
How to Crochet Tunisian Honeycomb Stitch Scarf Tutorial

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How to Crochet a Tunisian Honeycomb Stitch Scarf

Are you ready to embark on a delight­ful cro­chet jour­ney with our free pat­tern for an easy Tunisian Hon­ey­comb Stitch Scarf? This sim­ple and styl­ish scarf tuto­r­i­al is per­fect for begin­ners and sea­soned cro­cheters alike. Uti­liz­ing basic stitch­es and bulky yarn, this project is a great way to enhance your cro­chet skills. Join us in cre­at­ing a warm, trendy scarf for a per­fect quick gift or a great addi­tion to your win­ter wardrobe.

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crochet Tunisian Honeycomb Stitch Scarf

In this easy pat­tern, we’ll guide you through the foun­da­tion chain, basic cro­chet stitch­es, and the repeat row that forms the charm­ing hon­ey­comb stitch pat­tern. Using the worsted-weight yarn pro­vides the ide­al bal­ance between warmth and sim­plic­i­ty. Learn the work­ing tech­nique in the back loop and dis­cov­er how a larg­er hook can trans­form your scarf into a super scarf, mak­ing it an excel­lent project for those chilly days.

How to Watch Videos in Slow Motion — if the video is too fast — Click Here!

How to Cro­chet For Begin­ners Playlist — Click Here

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- Cro­chet hook 
- Tapes­try nee­dle
- Stitch mark­er

In this tuto­r­i­al, I will show you how to cro­chet a Tunisian Hon­ey­comb Stitch scarf using a sim­ple and effec­tive method. For this project, you’ll need a cro­chet hook, prefer­ably a long one resem­bling a knit­ting nee­dle, espe­cial­ly if you’re work­ing on a broad pat­tern. I’ll demon­strate on a small­er scale, but feel free to adjust based on your pref­er­ences. The hook and yarn thick­ness is flex­i­ble; for instance, I used an H hook and medi­um worsted yarn.

To begin, cre­ate a slip­knot and place it onto your hook. While a longer cro­chet hook is rec­om­mend­ed for Tunisian stitch­es, I’ll use a short­er one for this sam­ple. Make a chain of 10, though you can choose any chain count for the Tunisian Hon­ey­comb Stitch.

**Tunisian Stitch Basics:**

Insert your hook into the sec­ond chain from the hook, yarn over, and pull through to cre­ate loops on your hook. Con­tin­ue this process across the chain, form­ing the foun­da­tion for the Tunisian basic.

**First Row:**

After com­plet­ing the foun­da­tion, start the reverse row. Chain one, then yarn over and pull through loops in sets of two until the end, cre­at­ing a mesh-like pat­tern.

**Alter­nat­ing Stitch­es:**

Mov­ing on to the next row, alter­nate between sim­ple stitch­es and purls. Insert your hook yarn over, and pull through for the sim­ple stitch. For the purl, bring the yarn down, wrap it around, and pull through. Repeat this sequence, ensur­ing you main­tain the cor­rect chain count.

**Com­plet­ing Rows:**

Con­tin­ue alter­nat­ing stitch­es and repeat­ing the reverse row until you achieve the desired scarf length. Pay atten­tion to skip­ping bars and adjust­ing between sim­ple and purl stitch­es based on the pre­vi­ous row.

Print the Entry on the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

How to Cro­chet Cowls and Scarf Pat­terns — Click Here

With a video tuto­r­i­al for extra guid­ance, this cro­chet project allows you to explore dif­fer­ent col­ors and cus­tomize your scarf to match your style. Dive into the world of cro­chet scarves with the ver­sa­til­i­ty of bulky weight yarn and lion brand wool-ease thick. Don’t for­get to check out our favorite yarns and col­ors, and join our Face­book group to share your progress and gain inspi­ra­tion from oth­er cro­chet enthu­si­asts.

Click Here for the Hack

Explore the world of cro­chet with our free cro­chet pat­tern for an easy scarf designed with begin­ner cro­cheters in mind. This sim­ple pat­tern, per­fect for those new to cro­chet projects, uti­lizes basic stitch­es, includ­ing dou­ble and sin­gle cro­chet stitch­es. The foun­da­tion chain sets the stage for a scarf that can be cus­tomized in dif­fer­ent col­ors, mak­ing it a great way to express your cre­ativ­i­ty. With a video tuto­r­i­al avail­able, even those with min­i­mal cro­chet skills can embark on this quick and easy project. The bulky weight yarn, such as Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick, ensures a warm and cozy result. Whether you have exten­sive expe­ri­ence or are part of a cro­chet Face­book group, this scarf, fea­tur­ing a straight edge and a stitch pat­tern, is a great gift idea and a fan­tas­tic project for all skill lev­els. Con­sid­er it your go-to free pat­tern for a chunky, styl­ish, and super scarf that stands out in any crowd.

In con­clu­sion, this easy dou­ble cro­chet scarf pat­tern is per­fect for a quick and sat­is­fy­ing cro­chet project. Whether you’re a begin­ner or have exten­sive expe­ri­ence, sim­ple stitch­es and straight­for­ward instruc­tions make it enjoy­able. The scar­f’s straight edge and tra­di­tion­al look make it an excel­lent gift for friends and fam­i­ly. Feel free to explore dif­fer­ent ways to per­son­al­ize your scarf with strands of yarn in your favorite col­ors.


To Find All My Cro­chet Jew­el Pat­terns, Click Here

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Cro­chet Hats for Begin­ners Book For Sale — Click Here

Cro­chet For Begin­ners Book for Sale — Click Here


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