Crochet Cozies

Crochet a Kitty Cup Cozy with Our Adorable Pattern Tutorial

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How to Crochet Kitty Cup Cozy

You’re in the right place if you’ve ever want­ed to cre­ate a delight­ful and charm­ing cro­chet project. This cro­chet tuto­r­i­al will guide you through craft­ing a cozy pat­tern per­fect for cat lovers. We’re dis­cussing “How to Cro­chet a Kit­ty Cup Cozy Pat­tern Tuto­r­i­al.” Whether you’re a sea­soned cro­cheter or just start­ing, this step-by-step video tuto­r­i­al will teach you all the cozy cro­chet tech­niques, includ­ing the mag­ic cir­cle, basic stitch­es, and more. So grab your cro­chet hooks and acrylic yarn, and get ready to make a cozy kit­ty cup sleeve to keep your bev­er­ages warm in style.

This post con­tains affil­i­ate links. If you pur­chase through these links, I may earn a mod­est com­mis­sion at no extra cost. Please review my pri­va­cy pol­i­cy for more details.

In this video tuto­r­i­al, we’ll begin with the basics, includ­ing select­ing the right hook size (we rec­om­mend a 5 mm hook), and under­stand­ing the essen­tial stitch­es like the slip stitch (sl st), sin­gle cro­chet (sc), and dou­ble cro­chet (dc). We’ll also cov­er cre­at­ing a mag­ic cir­cle, a must-know tech­nique for this cozy pat­tern. As we progress, you’ll learn how to repeat rounds and work on the cozy’s unique fea­tures, mak­ing it a quick and easy project per­fect for all skill lev­els, espe­cial­ly begin­ners.

✨ We hope you enjoyed these pho­tos! If so, please con­sid­er shar­ing them on Pin­ter­est by click­ing the Pin But­ton on each image. Your sup­port helps us con­nect with more peo­ple and spread cre­ativ­i­ty. Thank you so much! 💖

crochet kitty cup cozy

The beau­ty of this cro­chet kit­ty cup cozy pat­tern is its ver­sa­til­i­ty. You can use sol­id col­ors or exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent col­ors to match your favorite things or the recip­i­en­t’s pref­er­ences. This cozy has you cov­ered for cof­fee, tea time, or even a bowl of ice cream or hot soup.

I used this Cro­chet Cup Cozy on a Star­bucks cup.

H hook, white, pink, yel­low, and black yarn.

Rnd 1. Chain 30, sl st to the begin­ning stitch to form a ring. ch 1. ‑30 hdc
Rnd 2. hdc in each stitch around, sl st in the chain 1. ‑30 hdc
Rnds 3–7. hdc in each stitch across, work in con­tin­u­al rounds. ‑30 hdc
fas­ten off.

Ears: H hook, white yarn, Rnd 1. sl st with white yarn at the top of the cup cozy. sl st 15 stitch­es from the begin­ning stitch.

Make 2 ears
Rnd 2. sc in the next 5 stitch­es. turn ‑5sc
Rnd 3. sc in the next 5 stitch­es. turn ‑5sc
Rnd 4. 2sctog decrease, 2sctog decrease, sc in the last stitch, turn ‑3sc
Rnd 5. sc in the next 3 stitch­es, turn ‑3sc
Rnd 6. 2sctog decrease, sc in the last stitch, turn ‑2sc
Rnd 7. 2sctog decrease, turn ‑1sc. fas­ten off, weave in the ends.

The next ear, skip 3 stitch­es, sl stitch with the white yarn, and Repeat Round 1–7 as above for the next ear. fas­ten off.

Eyes: With yarn nee­dle, black yarn, sew in 3 ver­ti­cal lines about 1 inch long, Make two, about 2 inch­es apart.

Nose: Black yarn, with a yarn nee­dle, sew in the 4 hor­i­zon­tal lines about 1 inch long.
pink yarn
G hook
row 1. ch 7, sc in the 2nd chain from the hook and each stitch to the end, ch 1, turn
rows 2–4. *sc in each ch across work­ing in the back loops only, ch 1, turn, *repeat, sc in all stitch­es around the bor­der of the bow.

take yarn and wrap it around the cen­ter of the bow 6–8 times or so to make the cen­ter of the bow, secure and attach to the left ear.

Print the Entry on the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

At Amy’s Cre­ative Cre­ations Etsy Shop, we’re pas­sion­ate about pro­vid­ing you with the best cro­chet pat­terns and a great cus­tomer expe­ri­ence. Feel free to explore my Etsy store!

Click Here for a Cro­chet Ipad Cozy Pat­tern

As you fin­ish your cozy with cute cat-themed fea­tures, you’ll real­ize how cro­chet­ing can be a great way to add a per­son­al touch to every­day items. In no time, you’ll have your cozy ready, and you might even con­sid­er shar­ing it with your social media fol­low­ers or in your Etsy shop, earn­ing a small com­mis­sion through affil­i­ate links. Whether for your­self or a thought­ful gift, this cozy pat­tern is a fan­tas­tic project for cro­chet enthu­si­asts of all skill lev­els. So, grab your cro­chet hooks, cre­ate your own kit­ty cup cozy, and join a sup­port­ive cro­chet com­mu­ni­ty on plat­forms like Face­book groups. Cro­chet is not just a craft; it’s a won­der­ful way to express your cre­ativ­i­ty and make your every­day life cozi­er.

These cozy cro­chet pat­terns are per­fect for an advanced begin­ner look­ing for a quick project. The video tuto­r­i­al will guide you through the process, from cre­at­ing a mag­ic cir­cle to the first sin­gle cro­chet stitch. With your favorite cot­ton yarns and an H/5 mm hook size, you can whip up var­i­ous cozy cre­ations like cof­fee cozies, mug cozies, and even cot­ton bowl cozies for tea time. The free cro­chet pat­terns, avail­able as a free down­load or a PDF pat­tern in my Etsy shop, come in dif­fer­ent col­ors and styles. And if you use my affil­i­ate links to pur­chase your cro­chet hooks and acrylic yarn, I earn a small com­mis­sion, which helps sup­port my work. You’ll love mak­ing and shar­ing these easy pat­terns in our Face­book group.

Your cro­chet cozy fea­tures will be a hit when you’re at craft fairs! Whether it’s a cro­chet cup cozy for cold drinks or a bowl cozy for a bowl of chili, the cozy pat­tern in sol­id col­ors or with spe­cial stitch­es like camel stitch and DC clus­ters will impress. To keep your place in your work, use stitch mark­ers at the end of the row, and the free pat­tern will guide you through each stitch. If you have a bit of scrap yarn, try a bowl of soup cozy. The pat­tern starts with a foun­da­tion chain, and after your last stitch, you’ll slip the stitch to end the round. These easy cro­chet projects are a great way to spend a cozy evening with your favorite things, and you’ll find that begin­ner cro­cheters can enjoy them, too. Next time, con­sid­er mak­ing a more giant bowl cozy for those taller bowls, and don’t for­get to share your cre­ations on social media!


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