
10 Easy Halloween Desserts to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

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Get ready to sat­is­fy your sweet tooth and spook your taste buds with these ten easy Hal­loween desserts. Whether you’re host­ing a Hal­loween par­ty, prepar­ing a spe­cial treat for your fam­i­ly, or sim­ply indulging in sea­son­al sweets, these recipes are per­fect for adding a touch of spooky fun to your cel­e­bra­tions. From creepy cup­cakes to choco­latey grave­yard par­faits, we’ve gath­ered var­i­ous dessert ideas that are both deli­cious and delight­ful­ly eerie.

As the spooky sea­son approach­es, it’s the best time of year to whip up some easy Hal­loween desserts that will sure­ly delight your guests, espe­cial­ly the lit­tle gob­lins with a sweet tooth. These fun Hal­loween desserts are per­fect treats for your next Hal­loween par­ty.

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There is no need to be a mas­ter bak­er – these treats are begin­ner-friend­ly, so every­one can enjoy mak­ing and eat­ing them. So, put on your apron and pre­pare some wicked­ly tasty desserts to make your Hal­loween mem­o­rable!

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Can­dy Corn Rice Krispie Treats: Make tra­di­tion­al Rice Krispie treats but lay­er them with can­dy corn col­ors for a fes­tive look.

Craft can­dy corn-inspired rice crispy treats in dif­fer­ent col­ors to mim­ic clas­sic Hal­loween can­dy. A sim­ple frost­ing in vibrant col­ors pro­vides the fin­ish­ing touch to these easy Hal­loween treats, mak­ing them a favorite for par­ty guests of all ages.

Halloween Desserts

  • 3 table­spoons but­ter
  • 4 cups mini marsh­mal­lows
  • 6 cups crispy rice cere­al
  • Yel­low and orange food col­or­ing
  • Cook­ing spray


  1. Prepa­ra­tion: Grease a 9x13-inch bak­ing pan with cook­ing spray and set aside.
  2. Melt But­ter: In a large saucepan, melt the but­ter over low heat.
  3. Add Marsh­mal­lows: Add the mini marsh­mal­lows to the melt­ed but­ter and stir con­tin­u­ous­ly until they are com­plete­ly melt­ed and the mix­ture is smooth.
  4. Divide and Col­or: Divide the marsh­mal­low mix­ture into three equal parts. Leave one part as it is (white). Add yel­low food col­or­ing to the sec­ond and orange food col­or­ing to the third. Stir each until you achieve the desired col­ors.
  5. Lay­er­ing: Start by press­ing the white marsh­mal­low mix­ture even­ly into the pre­pared bak­ing pan as the bot­tom lay­er.
  6. Yel­low Lay­er: Press the yel­low marsh­mal­low mix­ture on top of the white lay­er. You can use a piece of wax paper or your hands, but make sure it’s even­ly spread.
  7. Orange Lay­er: Press the orange marsh­mal­low mix­ture on top of the yel­low lay­er.
  8. Cool: Allow the Can­dy Corn Rice Krispie Treats to cool and set for at least 30 min­utes at room tem­per­a­ture.
  9. Cut and Serve: Once com­plete­ly set, cut the treats into squares or rec­tan­gles with a sharp knife. Serve and enjoy!

These Can­dy Corn Rice Krispie Treats are a sweet and fes­tive addi­tion to any Hal­loween gath­er­ing. The lay­er­ing of col­ors mim­ics the icon­ic can­dy corn, mak­ing them a fun and visu­al­ly appeal­ing treat.

Witch Hat Cook­ies: To cre­ate edi­ble witch hats, top choco­late-cov­ered cook­ies with a Her­shey’s Kiss and a frost­ing buck­le.

Cre­ate a witch hat with choco­late kiss­es using essen­tial ingre­di­ents. With melt­ed choco­late chips and sug­ar cook­ies, you can craft adorable hand­held treats that will be a hit at your next haunt­ed house par­ty.

Halloween Desserts


  • Choco­late-cov­ered cook­ies (such as Fudge Stripes or sim­i­lar)
  • Her­shey’s Kiss­es (unwrapped)
  • Orange frost­ing (store-bought or home­made)
  • Option­al: Hal­loween-themed sprin­kles


  1. Pre­pare a clean sur­face, like a bak­ing sheet or coun­ter­top, lined with parch­ment paper to place the cook­ies on after dec­o­rat­ing.
  2. Flip a choco­late-cov­ered cook­ie upside down so the choco­late coat­ing is fac­ing upward.
  3. Squeeze a small amount of orange frost­ing onto a Her­shey’s Kiss’s bot­tom (flat side).
  4. Care­ful­ly press the frost­ed end of the Her­shey’s Kiss onto the cen­ter of the choco­late-cov­ered cook­ie. The frost­ing will act as glue to hold the two togeth­er.
  5. Using the same orange frost­ing, cre­ate a small, rec­tan­gu­lar “buck­le” on the base of the Her­shey’s Kiss where it meets the cook­ie. This sim­u­lates the belt of the witch’s hat.
  6. Add Hal­loween-themed sprin­kles or dec­o­ra­tions to the frost­ing buck­le for extra flair and col­or if desired.
  7. Repeat the process for as many Witch Hat Cook­ies as you’d like to make.
  8. Let the cook­ies sit for a lit­tle while to let the frost­ing set.
  9. Once the frost­ing has set, your Witch Hat Cook­ies are ready to be enjoyed!

These Witch Hat Cook­ies are a fun and deli­cious addi­tion to any Hal­loween gath­er­ing. Enjoy your home­made Hal­loween treats!

Spi­der­web Cup­cakes: Pipe spi­der­web designs with black icing on top of white-frost­ed cup­cakes.

Halloween Desserts


  • Cup­cakes (home­made or store-bought)
  • White frost­ing (home­made or store-bought)
  • Black icing gel or frost­ing (store-bought or home­made)
  • Option­al: Can­dy spi­ders or Hal­loween-themed dec­o­ra­tions


  1. Bake or pur­chase your favorite cup­cakes. If bak­ing, allow them to cool com­plete­ly before dec­o­rat­ing.
  2. Once the cup­cakes are cooled, spread a lay­er of white frost­ing even­ly over each one. You can use a but­ter knife, off­set spat­u­la, or pip­ing bag.
  3. Pre­pare your black icing gel or frost­ing. If using store-bought icing gel, ensure it’s at room tem­per­a­ture for easy pip­ing. If mak­ing home­made black frost­ing, add black food col­or­ing to white frost­ing until you achieve the desired black col­or. Place the black frost­ing in a pip­ing bag fit­ted with a fine tip or a zip-top bag with a small cor­ner cut off.
  4. Start by pip­ing a small black dot in the cen­ter of the cup­cake.
  5. Next, pipe straight lines radi­at­ing out­ward from the cen­ter dot to the edge of the cup­cake. These lines should resem­ble the spokes of a wheel.
  6. Con­nect the lines by pip­ing con­cen­tric cir­cles around the cen­ter dot. This will cre­ate the spi­der­web design.
  7. If you like, you can add a tiny can­dy spi­der or oth­er Hal­loween-themed dec­o­ra­tion in the cen­ter of the spi­der­web.
  8. Repeat the process for all your cup­cakes.
  9. Allow the icing to set for a lit­tle while, and your Spi­der­web Cup­cakes are ready to serve.

These Spi­der­web Cup­cakes are per­fect for Hal­loween par­ties and will impress your guests with their spooky and deli­cious design! Enjoy mak­ing and eat­ing them.

Mum­my Brown­ies: Dec­o­rate brown­ies with driz­zled white choco­late to resem­ble mum­mies.

Halloween Desserts


  • 1 batch of your favorite brown­ies (home­made or from a mix)
  • 1 cup white choco­late chips or white can­dy melts
  • Can­dy eyes (edi­ble can­dy eyes avail­able at bak­ing sup­ply stores)
  • Cook­ing oil or short­en­ing (to thin the white choco­late for driz­zling)


  1. Pre­pare a batch of brown­ies accord­ing to the recipe or pack­age instruc­tions. Allow them to cool com­plete­ly in the bak­ing pan.
  2. Once the brown­ies have cooled, cut them into squares or rec­tan­gles, whichev­er you pre­fer.
  3. In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the white choco­late chips or can­dy melts in 20–30-second inter­vals, stir­ring in between, until smooth. If the melt­ed white choco­late is too thick, add a tiny amount of cook­ing oil or short­en­ing to thin it out for eas­i­er driz­zling. Stir until well com­bined.
  4. Using a spoon or a pip­ing bag with a small round tip, driz­zle the melt­ed white choco­late over the brown­ie squares in a criss­cross pat­tern to resem­ble mum­my ban­dages. Leave a space for the can­dy eyes to go lat­er.
  5. While the white choco­late is still wet, gen­tly press can­dy eyes onto each brown­ie to cre­ate the mum­my’s eyes. You can use two eyes for each mum­my or get cre­ative with dif­fer­ent expres­sions.
  6. Allow the white choco­late driz­zle to set and hard­en, which may take about 30 min­utes at room tem­per­a­ture or a short­er time if you place them in the refrig­er­a­tor.
  7. Once the white choco­late has hard­ened, your Mum­my Brown­ies are ready to be served!

These adorable and tasty Mum­my Brown­ies are a per­fect treat for Hal­loween par­ties or any spooky-themed event. Enjoy mak­ing and shar­ing them with friends and fam­i­ly!

Pump­kin-Shaped Sug­ar Cook­ies: Use pump­kin-shaped cook­ie cut­ters and dec­o­rate with orange icing and choco­late chip faces.

Com­bine the fall fla­vor of pump­kin spice with the sweet­ness in these delight­ful treats. These pump­kin cook­ies are an easy dessert that appeals to every­one’s taste buds, mak­ing them one of the best Hal­loween desserts.


For the Cook­ies:

  • 2 3/4 cups all-pur­pose flour
  • 1 tea­spoon bak­ing soda
  • 1/2 tea­spoon bak­ing pow­der
  • 1 cup unsalt­ed but­ter, soft­ened
  • 1 1/2 cups white sug­ar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tea­spoon vanil­la extract

For the Dec­o­ra­tion:

  • Orange icing or frost­ing
  • Mini choco­late chips (for pump­kin faces)


  1. Whisk togeth­er the all-pur­pose flour, bak­ing soda, and bak­ing pow­der in a bowl. Set aside.
  2. In anoth­er large mix­ing bowl, cream the soft­ened unsalt­ed but­ter and white sug­ar until the mix­ture becomes light and fluffy.
  3. Beat in the egg and vanil­la extract until well com­bined.
  4. Grad­u­al­ly add the dry and wet ingre­di­ents, mix­ing until a dough forms. If the dough is too sticky, you can add a bit more flour.
  5. Divide the dough into two por­tions, flat­ten each into a disc, and wrap them in plas­tic wrap. Refrig­er­ate for at least 1 hour or until the dough is firm.
  6. Pre­heat your oven to 375°F (190°C) and line a bak­ing sheet with parch­ment paper.
  7. Roll out one por­tion of the chilled dough on a light­ly floured sur­face to about 1/4‑inch thick­ness.
  8. Use pump­kin-shaped cook­ie cut­ters to cut out pump­kin shapes from the dough and place them on the pre­pared bak­ing sheet. Leave some space between each cook­ie.
  9. Bake in the pre­heat­ed oven for 8–10 min­utes or until the edges of the cook­ies start to turn gold­en brown.
  10. Remove the cook­ies from the oven and let them cool on the bak­ing sheet for a few min­utes before trans­fer­ring them to a wire rack to cool com­plete­ly.
  11. Once the cook­ies are com­plete­ly cool, dec­o­rate them with orange icing to cov­er the top sur­face. You can use a knife or a dec­o­rat­ing bag with a small round tip for pre­ci­sion.
  12. Add mini choco­late chips to the pump­kins’ faces. Depend­ing on your pref­er­ence, you can cre­ate var­i­ous facial expres­sions to make them look cute or spooky.
  13. Allow the icing to set before serv­ing or stor­ing the cook­ies.

Enjoy your home­made Pump­kin-Shaped Sug­ar Cook­ies, per­fect for Hal­loween or any fall-themed occa­sion!

Ghost­ly Pud­ding Cups: Top choco­late pud­ding cups with whipped cream and add choco­late chips for ghost faces.


  • Choco­late pud­ding cups
  • Whipped cream (you can use store-bought or home­made)
  • Mini choco­late chips


  1. Start by prepar­ing your choco­late pud­ding cups. You can use pre-pack­aged cups or make choco­late pud­ding accord­ing to the pack­age instruc­tions. If you’ve made pud­ding from scratch, let it cool.
  2. Once the choco­late pud­ding is ready and cooled, it’s time to add the whipped cream. You can use store-bought whipped cream or make your own by whip­ping heavy cream with a bit of sug­ar until it peaks stiffly.
  3. Care­ful­ly spoon or pipe a lay­er of whipped cream on each pud­ding cup. This will be the “ghost” part of your dessert.
  4. Gen­tly press mini choco­late chips into the whipped cream to cre­ate the ghost’s eyes and mouth. Depend­ing on your pref­er­ence, you can use one choco­late chip for each eye and a few more for the mouth, cre­at­ing a spooky or cute ghost face.
  5. Repeat the process for all of your pud­ding cups.
  6. Once you’ve dec­o­rat­ed all the pud­ding cups, please place them in the refrig­er­a­tor for a lit­tle while to allow the whipped cream to set.
  7. Serve your Ghost­ly Pud­ding Cups chilled, and enjoy your fun and spooky Hal­loween dessert!

These Ghost­ly Pud­ding Cups are a quick and delight­ful treat for Hal­loween par­ties or a spooky-themed dessert.

Spooky Black Caramel Apples: Turn tra­di­tion­al can­dy apples into spooky Hal­loween desserts by dip­ping them in a sin­is­ter black caramel can­dy coat­ing. Edi­ble eyes add a play­ful yet eerie touch, mak­ing them a deli­cious treat that cap­tures the spir­it of Hal­loween. 

Dip apples in caramel and dec­o­rate them with col­or­ful sprin­kles or crushed can­dies.


  • 6 medi­um-sized apples (prefer­ably tart vari­eties like Granny Smith)
  • 1 cup gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar
  • 1/2 cup light corn syrup
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 tea­spoon red food col­or­ing (option­al for tra­di­tion­al red can­dy apples)
  • 1 tea­spoon vanil­la extract (option­al for fla­vor)
  • Assort­ed col­or­ful sprin­kles or crushed can­dies for dec­o­rat­ing
  • Wood­en sticks or skew­ers for han­dling the apples


  1. Wash and thor­ough­ly dry the apples. Remove any stems, and insert wood­en sticks or skew­ers into the top cen­ter of each apple. Set them aside on a parch­ment paper-lined bak­ing sheet.
  2. Com­bine gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar, light corn syrup, and water in a medi­um saucepan. At this stage, add the red food col­or­ing if you want to make tra­di­tion­al red can­dy apples. Stir well.
  3. Place the saucepan over medi­um-high heat and bring the mix­ture to a boil. Attach a can­dy ther­mome­ter to the saucepan’s side, ensur­ing it does­n’t touch the bot­tom.
  4. Con­tin­ue boil­ing the mix­ture with­out stir­ring until it reach­es the “hard crack” stage on the can­dy ther­mome­ter, around 300°F (150°C). This usu­al­ly takes about 20–25 min­utes.
  5. Remove the saucepan from the heat imme­di­ate­ly once it reach­es the desired tem­per­a­ture. Stir in the vanil­la extract if you’d like to add fla­vor.
  6. Work­ing quick­ly, care­ful­ly dip each apple into the hot caramel, tilt­ing the saucepan to coat the apples even­ly. Allow any excess caramel to drip back into the saucepan.
  7. Place the caramel-coat­ed apples onto the parch­ment paper-lined bak­ing sheet. While the caramel is still warm, sprin­kle col­or­ful sprin­kles or crushed can­dies onto the coat­ed apples, turn­ing them to coat all sides.
  8. Let the can­dy apples cool and hard­en com­plete­ly at room tem­per­a­ture. This may take about 30 min­utes to an hour.
  9. Once the can­dy coat­ing has hard­ened, your Can­dy Apples are ready to enjoy! You can serve them as a deli­cious treat at Hal­loween par­ties or wrap them in cel­lo­phane for a fun home­made gift.

Please exer­cise cau­tion when work­ing with hot caramel, which can cause severe burns. Super­vise chil­dren when han­dling can­dy apples and allow them to cool before con­sum­ing. Enjoy your home­made Can­dy Apples!

Eye­ball Cake Pops: Cre­ate cake pops and use edi­ble gel to make them look like eerie eye­balls.


For the Cake Pops:

  • 1 baked cake (any fla­vor), cooled
  • 1/2 cup frost­ing (cream cheese or but­ter­cream)
  • Can­dy eye­ball dec­o­ra­tions
  • Lol­lipop sticks
  • White choco­late or can­dy melts for coat­ing

For the Dec­o­ra­tion:

  • Red gel food col­or­ing
  • Edi­ble black mark­er or black frost­ing


  1. Pre­pare the Cake:
    • Bake your favorite cake accord­ing to the pack­age instruc­tions or recipe.
    • Let the cake cool com­plete­ly.
  2. Crum­ble the Cake:
    • Crum­ble the cooled cake into fine crumbs in a large bowl. You can use your hands or a fork to do this.
  3. Add Frost­ing:
    • Add the frost­ing to the crum­bled cake. Start with about 1/2 cup, and you can add more as need­ed to achieve the right con­sis­ten­cy.
    • Mix the frost­ing and cake crumbs until they are dough-like. They should stick togeth­er when you press them.
  4. Form Eye­ball Shapes:
    • Take small por­tions of the cake mix­ture and roll them into round balls. These will be the base of your eye­balls.
    • Insert lol­lipop sticks into each cake ball, mak­ing sure they are secure.
  5. Chill the Cake Pops:
    • Place the cake pops on a bak­ing sheet lined with parch­ment paper and refrig­er­ate them for at least 1 hour. This will help them firm up.
  6. Coat with White Choco­late:
    • Melt the white choco­late or can­dy melts in a microwave-safe bowl per the pack­age instruc­tions.
    • Dip each cake pop into the melt­ed white choco­late, ensur­ing it’s ful­ly coat­ed. Allow any excess choco­late to drip off.
  7. Cre­ate Eye­ball Design:
    • While the white choco­late is still wet, gen­tly press a can­dy eye­ball dec­o­ra­tion onto the cen­ter of each cake pop.
    • Allow the choco­late to set slight­ly.
  8. Add Blood­shot Veins:
    • Draw “blood­shot” veins around the eye­ball dec­o­ra­tion on each cake pop using red gel food col­or­ing. You can use a tooth­pick or a fine brush for pre­ci­sion.
  9. Detail the Eyes:
    • Use an edi­ble black mark­er or black frost­ing to add the pupil and any addi­tion­al details to the eye­balls.
  10. Let Them Set:
    • Place the dec­o­rat­ed cake pops back on the parch­ment-lined bak­ing sheet and allow them to set com­plete­ly. You can refrig­er­ate them briefly to speed up the process.
  11. Serve:
    • Your Eye­ball Cake Pops are now ready to be served at your Hal­loween par­ty or as a spooky treat. Enjoy!

Franken­stein Rice Krispie Treats: Shape Rice Krispie treats into Franken­stein’s faces and dec­o­rate them with green icing.


For the Rice Krispie Treats:

  • 6 cups Rice Krispies cere­al
  • 10 oz marsh­mal­lows
  • 3 tbsp unsalt­ed but­ter
  • Green food col­or­ing
  • Black icing gel

For Dec­o­rat­ing:

  • Can­dy eye­balls
  • Pret­zel sticks (for bolts)
  • Red icing gel


  1. Pre­pare Rice Krispie Treats:
    • In a large saucepan, melt the but­ter over low heat.
    • Add the marsh­mal­lows and stir until com­plete­ly melt­ed and smooth.
    • Add a few drops of green food col­or­ing to achieve the desired Franken­stein green col­or.
    • Remove the saucepan from heat and stir in the Rice Krispies cere­al until well coat­ed.
  2. Press into a Pan:
    • Press the green Rice Krispie mix­ture into a greased 9x13-inch bak­ing pan, spread­ing it even­ly.
    • Allow it to cool and set for about 30 min­utes.
  3. Cut into Rec­tan­gles:
    • Once the Rice Krispie mix­ture has cooled and set, cut it into rec­tan­gles approx­i­mate­ly 2x3 inch­es in size.
  4. Dec­o­rate as Franken­stein:
    • Take each Rice Krispie rec­tan­gle and use black icing gel to draw Franken­stein’s “hair” on top.
    • Attach can­dy eye­balls using a small amount of icing gel.
    • Insert pret­zel sticks on each side of the Rice Krispie rec­tan­gle to cre­ate Franken­stein’s “bolts.”
    • Use red icing gel to add a stitched mouth or scars if desired.
  5. Let Them Set:
    • Allow the dec­o­ra­tions to set and the icing to dry for a lit­tle while.
  6. Serve and Enjoy:
    • Your Franken­stein Rice Krispie Treats are now ready to be served at your Hal­loween par­ty or as a spooky snack. Enjoy these adorable and deli­cious treats!

These Franken­stein Rice Krispie Treats are a fun and cre­ative way to cel­e­brate Hal­loween with a clas­sic treat that has a mon­strous twist!

Mum­my Cup­cakes: Wrap cup­cakes with strips of white fon­dant or icing to resem­ble mum­mies.


For the Cup­cakes:

  • Your favorite cup­cake recipe or mix (enough for 12 cup­cakes)

For the Mum­my Dec­o­ra­tion:

  • 1 cup white frost­ing (home­made or store-bought)
  • Can­dy eye­balls
  • Pip­ing bag and tip (or a plas­tic sand­wich bag with a small cor­ner snipped off)


  1. Bake the Cup­cakes:
    • Pre­pare and bake your favorite cup­cake recipe or fol­low the instruc­tions on a cup­cake mix.
    • Allow the cup­cakes to cool com­plete­ly before dec­o­rat­ing.
  2. Pre­pare the Frost­ing:
    • If you’re using store-bought frost­ing, trans­fer it to a bowl.
    • If you’re mak­ing home­made frost­ing, ensure it’s smooth and ready to use.
  3. Dec­o­rate the Cup­cakes:
    • Using a pip­ing bag fit­ted with a small round tip or a plas­tic sand­wich bag with a small cor­ner snipped off, pipe the white frost­ing in a zigzag pat­tern across the top of each cup­cake to cre­ate the mum­my’s ban­dages. Leave a small space for the eyes.
    • In the space left for the eyes, place two can­dy eye­balls on each cup­cake. Press them light­ly into the frost­ing to secure them.
    • Con­tin­ue pip­ing the frost­ing “ban­dages” over the eyes, leav­ing some space to reveal the eyes.
  4. Fin­ish the Mum­my Look:
    • If you want to add char­ac­ter, you can use addi­tion­al frost­ing to cre­ate a “mouth” or “smile” beneath the eyes.
  5. Serve and Enjoy:
    • Your Mum­my Cup­cakes are now ready to be served at your Hal­loween par­ty or enjoyed as a spooky treat.

These Mum­my Cup­cakes are a delight­ful and fun addi­tion to your Hal­loween dessert spread, per­fect for kids and adults alike. Enjoy your adorable and tasty mum­my-themed treats!

These easy Hal­loween desserts offer a delight­ful and cre­ative way to add spooky fun to your cel­e­bra­tions. Whether you’re mak­ing pump­kin-shaped sug­ar cook­ies, mum­my brown­ies, or ghost­ly pud­ding cups, these treats will sure­ly be a hit for kids and adults alike. With sim­ple recipes and fes­tive dec­o­ra­tions, you can trans­form your dessert table into a ghoul­ish­ly deli­cious show­case for the Hal­loween sea­son. These easy Hal­loween desserts are the per­fect blend of fun and fla­vor. Whether you’re host­ing a Hal­loween par­ty or want to enjoy some spooky treats with your fam­i­ly, these Hal­loween dessert recipes offer a vari­ety of choic­es to suit the occa­sion.

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