Crochet Blanket

Crochet Entrelac Stitch Afghan: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

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How to Crochet the Entrelac Stitch Afghan

Wel­come to our entrelac cro­chet adven­ture! This step-by-step tuto­r­i­al will guide you through cre­at­ing a stun­ning Entrelac Stitch Afghan. Whether you’re a sea­soned cro­cheter look­ing for a new chal­lenge or a begin­ner eager to expand your skills, this project offers some­thing for every­one. We’ll be using reg­u­lar cro­chet hooks and intro­duc­ing you to the beau­ti­ful world of Tunisian cro­chet. The result? It is a gor­geous and unique blan­ket that you can be proud of. So, grab your yarn and cro­chet hook, and let’s dive into the world of entrelac cro­chet. And if you ever need assis­tance or want to share your progress, don’t for­get to check out our friend­ly social media com­mu­ni­ty and Face­book group.

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I craft­ed this exquis­ite entrelac stitch for an afghan blan­ket, and the final result is sim­ply stun­ning.

crochet entrelac stitch

Entrelac cro­chet is a cap­ti­vat­ing tech­nique that cre­ates a tex­tured and woven appear­ance. The dis­tinc­tive inter­lock­ing blocks mim­ic the look of a bas­ketweave, mak­ing it the per­fect choice for an eye-catch­ing cro­chet baby blan­ket. This tuto­r­i­al will take you from your first stitch to com­plet­ing a beau­ti­ful project. For a por­tion of the tuto­r­i­al, you’ll need a reg­u­lar cro­chet hook and a Tunisian cro­chet hook. This project is an excel­lent intro­duc­tion to Tunisian cro­chet if you’ve nev­er tried it before.

Mul­ti­ples of 11 + 1

Chain 34 as a sam­ple

sl st=slip stitch

Entrelac Stitch is a beau­ti­ful stitch that is like the Tunisian stitch. It is a love­ly way to make an afghan or scarf. I rec­om­mend watch­ing the videos as I go over this advanced stitch. Any yarn or hook works for this pat­tern, depend­ing on how big or small you want it when it’s fin­ished.

In this Cro­chet Entrelac Stitch Tuto­r­i­al, you’ll learn how to cre­ate a unique pat­tern using this stitch. This stitch is per­fect for cre­at­ing intri­cate and beau­ti­ful pat­terns, and we’ll show you how to make a stun­ning rose pat­tern using this stitch. After watch­ing this tuto­r­i­al, you can cre­ate unfor­get­table and unique cro­chet entrelac pat­terns!

Row 1: Its like Tunisian stitch, 

1st Row of the Entrelac stitch

insert hook in 2nd ch from hook, draw up the loop *insert hook in next ch, draw up loop, *repeat for 6 times total, you will have 7 loops on the hook

*yarn over and pull through 2 loops on the hook *repeat 6 times total

2nd Row of the Entrelac stitch

*yarn over and insert hook in the next stitch, pull up a stitch, *5 times, insert your hook in the next chain and pull a stitch for the 6th pull-up. 

Now you’re work­ing back into the stitch­es; there are 7 loops on the hook, *yarn over and pull through 2 loops on the hook, *repeat, a total of 6 times

**Repeat 2nd Row for a total of 5 rows. Then the last row, yarn over and sl st in each stitch, 5 times, then sl st in the last ch from the row. 

That Com­pletes on Entrelac Stitch that is 5 rows. You will Cre­ate two more Entrelac Square stitch­es of 5 rows, 2 more times on the 34 chain count. 

Row 2 of Entrelac Stitch 

In the cor­ner of the right side of the pre­vi­ous row, sl sl st in the cor­ner with new col­or of yarn, ch 6, In the 2nd chain from the hook, insert your hook and draw up your loop;* insert hook in the next stitch, draw up your loop, *repeat for a total of 5 times, insert hook same stitch, and that counts as 6 times for draw­ing up your loops, yarn over and pull through 2 loops on the hook 6 times, 

**Next Row of Entrelac stitch, *insert hook in the next stitch, draw up your loop, *repeat 5 times total, insert hook in the next stitch of the pre­vi­ous stitch, draw up your loop, 

yarn over and pull through 2 loops on the hook 6 times, 

**Repeat for 3 more rows to com­plete the entrelac stitch. Then, in the last row on the 5th row, sl st through each stitch, sl st in the next stitch next to the Entrelac square. 

**#2 Entrelac Stitch Square

*insert your hook in the next stitch, draw up your loop, *repeat for total of 6 times, 7 loops on the hook 

*yarn over and pull through 2 loops on the hook *repeat for a total of 6 times

**repeat for a total of 5 rows. Then sl st in each stitch across 5 times, and sl st in the last stitch next to the entrelac stitch to com­plete. 

#3 Entrelac Stitch Square

Repeat the same as #2 Entrelac Stitch

**#4 Entrelac Stitch Square

Last group of stitch­es

*insert your hook in the stitch, and draw up your loop, a total of 5 times.

*yarn over and pull through 1 loop on the hook and then yarn over and pull through 2 loops on the hook, 6 loops on the hook, *5 times total,

**Repeat for a total of 5 rows. then the sl st in each stitch across 5 times.

Row 3 of Entrelac Stitch  sl st with new col­or of  yarn, on the peak top of pre­vi­ous row 2 on the right side, 

*insert your hook in the next stitch, draw up your loop, *repeat total of 6 times, 7 loops on the hook 

*yarn over and pull through 2 loops on the hook *repeat for total of 6 times

**Repeat for a total of 5 rows. Then the sl st in each stitch across 5 times, and sl st in the last stitch next to the entrelac stitch to com­plete. 

**#2 Entrelac Stitch

*insert your hook in the next stitch, draw up your loop, *repeat for a total of 6 times, 7 loops on the hook, *repeat for total of 6 times. 

*yarn over and pull through 2 loops on the hook *repeat for a total of 6 times

**Repeat for a total of 5 rows. Then the sl st in each stitch across, 5 times, and sl st in the last stitch next to the entrelac stitch to com­plete. 

**3 Entrelac Stitch

Same as #2 above.
Alter­nate Repeat between Rows 2 and 3

Close up the Side with half squares to cre­ate an edge. 

You must turn your work to the begin­ning and add one more row. Part II Video shows how to do this. Cre­ate one more row to match the last row you did on the oppo­site side.

Sl st into the cor­ner of the square of the begin­ning. Chain 6, In the 2nd chain from the hook, insert your hook and draw up your loop;* insert hook in the next stitch, draw up your loop, *repeat for a total of 5 times, insert hook same stitch, and that counts as 6 times for draw­ing up your loops, yarn over and pull through 2 loops on the hook 6 times, 

**Next Row of Entrelac stitch, *insert hook in the next stitch, draw up your loop, *repeat 5 times total, insert hook in the next stitch, draw up your loop, 

yarn over and pull through 2 loops on the hook 6 times, 

**Repeat for 2 more rows to com­plete the entrelac stitch.

The last one is an Entrelac square decreased box; the last group of stitch­es

*insert your hook in the stitch, draw up your loop, a total of 5 times.

*yarn over and pull through 1 loop on the hook, and then yarn over and pull through 2 loops on the hook, 6 loops on the hook, 5 times,

**Repeat for a total of 5 rows. Then the sl st in each stitch across 5 times, ch 1 and pull through to com­plete.

Cre­ate a Straight edge, half box decrease.

sl st with your new yarn in the col­or of yarn in the last row, you just fin­ished with the ch 1 sl st knot. 

ch 1, Insert your hook in the next 6 stitch­es, and draw up your loops 6 times

yarn over and pull through 1 loop, yarn over and pull through 2, 4 times, then yarn over and pull through 3 loops, 

skip the first stitch, insert your hook in the next stitch and draw up your loop, 4 times, and insert your hook in the next stitch next to the row, draw up your loop, yarn over and pull through 1 loop, yarn over and pull through 2 loops, 3 times, yarn over and pull through 3 loops on the hook.

Skip the first stitch, insert your hook in the next stitch and draw up your loop, 3 times, and insert your hook in the next stitch next to the row, draw up your loop, yarn over and pull through 1 loop, yarn over and pull through 2 loops, 2 times, yarn over and pull through 3 loops on the hook.

Skip the first stitch, insert your hook in the next stitch and draw up your loop, 2 times, and insert your hook in the next stitch next to the row, draw up your loop, yarn over and pull through 1 loop, yarn over and pull through 2 loops, 1 time, yarn over and pull through 3 loops on the hook.

Skip the first stitch, insert your hook in the next stitch and draw up your loop, 1 time, and insert your hook in the next stitch next to the row, draw up your loop, yarn over and pull through 1 loop, yarn over and pull through 3 loops on the hook.

sl st in the next stitch to fin­ish the straight edge. 

*Repeat until you com­plet­ed all your straight edges on the side. 

Now at the top. sl st the cor­ner, sl st 6 times. Then *Repeat the straight edge on top the same way to the oth­er cor­ner, then sl st 4 times in the next cor­ner, then straight edge, then sl st 6 times in the next cor­ner, repeat the straight edge across, then sl st 4 times. sl st to fas­ten off. 

Print the Entry on the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

Click Here for Cro­chet Blan­ket Pat­terns

Click Here for a Cro­chet Rip­ple Afghan Pat­tern

With our detailed step-by-step instruc­tions and accom­pa­ny­ing video tuto­r­i­al, we’ll walk you through each phase of cre­at­ing your Entrelac mas­ter­piece. Whether you’re fol­low­ing along as a first-time cro­cheter or an expe­ri­enced crafter seek­ing new pat­terns and chal­lenges, our goal is to make this entrelac cro­chet blan­ket an enjoy­able and reward­ing endeav­or. When you fin­ish, you’ll have a unique blan­ket to cher­ish or gift to a loved one.

We’ve includ­ed help­ful images and charts to help you visu­al­ize the process. We under­stand that every cro­cheter has a learn­ing style, and our goal is to accom­mo­date as many of you as pos­si­ble.

We hope you find this Entrelac Stitch Afghan Tuto­r­i­al both engag­ing and infor­ma­tive. We aim to empow­er you with the skills and con­fi­dence to tack­le entrelac cro­chet and cre­ate a stun­ning, one-of-a-kind blan­ket. Don’t for­get to explore our vast col­lec­tion of free pat­terns and projects, and con­sid­er sub­scrib­ing to our YouTube chan­nel for even more cro­chet inspi­ra­tion. Our social media com­mu­ni­ty and Face­book group offer a fan­tas­tic space to con­nect with fel­low cro­cheters, share your progress, and dis­cov­er new pat­terns and tech­niques. As you embark on your entrelac jour­ney, remem­ber that you’re just one slip stitch away from cre­at­ing some­thing extra­or­di­nary. Hap­py cro­chet­ing!

Click Here for Cro­chet Bor­der Pat­terns 

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