Simple DIY Easter Candle Craft Ideas for a Festive Celebration

by Amy Lehman | March 14, 2025 6:56 pm

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Easter Candle Craft

East­er is a time for cel­e­bra­tion and light, and what bet­ter way to bring a warm glow into your home than by cre­at­ing your own beau­ti­ful DIY East­er can­dles? This easy East­er can­dle craft is a great way to per­son­al­ize your dec­o­ra­tions, cre­at­ing stun­ning home­made can­dles for East­er lunch or to bright­en up your home through­out the sea­son. With a few sim­ple mate­ri­als and a bit of time, you can craft your own unique can­dle designs, includ­ing egg-shaped can­dles, that are sure to add to the atmos­phere of your East­er Vig­il Mass or any East­er gath­er­ing.

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Easter Candle Craft



  1. Pre­pare the Nap­kin Design: Cut out the design from your nap­kin. You may want to use the top lay­er of the nap­kin (the print­ed lay­er) only, dis­card­ing the back lay­ers. Choose a design that fits the size of your pil­lar can­dle, such as East­er eggs, flow­ers, or oth­er spring motifs.
  2. Apply the Nap­kin to the Can­dle: Using a paint­brush, apply a thin lay­er of Mod Podge or decoupage glue to the area of the can­dle where you want to place the nap­kin. Gen­tly place the nap­kin design onto the can­dle, press­ing it down care­ful­ly to remove any wrin­kles or air bub­bles. Let it dry for a few min­utes.
  3. Seal and Set the Nap­kin Design: After the nap­kin is secure, cov­er the entire nap­kin and sur­round­ing area with anoth­er thin lay­er of Mod Podge or decoupage glue. For a smoother fin­ish, you can place a piece of wax paper over the nap­kin and gen­tly heat it with a hairdry­er or heat gun for a few sec­onds to set the nap­kin into the wax. Allow it to dry com­plete­ly before dis­play­ing your beau­ti­ful DIY East­er nap­kin decoupage can­dle!

To begin this easy DIY East­er can­dle craft, you’ll need a few basic sup­plies such as white pil­lar can­dles, wax (soy wax is a great option), a can­dle wick, and some cre­ative embell­ish­ments. If you want to make egg-shaped can­dles, use real eggshells or small plas­tic eggs. Sim­ply cre­ate a small hole at the top of the egg and remove the inside, leav­ing a hol­low shell. For a more tra­di­tion­al look, you can also use beeswax sheets or wax crayons for added col­or and tex­ture. Start by melt­ing your wax using a dou­ble boil­er and pour the melt­ed wax into your egg mold or over your pil­lar can­dle.

Once the wax has cooled, use acrylic paint or dec­o­ra­tive paper nap­kins to add some beau­ti­ful designs, such as East­er eggs or sym­bols like the Omega sym­bol or the light of Christ. A great way to add tex­ture to your fin­ished can­dle is by wrap­ping the can­dle in a dec­o­ra­tive tea tow­el or tis­sue paper, which can also add a love­ly rus­tic feel. For extra flair, you can use wax embell­ish­ments, such as grains of incense or small wax pieces, to dec­o­rate your candle’s base or top. Don’t for­get to add your wick before the wax hard­ens to cre­ate a burn­ing can­dle that’s per­fect for your East­er vig­il or din­ner.

This DIY East­er can­dle craft is an excel­lent way to add a per­son­al touch to your East­er decor while also mak­ing a mem­o­rable craft that will illu­mi­nate your cel­e­bra­tions. Whether you choose to make East­er egg can­dles or sim­ple, ele­gant pil­lar can­dles, you’ll enjoy the process of craft­ing and the final result of your home­made can­dles. It’s an easy and cre­ative way to bring light into your home, cel­e­brate the days of East­er, and cre­ate beau­ti­ful East­er can­dles that you can cher­ish year after year. Get ready to add some warmth and light with your very own home­made can­dles this East­er!




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