Crochet Beautiful Children Skirt Patterns: Step-by-Step Tutorial

by Amy Lehman | October 19, 2023 4:13 am

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How to Crochet Skirt Patterns

Cro­chet­ing a skirt is a fun and cre­ative project that allows you to craft a unique piece of cloth­ing tai­lored to your pref­er­ences. This tuto­r­i­al will guide you through cre­at­ing a beau­ti­ful cro­chet skirt using a free pat­tern. Whether you’re a sea­soned cro­cheter or a begin­ner, this easy pat­tern suits all skill lev­els. With the suit­able yarn, hook size, and patience, you’ll have a styl­ish and com­fort­able skirt in no time. Let’s begin this fan­tas­tic jour­ney of mak­ing your very own cro­chet skirt.

You’ll find affil­i­ate links with­in this post. If you decide to pur­chase through these links, I may earn a mod­est com­mis­sion at no extra cost. Addi­tion­al­ly, please review my pri­va­cy policy[1] for more details.

Please pro­vide a link to my blog if you want to share my con­tent. How­ev­er, I kind­ly request that you refrain from copy­ing and post­ing my pat­terns on your web­site. You are wel­come to sell any items you cre­ate using my pat­terns, but please refrain from sell­ing the pat­terns them­selves, as they are offered for free. Thank you for your under­stand­ing and sup­port!

 **Choos­ing Yarn Weight and Col­or**:
Select the yarn weight and col­or best suits your vision for the skirt. A sol­id col­or can cre­ate a clas­sic look, while bright and dif­fer­ent col­ors can offer a unique and vibrant style. Con­sid­er cot­ton yarn for a light and airy sum­mer cro­chet skirt.

**Gauge and Mea­sure­ments**:
To ensure the per­fect fit, take accu­rate mea­sure­ments of your waist cir­cum­fer­ence and hip mea­sure­ment. Use these mea­sure­ments to deter­mine the size of your skirt. A handy guide for dif­fer­ent sizes is includ­ed in the pat­tern.

**Start­ing with Sim­ple Stitch­es**:
Begin with the first stitch, using a suit­able mm hook size. The pat­tern starts with sim­ple stitch­es like sin­gle cro­chet and dou­ble cro­chet to build the body of the skirt.

**Cre­at­ing a Flowy Skirt**:
As you progress, the pat­tern incor­po­rates stitch­es like triple cro­chet and fan stitch to give your skirt a unique look. These airy skirts are per­fect for warmer weath­er.

 **Elas­tic Waist­band**:
For added com­fort, you can add an elas­ti­cized waist­band to your skirt. This will ensure a snug and secure fit, mak­ing it suit­able for every­day wear or spe­cial occa­sions.

**Ver­sa­tile Length Options**:
The pat­tern pro­vides options for dif­fer­ent skirt lengths, from a cute pleat­ed mini skirt to a styl­ish maxi skirt. You can choose the one that suits your style and needs.

This Cute Cro­chet Skirt will look so pret­ty on any lit­tle girl! There are two sizes avail­able. In this video, we’ll teach you how to cro­chet a Cro­chet Sashay Ruf­fle Skirt, an easy skirt you can make for any occa­sion! This Cro­chet Sashay Ruf­fle Skirt is per­fect for begin­ners who want to learn how to cro­chet. We’ll show you how to cre­ate a basic cro­chet skirt that will look styl­ish and trendy. After watch­ing this video, you’ll be ready to cro­chet your own Cro­chet Sashay Ruf­fle Skirt!

✨ We hope you enjoyed these pho­tos! If so, please con­sid­er shar­ing them on Pin­ter­est by click­ing the Pin But­ton on each image. Your sup­port helps us con­nect with more peo­ple and spread cre­ativ­i­ty. Thank you so much! 💖

crochet skirt pattern

(Girls size 2, 4)
Fin­ished waist: 20″, 22″
Direc­tions are for size 2 and 4 **If you want a small­er or larg­er size, Mea­sure around the waist of the child and chain that length around the waist and then fol­low the pat­tern as it writ­ten below.
I hook
Purple[3] and White yarn,[4] 1 1/2 skeins of Pur­ple and less than 1/2 of white or any 4 ply yarn would work,

Rib­bon, I used 1 inch thick rib­bon or you can do a 1/2 rib­bon too

How to Cro­chet a Yarn Skirt Videos

Video on how to Cro­chet Ruf­fles onto your Skirt. (I did­n’t men­tion in the video, that the 3rd round of ruf­fles only has a chain 1, not chain 2) 

(Chain 66 for size 2, or 72 for size 4), join to first ch to form a loop. Be care­ful not to twist it.
I hook with Pur­ple yarn
Rnd 1. sc in each stitch around, sl st. (66,72)
Rnd 2. ch 3, triple cro­chet in each stitch around, sl st in beg chain. (66,72) (this will be the rib­bon belt loops)
Rnd 3 ch 1, sc in each stitch around, sl st (66,72)
Rnd 4: ch 2, dc in each back loop stitch around, sl st. (66,72)
Rnd 5. ch 2(counts as dc), dc in the next back loops, *work 2 dc in the next back loop, dc in the next two back loops, sl st, *Repeat around. (89,95)
Rnds 6–15. *ch 2, dc in each back loop around, *Repeat around, sl st
Take Rib­bon and insert in every oth­er triple cro­chet, *Repeat around, then in the cen­ter front, oppo­site side of the seam, skip 4 triple cro­chet in between the two ends of rib­bon and con­nect the two ends of the rib­bon and make a bow.
For Size 4, I would con­tin­ue the length to 6 more rounds.
Ruf­fles: Start with Pur­ple yarn
Rnd 1: sl st into Rnd 4 back loop in the back with the sl st, Ch 3(counts as first dc), work a dc, ch 2, 2 dc, skip next back loop, *work 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc (v‑stitch made), skip next back loop, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 2. sl st into the chain 2 of the pre­vi­ous v‑stitch from rnd 1, Ch 3(counts as first dc), work a dc, ch 2, 2 dc (v‑stitch in the chain 2 of the pre­vi­ous v‑stitch from rnd 1), *work 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in the next chain 2 space, *Repeat around, sl st
Rnd 3: sl st into the chain 2 of the v‑stitch, Ch 3(counts as first dc), work a dc, ch 1, 2 dc (v‑stitch in the chain 2), *work 2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in the next chain 2 space, *Repeat around, sl st (same except just a chain 1) Fas­ten off.
Skip Two back loop Rounds of back loops. Slip Stitch into the 3rd rounds of back loops.
Now Sl St into the 3rd round of back loops with White yarn.
Rnd 1: A new set of Ruf­fles; sl st into the back loop in the back with the sl st, Ch 3(counts as first dc), work a dc, ch 2, 2 dc, skip next back loop, *work 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc (v‑stitch made), skip next back loop, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 2: sl st into the chain 2 of the v‑stitch, Ch 3(counts as first dc), work a dc, ch 2, 2 dc (v‑stitch in the chain 2), *work a 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc (v‑stitch in the chain 2) *Repeat around, sl st
Rnd 3: sl st into the chain 2 of the v‑stitch, Ch 3(counts as first dc), work a dc, ch 1, 2 dc (v‑stitch in the chain 2), *work a 2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc (v‑stitch in the chain 2) *Repeat around, sl st *Repeat around, sl st (same except just a chain 1) Fas­ten off.
Now the Last Two sets of Ruf­fles, Will be done the same way, The next set of Ruf­fles will be done with pur­ple yarn, Skip two Rounds of back loops, sl st in the 3rd round.
Now Sl St into the 3rd round of back loops with Pur­ple yarn.
Rnd 1: A new set of Ruf­fles; sl st into the back loop in the back with the sl st, Ch 3(counts as first dc), work a dc, ch 2, 2 dc, skip next back loop, *work 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc (v‑stitch made), skip next back loop, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 2: sl st into the chain 2 of the v‑stitch, Ch 3(counts as first dc), work a dc, ch 2, 2 dc (v‑stitch in the chain 2), *work a 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc (v‑stitch in the chain 2) *Repeat around, sl st
Rnd 3: sl st into the chain 2 of the v‑stitch, Ch 3(counts as first dc), work a dc, ch 1, 2 dc (v‑stitch in the chain 2), *work a 2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc (v‑stitch in the chain 2) *Repeat around, sl st *Repeat around, sl st (same except just a chain 1) Fas­ten off.
Now Sl St into the 3rd round of back loops with White yarn.
Rnd 1: A new set of Ruf­fles; sl st into the back loop in the back with the sl st, Ch 3(counts as first dc), work a dc, ch 2, 2 dc, skip next back loop, *work 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc (v‑stitch made), skip next back loop, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 2: sl st into the chain 2 of the v‑stitch, Ch 3(counts as first dc), work a dc, ch 2, 2 dc (v‑stitch in the chain 2), *work a 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc (v‑stitch in the chain 2) *Repeat around, sl st
Rnd 3: sl st into the chain 2 of the v‑stitch, Ch 3(counts as first dc), work a dc, ch 1, 2 dc (v‑stitch in the chain 2), *work a 2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc (v‑stitch in the chain 2) *Repeat around, sl st *Repeat around, sl st (same except just a chain 1) Fas­ten off.

Alter­nate between the two col­ors of yarn for each round of set of 3 Ruf­fles.

Print the Entry on the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

Cro­chet Ruf­fle Skirt Pat­tern

crochet skirt pattern

I made this cute lit­tle skirt for my tod­dler to wear. She loves frilly skirts and dress­es! It did­n’t take me long to make this adorable skirt, and it was fun to make. Enjoy this pat­tern!

Sup­plies:  Red Heart shim­mer yarn and white yarn, or what­ev­er yarn you pre­fer

I and H hook

Rib­bon is fine as long as it fits in the triple cro­chet belt space or is chained to form a bow around the waist.

(Girls size 2, 4)

Fin­ished waist: 20″, 22″ 

Direc­tions are for sizes 2 and 4. If you want a small­er size, use few­er chains for the waist. Use your mea­sur­ing tape to mea­sure.

(Chain 66 for size 2, or 72 for size 4), join to first ch to form a loop. Be care­ful not to twist it.

I hook with white yarn

Rnd 1. sc in each stitch around, sl st. (66,72)

Rnd 2. ch 3, triple cro­chet in each stitch around, sl st in beg chain. (66,72) (this will be the rib­bon belt loops)
Rnds 3–12. ch 1, dou­ble cro­chet in each back loop around, sl st. (66,72)  *Repeat for 12 rounds
For Size 4, I would con­tin­ue the length to 3 more rounds, so go to round 15
Take the Rib­bon, skip one triple cro­chet, and insert it in the next loop. *Repeat around, then in the cen­ter front, oppo­site side of the seam. Cre­ate a bow, or Chain 150 with an H hook. Repeat the direc­tions for the rib­bon for a bow.
Ruf­fles: With the Red yarn, use an H hook. You can also use a larg­er hook for a larg­er ruf­fle. You can skip every oth­er round by mak­ing a larg­er ruf­fle or do ruf­fles in each round. I did ruf­fles in each round, for a total of 12 rounds.

Rnd 1. sl st with the red yarn, chain 3, dc in the back loop of the pre­vi­ous Rnd 1., (that will be your first v‑stitch made) skip a back loop, and dc, chain 1, dc in the next back loop, (next v‑stitch is made), *skip next back loop, dc, chain 1, dc in the next back loop, Repeat around. sl st in the begin­ning v‑stitch.

Now to incor­po­rate the Ruf­fles, In the first v‑stitch from Rnd 1 (con­tin­ue on with­out fas­ten­ing off), chain 2 (counts as first dc), then work 5 dc in the chain 1 space of the v‑stitch, (that will be your first Ruf­fle), sc in the next chain 1 of the next v‑stitch, *work 6 dc in the next chain 1 space of the next v‑stitch, sc in the next chain 1 space of the next v‑stitch,

*Repeat around, a the end you may fin­ish with a ruf­fle rather than an sc, then sc in between the last ruf­fle and begin­ning ruf­fle to cre­ate an sc space between those two ruf­fles, then sl st in the begin­ning dc of the begin­ning ruf­fle.
Fas­ten off and weave in the ends.Rnds 2–12. Repeat round 1. Begin with an Sl st in the next round of back loops and then con­tin­ue with how to do the ruf­fles the same way as Round 1.
Cro­chet Sashay Yarn Skirt 
crochet skirt pattern

This How to Cro­chet a Sashay Yarn Skirt Tuto­r­i­al will teach you the best ways to cro­chet a skirt so that you can look amaz­ing! This tuto­r­i­al teach­es you how to cro­chet a basic skirt using a sin­gle stitch. After this tuto­r­i­al, you can cro­chet a styl­ish skirt that will make you look amaz­ing!

If you want to add a lit­tle flair to your wardrobe, you’ll love this cro­chet sashay yarn skirt! This project is sim­ple to fol­low and can be com­plet­ed by cro­cheters of all skill lev­els. In this video, we’ll show you how to cro­chet this skirt using basic cro­chet stitch­es so you can start cre­at­ing your styl­ish skirts today!

Sup­plies: Caron Soft Pink yarn, or what­ev­er yarn you pre­fer

Sashay yarn, 1 ball for the tod­dler size, and 1 1/2 balls of sashay yarn for the big­ger size
I and F hook

Rib­bon, any kind is fine, as long as it fits in the triple cro­chet belt space

(Girls size 2, 4)
Fin­ished waist: 20″, 22″

Direc­tions are for size 2 and 4, if you want a small­er size, then use less chains for the waist. Use your mea­sur­ing tape to mea­sure.

(Chain 66 for size 2, or 72 for size 4), join to first ch to form a loop. Be care­ful not to twist it.

I hook with pink yarn

Rnd 1. sc in each stitch around, sl st. (66,72)
Rnd 2. ch 3, triple cro­chet in each stitch around, sl st in beg chain. (66,72) (this will be the rib­bon belt loops)
Rnds 3–4. ch 1, sc in each stitch around, sl st. (66,72)  *Repeat for next two rounds

Rnds 5–7. *ch 1, sc in the back loops in each stitch around, sl st, (66,72) *Repeat for the next three rounds.
Rnd 8. ch 1, *sc in the back loops in next two stich­es, 2sc in the next stitch in the back loops, *
Repeat around, sl st, (88,96)
Rnds 9–24. *ch 1, sc in the back loops in each stitch around, sl st, *Repeat, (88,96)

Take Rib­bon and skip two triple cro­chet and insert in the next loop, *Repeat around, then in the cen­ter front, oppo­site side of the seam, skip 4 triple cro­chet in between the two ends of rib­bon and con­nect the two ends of the rib­bon and make a bow.

For Size 4, I would con­tin­ue the length to 6 more rounds, so go to round 30.

Sashay Ruf­fle: Bal­let, F hook

Rounds for Sashay skirt:  F hook for ruf­fles

Rnd 5. start in round 5 for ruf­fles. *Cre­ate the Sashay Ruf­fle on the hook first by fold­ing the yarn inward about an inch and insert­ing the hook in the 2nd loop from the begin­ning of the fold. Skip two loops on the sashay yarn, insert the hook in the 3rd hook on the yarn, and pull through the loops on the hook.

In Round 5, Insert your hook with the sashay ruf­fle that you cre­at­ed (direc­tions above) in the first sc back loop at the back seam. Skip one loop on the sashay yarn, insert the hook in the next sashay yarn loop, and pull the sashay yarn loop through the skirt back loop and sashay yarn loop. This will cre­ate the sec­ond ruf­fle. 

So Insert your hook in each sc back loop for each round. Then skip one loop on the sashay yarn loop and then pull through both loops. *Repeat for each row for ruf­fles

Rnds 6–7. Skip 2 rows of back loops, then start a row of ruf­fles in the 3rd row of back loops.

Rnd 8. *Repeat Row of Ruf­fles (same as round 5. same as above.)

Rnds  9–10. Skip 2 rows of back loops

Rnd 11. *Repeat Row of Ruf­fles (same as above.)

Rnds 12–13. Skip 2 rows of back loops

Rnd 14. *Repeat Row of Ruf­fles (same as above.)

Rnds 15–16. Skip 2 rows of back loops

Rnd 17. *Repeat Row of Ruf­fles (same as above.)

Rnds 18–19.  Skip 2 rows of back loops

Rnd 20. *Repeat Row of Ruf­fles (same as above.)

Rnds 21–22.  Skip 2 rows of back loops

Rnd 23. *Repeat Row of Ruf­fles (same as above.)

Rnd 24. Leave alone

For Size 4, I would con­tin­ue the length to 6 more rows, so go to round 30. Just alter­nate every 2 rows skip like seen above.

Print the entry at the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

Click Here for Cro­chet Clothes Pat­terns[5]

Com­plete your project with a slip stitch and a yarn nee­dle to weave in any loose ends. The fin­ished prod­uct is a beau­ti­ful cro­chet skirt that’s a great addi­tion to your wardrobe. Cro­chet­ing your skirt is a reward­ing and enjoy­able expe­ri­ence and a fan­tas­tic way to cre­ate unique pieces for your wardrobe. This free cro­chet skirt pat­tern offers detailed instruc­tions, step-by-step tuto­ri­als, and friend­ly pat­terns for cro­cheters of all lev­els. Whether you’re mak­ing a love­ly cro­chet skirt for every­day use, a maxi cro­chet skirt for spe­cial occa­sions, or a sum­mer cro­chet skirt to wear over your bathing suit, this tuto­r­i­al is your go-to resource. So, grab your mm cro­chet hook, choose your yarn, and start this excit­ing and styl­ish cro­chet jour­ney. Hap­py cro­chet­ing!


To Find All My Cro­chet Jew­el Pat­terns, Click Here


Click Here for My Rav­el­ry Pat­terns



Cro­chet Hats for Begin­ners Book For Sale — Click Here


Cro­chet For Begin­ners Book for Sale — Click Here


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  1. pri­va­cy pol­i­cy:
  2. All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here:
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  4. White yarn,:
  5. Click Here for Cro­chet Clothes Pat­terns:
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