Chic Checkered Crochet: Crafting Your Own Stylish Bag

by Amy Lehman | October 22, 2023 7:30 am

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How to Crochet a Checkered Bag

Cro­chet bags have become famous for those who want to cre­ate styl­ish and func­tion­al acces­sories. Whether you’re into mar­ket bags, cro­chet purs­es, or beach bags, there’s a free pat­tern or free cro­chet pat­tern out there for you. The beau­ty of these projects is that you can choose your favorite col­or, yarn type (cot­ton, acrylic, or even t‑shirt yarn), and hook size to match your style. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to cro­chet a check­ered bag. This per­fect sum­mer cro­chet project com­bines dif­fer­ent col­ors, basic cro­chet stitch­es like dou­ble and sin­gle cro­chet, and var­i­ous tech­niques to cre­ate a unique design.

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crochet checkered bag

Cro­chet bags come in all shapes and sizes, but the check­ered bag is a great idea for those look­ing for a cute pat­tern with a beau­ti­ful tex­ture. With its round shape and sol­id col­ors, this square bag is a fan­tas­tic choice for every­day use, whether going to the gro­cery store or the farm­ers’ mar­ket. You can even make it as a gift bag for a spe­cial gift, and it’s the per­fect size for just about any­thing. Plus, it’s an eco-friend­ly alter­na­tive to plas­tic bags, which makes it an excel­lent choice for the envi­ron­men­tal­ly con­scious.

In this video, we’ll show you how to make a cro­chet check­ered bag in a few easy steps. You’ll be able to cre­ate a styl­ish and prac­ti­cal cro­chet bag in no time!

If you’re look­ing for a cute and func­tion­al cro­chet bag, look no fur­ther! This cro­cheted check­ered bag is per­fect for every­day use. We’ll show you how to make it quick­ly, and you can start wear­ing it soon!

This cro­chet check­ered bag mea­sures 9 x 9 inch­es. I used medi­um worsted yarn and an H hook. An H hook makes it tighter, which is best. You can make it big­ger by adding more rows. This cro­chet bag is done in mul­ti­ples of 5 plus 1. This easy cro­chet tote bag for begin­ners turned out so cute! Look­ing for a cro­chet project to keep you busy this sum­mer? Check out this cro­chet check­ered bag! This easy tuto­r­i­al will show you how to cro­chet this pat­tern with sim­ple steps.

This cro­chet check­ered bag is a fun and easy project that is per­fect for styl­ish­ly stor­ing your belong­ings. Whether you’re a begin­ner or an expe­ri­enced cro­cheter, this project is a great way to spend your sum­mer hours!

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How to Watch Videos in Slow Motion — if the video is too fast — Click Here!

How to Cro­chet For Begin­ners Playlist — Click Here

Add a Cord Purse Han­dle to Your Purse

Click the Links for Your Mate­ri­als

All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here[2]

Orange Medi­um Worsted Yarn
- Cro­chet hook 
- Tapes­try nee­dle
- Stitch mark­er


sc=single cro­chet

sl st=slip stitch


dc=double cro­chet

Row 1: Make 2, start with white yarn and H hook, I did chain count of 41 which is done in mul­ti­ples of 5 plus 1. 

In the 2nd chain from the hook, work a hdc, hdc in the next 3 chains, *on the next hdc, yarn over, insert your hook in the chain, yarn over and draw up your three loops, but don’t pull through your three loops with the white yarn to com­plete the hdc, but instead pull through with your oppo­site col­or of yarn, I used blue yarn, then pull through with the blue yarn (best shown in the video) to com­plete the hdc to change col­ors.

Make sure to run your white yarn along side, hdc in the next 4 chains, *Repeat, work the next hdc, but col­or change with white yarn, explained above. 

**Repeat the next 5 hdc each way for each col­or, you will have 8 squares.

Rows 2–3. *Repeat the next two rows the same way as Row 1. Start with a Ch 1, Then start with white yarn again, work 5 hdc in the back loops, but when you get to the 5th hdc, make sure to switch to the col­or of yarn to blue, and com­plete the 5th hdc in the new col­or of yarn. Then work the next square with the new col­or, alter­nat­ing between the two col­ors for each square. Com­plete three rows of the same col­or, then switch to the next three rows with a dif­fer­ent col­or of yarn. 

Rows 4–6: You will col­or change this time, so you will slip in your oth­er col­or of yarn, which will be blue yarn to start. So you had three rows of white in the first square, and you will need three rows of blue, work 5 hdc in the back loops, but when you get to the 5th hdc, make sure to switch the col­or of yarn to white, and com­plete the 5th hdc in the new col­or of yarn, make sure to run your oth­er non­work­ing yarn along­side. Then work the next square with the new col­or, alter­nat­ing between the two col­ors for each square.  

***Repeat between Rows 4–6, but after three rows of the same col­or, change your col­or to the oppo­site col­or. 

Fas­ten off. Sew the two pan­els togeth­er, leav­ing the top open for the purse’s open­ing. Weave in your ends. Turn the right side out. 

Sew around the top. With blue yarn, Ch 1, sc around the top. ch 1, hdc in each sc around, sl st, Twice. Fas­ten off and weave in your ends. 

Han­dle: Make two, H hook

Chain 85, hdc in 2nd chain from the hook. Go in about 5 stitch­es on both sides of one pan­el. Sew the han­dle on one side and the oth­er side on one side of the bag and then Repeat on the oth­er so you have two han­dles. I hope you enjoyed this cro­chet tote bag for begin­ners. 

Print the Entry on the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

One of the best things about cro­chet bags is that you can exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent styles and per­son­al touch­es. Add shoul­der straps for con­ve­nience or tuck locks for a clas­sic design. The bag’s body can be cro­cheted in bright col­ors for a mod­ern look or in more mut­ed shades for a clas­sic granny style. With this type of yarn, you can choose what suits your style and the occa­sion.

If you’re new to cro­chet­ing, don’t wor­ry! Cro­chet hand­bag pat­terns cater to all skill lev­els. Video tuto­ri­als are avail­able to help you get start­ed, and stitch mark­ers can make the process even eas­i­er. You’ll find that cre­at­ing your cro­chet bag project is a great way to learn new tech­niques and improve your cro­chet­ing skills.

In con­clu­sion, cro­chet­ing a check­ered bag is a cre­ative and fun project. It yields a beau­ti­ful bag that can be a fash­ion state­ment for per­son­al use or a prac­ti­cal acces­so­ry for warmer weath­er. With a vast col­lec­tion of free cro­chet bag pat­terns, you will find the per­fect pat­tern for your needs and pref­er­ences. So, gath­er your cro­chet hooks and your choice of yarn, and with­out fur­ther ado, start work­ing on a bag that fits your style. So, explore the world of cro­chet bags and let your cre­ativ­i­ty shine with the end­less pos­si­bil­i­ties of designs and pat­terns. Remem­ber to fol­low your pri­va­cy pol­i­cy and include any nec­es­sary affil­i­ate links when shar­ing your beau­ti­ful pat­terns and cro­chet totes with oth­ers. Hap­py cro­chet­ing!

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  2. All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here:
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