dc *Repeat, turn ‑23 dc
Row 13. Ch 2, (counts as first dc), dc in the next two dc, dc in the front post of the next dc, dc in the next 3 dc, *dc in the front post of the next dc, dc in the next 3 dc *Repeat, turn ‑23 dc
Row 14. Ch 2, (counts as first dc), dc in the next two dc, dc in the back post of the next dc, dc in the next 3 dc, *dc in the back post of the next dc, dc in the next 3 dc *Repeat, turn ‑23 dc
Row 15. Ch 2, (counts as first dc), work 2 dc in the next dc, dc in the next dc, *dc in the front post of the next dc, dc in the next dc, work 2 dc in the next dc, dc in the next dc, *Repeat, turn, ‑29 dc
Row 16. Ch 2, (counts as first dc) dc in the next 3 dc, *dc in the back post of the next dc, dc in the next 4 dc, *Repeat, turn ‑29 dc
Row 17. Ch 2, (counts as first dc) dc in the next dc, work 2 dc in the next dc, dc in the next dc, *dc in the front post of the next dc, dc in the next two dc, work 2 dc in the next dc, dc in the next dc, *Repeat, turn, ‑35 dc
Row 18. Ch 2, (counts as first dc) dc in the next 4 dc, *dc in the back post of the next dc, dc in the next 5 dc, *Repeat, turn, ‑35 dc
Row 19. Ch 2, (counts as first dc) dc in the next dc, work 2 dc, dc in the next two dc, *dc in the front post of the next dc, dc in the next two dc, work 2 dc in the next dc, dc in the next two dc, *Repeat, turn, ‑41 dc
Row 20. Ch 2, (counts as first dc) dc in the next 5 dc, *dc in the back post of the next dc, dc in the next 6 dc, *Repeat, turn ‑41 dc
Row 21. (Shells along the edge) Ch 1, skip a dc, work 5 dc in the next dc, work 5 dc in the next dc, *skip 2 dc, sc in the next dc, skip 2 dc, work 5 dc in the next dc, work 5 dc in the next dc, at the end sc in the last dc. *Repeat across, turn ‑6 shells
Print the Entry on the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

For visu­al learn­ers, video tuto­ri­als are avail­able that guide you through each step. These tuto­ri­als are an excel­lent way for begin­ner cro­cheters to grasp the dif­fer­ent stitch­es and tech­niques. Fol­low the pat­tern instruc­tions, and don’t hes­i­tate to rewind the video.

You’ll notice the dish­cloth tak­ing shape as you work through the rows. The easy dou­ble-cro­chet stitch­es cre­ate a won­der­ful tex­ture, mak­ing it a prac­ti­cal item and a great project for those look­ing to try new stitch­es. Cus­tomize the size by repeat­ing rows to fit your pref­er­ences, mak­ing small­er square dish­cloths or larg­er projects like dish tow­els.

Once you reach the end of the row, fin­ish your dish­cloth with a sin­gle cro­chet bor­der for a pol­ished look. This sim­ple addi­tion frames your work and gives it a clean fin­ish. These cro­cheted dish­cloths are a fun choice for wash­ing dish­es or can be hung in your kitchen as a dec­o­ra­tive ele­ment.

In con­clu­sion, cro­chet­ing an Angel Dish­cloth is a won­der­ful and ful­fill­ing expe­ri­ence. With this easy cro­chet dish­cloth pat­tern, even begin­ners can cre­ate a delight­ful and func­tion­al item. Whether mak­ing these dish­cloths for your­self or as per­fect gifts for friends and fam­i­ly, craft­ing your dish­cloths is a great way to enjoy the art of cro­chet. Embrace the vari­ety of stitch­es, play with dif­fer­ent col­ors, and enjoy the sat­is­fac­tion of using your hand­made cro­chet dish­cloth in your kitchen. Hap­py cro­chet­ing!

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