
Recipe for Colored Deviled Eggs for Any Occasion

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Recipe for Colored Deviled Eggs

Col­ored dev­iled eggs are a fun and fes­tive twist on the clas­sic recipe, per­fect for any occa­sion, from East­er brunch to baby show­ers. These vibrant dev­iled eggs add a col­or­ful touch to your hol­i­day table, mak­ing them a stand­out at your next cel­e­bra­tion. Whether you’re using nat­ur­al dyes like beet juice or vibrant liq­uid food col­or­ing, this recipe allows you to cre­ate a fun way to serve your guests a col­or­ful treat. Fol­low these easy steps to cre­ate the per­fect batch of col­ored dev­iled eggs.

Col­ored dev­iled eggs are an easy way to add a fes­tive touch to any occa­sion. Whether you’re cel­e­brat­ing East­er or just look­ing for a fun twist on the tra­di­tion­al dev­iled egg, this recipe is sure to delight. Using sim­ple ingre­di­ents and a bit of cre­ativ­i­ty, you can cre­ate vibrant, eye-catch­ing dev­iled eggs that are per­fect for hol­i­day tables, baby show­ers, or any spe­cial event. Enjoy these col­or­ful cre­ations and make them your own with dif­fer­ent dye baths and fla­vor vari­a­tions!

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Recipe for Colored Deviled Eggs


  • 6 large eggs
  • ¼ cup may­on­naise
  • 1 tea­spoon mus­tard
  • ½ tea­spoon vine­gar (option­al, for tang)
  • Salt & pep­per to taste
  • Food col­or­ing (pink, blue, yel­low, green)
  • Papri­ka (for gar­nish)


Step 1: Boil & Peel the Eggs

  1. Place eggs in a pot and cov­er with water.
  2. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and sim­mer for 10 min­utes.
  3. Trans­fer eggs to an ice bath and let them cool for 5 min­utes.
  4. Peel the eggs care­ful­ly.

Step 2: Dye the Egg Whites

  1. Slice eggs in half and remove the yolks into a bowl.
  2. In sep­a­rate cups, mix ½ cup water with a few drops of food col­or­ing.
  3. Soak the egg whites in the dye for 5–10 min­utes or until desired col­or is reached.
  4. Remove and pat dry with a paper tow­el.

Step 3: Make the Filling

  1. Mash the yolks with a fork.
  2. Add may­on­naise, mus­tard, vine­gar (if using), salt, and pep­per.
  3. Mix until smooth.

Step 4: Assemble & Serve

  1. Spoon or pipe the yolk mix­ture back into the dyed egg whites.
  2. Sprin­kle with papri­ka for gar­nish.
  3. Serve and enjoy!

Col­ored dev­iled eggs are an easy way to add a fes­tive touch to any occa­sion. Whether you’re cel­e­brat­ing East­er or just look­ing for a fun twist on the tra­di­tion­al dev­iled egg, this recipe is sure to delight. Using sim­ple ingre­di­ents and a bit of cre­ativ­i­ty, you can cre­ate vibrant, eye-catch­ing dev­iled eggs that are per­fect for hol­i­day tables, baby show­ers, or any spe­cial event. Enjoy these col­or­ful cre­ations and make them your own with dif­fer­ent dye baths and fla­vor vari­a­tions!

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