
Sweet and Fun: How to Make Easter Dirt Cups for a Festive Treat

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How to Make Easter Dirt Cups

East­er is the per­fect time to get cre­ative with fes­tive desserts, and one treat that nev­er dis­ap­points is Oreo dirt cups. These fun and easy-to-make East­er dirt cups are a crowd-pleas­er, com­bin­ing lay­ers of creamy choco­late pud­ding, crushed Oreo cook­ies, and deli­cious gum­my worms. Whether you’re host­ing an East­er par­ty or look­ing for an adorable treat to bring to a fam­i­ly gath­er­ing, these indi­vid­ual dirt cake cups are the per­fect choice. With sim­ple ingre­di­ents and min­i­mal prepa­ra­tion, they’ll quick­ly become a favorite for East­er cel­e­bra­tions, and you’ll love how much fun it is to assem­ble these col­or­ful and tasty dessert cups.

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oreo dirt cup reccipe

Mak­ing East­er dirt cups is a breeze and doesn’t require a lot of time or effort. The base of these deli­cious dessert cups is made with Oreo cook­ie crumbs. To achieve the per­fect fine crumb, sim­ply crush the Oreo cook­ies using a food proces­sor or a rolling pin inside a ziplock bag. For the creamy fill­ing, mix togeth­er instant choco­late pud­ding mix, cold milk, and vanil­la pud­ding mix in a large mix­ing bowl, and add a gen­er­ous amount of Cool Whip or whipped top­ping to cre­ate a smooth, creamy tex­ture. Then, lay­er the choco­late pud­ding mix­ture with the crushed Oreo crumbs, cre­at­ing a deli­cious Oreo lay­er that resem­bles the “dirt.” For extra fun, you can top the cups with East­er Peeps bun­nies, can­dy eggs, or edi­ble grass for a fes­tive touch. If you’re feel­ing extra cre­ative, add col­or­ful green sprin­kles or even pur­ple pud­ding to make the dessert even more visu­al­ly appeal­ing. These Oreo dirt cups can be served in clear plas­tic cups or small mason jars, mak­ing them the per­fect indi­vid­ual East­er dirt cake cups. Not only are these cups easy to assem­ble, but they can be made ahead of time and stored in an air­tight con­tain­er, ensur­ing your treats stay fresh for East­er.

Here’s a quick recipe to recre­ate this adorable dessert:


  • 1 pack­age Ore­os, crushed into fine crumbs
  • 1 pack­age (8 oz) cream cheese, soft­ened
  • 1/4 cup but­ter, soft­ened
  • 1 cup pow­dered sug­ar
  • 1 pack­age (3.4 oz) instant vanil­la pud­ding mix
  • 2 cups milk
  • 1 con­tain­er (8 oz) whipped top­ping (Cool Whip)
  • Pink food col­or­ing (option­al for a lay­ered effect)
  • Shred­ded coconut, dyed green for “grass”
  • Peeps marsh­mal­low bun­nies 🐰
  • Mini choco­late eggs or can­dy-coat­ed eggs 🥚
  • Sprin­kles (option­al)


  1. Pre­pare the Oreo Dirt:
    • Crush the Ore­os in a food proces­sor or place them in a plas­tic bag and crush them with a rolling pin. Set aside.
  2. Make the Creamy Fill­ing:
    • Beat the cream cheese, but­ter, and pow­dered sug­ar togeth­er until smooth.
    • In a sep­a­rate bowl, whisk the pud­ding mix with milk until thick­ened.
    • Fold in the whipped top­ping.
  3. Lay­er the Cups:
    • Divide the pud­ding mix­ture in half and col­or one part pink (option­al).
    • In clear cups, lay­er crushed Ore­os, pink pud­ding, more Ore­os, white pud­ding, and top with more Ore­os.
  4. Dec­o­rate:
    • Dye shred­ded coconut green (mix with a few drops of green food col­or­ing) and sprin­kle it on top for “grass.”
    • Add Peeps bun­nies and mini choco­late eggs.
    • Sprin­kle with fes­tive sprin­kles.
  5. Chill & Serve:
    • Refrig­er­ate for at least 30 min­utes before serv­ing.

Oreo dirt cups are an easy, fun, and deli­cious dessert that every­one will love dur­ing the East­er sea­son. With lay­ers of creamy choco­late pud­ding, Oreo cook­ie crumbs, and fun top­pings like gum­my worms and East­er can­dy, these dirt cups make for a mem­o­rable treat at any East­er cel­e­bra­tion. Whether you’re bak­ing treats for an East­er par­ty or just enjoy­ing them for per­son­al con­sump­tion, this great recipe is sure to become a go-to for hol­i­day desserts. With sim­ple ingre­di­ents like Oreo cook­ies, instant pud­ding mix, and whipped top­ping, these East­er dirt cups are a delight­ful dessert that will add a pop of pas­tel col­ors and sweet­ness to your table. So, grab your recipe card, gath­er your ingre­di­ents, and enjoy mak­ing this easy East­er dessert that’s sure to be the best part of your East­er feast!

These East­er Dirt Cups are a fun and fes­tive treat, per­fect for cel­e­brat­ing spring! 🌸🐰

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