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How to Make a Handmade Ribbon Bows with Your Fingers Tutorial

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How to Make a Handmade Ribbon Bows with Your Fingers

Cre­at­ing hand­made rib­bon bows with your fin­gers is a delight­ful and cre­ative way to add a per­son­al touch to gifts, dec­o­ra­tions, and crafts. With just a few sim­ple mate­ri­als and a dash of imag­i­na­tion, you can make charm­ing bows that stand out. In this tuto­r­i­al, we’ll guide you through craft­ing beau­ti­ful rib­bon bows using your fin­gers as the main tools. This hands-on approach is fun and allows for greater con­trol and pre­ci­sion in your bow-mak­ing.

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make a bow

*Hand­made rib­bon bows:** To start, gath­er your mate­ri­als. You’ll need a rib­bon, scis­sors, and a flat sur­face to work on. The rib­bon’s width will deter­mine the size of your bow, so choose accord­ing­ly.

**Fin­ger weav­ing:** Begin by unrolling a rib­bon sec­tion and leav­ing a tail that will hang down. Use your thumb and index fin­ger to cre­ate a loop, ensur­ing the tail end stays in place. This loop will be the cen­ter of your bow.

**Loop­ing and twist­ing:** Con­tin­ue using your fin­gers to make loops on both sides of the cen­tral loop. As you cre­ate loops, gen­tly twist and over­lap them to form the bow’s lay­ers. You can make as many loops as you’d like, depend­ing on the full­ness you desire for your bow.

Mate­r­i­al: Buy Rib­bon Here



In this tuto­r­i­al, I will show you how to make an easy bow. You wrap it around your fin­gers and do pre­cise­ly what I’m doing. I’ll have this video in slow motion so you can fol­low me step by step. You wrap it around your two fin­gers and then do a criss­cross. Bring it back over and around; this will give you a two-bow effect for an easy bow you can use for any project or present. It’s straight­for­ward to do, so then you cross it over.

After you do those sim­ple steps, you might have to rewind and watch it again. Okay, I will show you again so you know how to loop it around all of your fin­gers. It does take prac­tice, and you may need to stop it and go back. As shown, you’ll tuck it under the last part and loop it around. The back will be the front part of the bow, and then it will be twist­ed back around.

Then you’ll loop it under and wrap it around, so go up and under and pull it, cre­at­ing a knot. I’m going to show you one more time. Okay, I will show you how to loop it under again so it makes a knot.

Okay, that’s after it’s tied and secured; you will take it off your fin­gers and then cut the ends. You can use a thick­er rib­bon or thin­ner rib­bon, too. On your fin­gers, you would have to take it down a lit­tle bit on your fin­ger so there is enough room, and then your bow is com­plete. It’s pret­ty straight­for­ward, and this is great for any pack­age or project you’re work­ing on or a cro­chet pat­tern.

Print the entry at the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

Click Here for Cro­chet Blan­ket Pat­terns

**Secur­ing the bow:** Once you’re sat­is­fied with the size and shape of your bow, cut the rib­bon, leav­ing anoth­er tail that match­es the ini­tial tail’s length. Thread this tail through the cen­tral loop and tie a knot to secure the bow’s shape.

**Final adjust­ments:** Fluff and adjust the loops until your bow looks how you want it. You can trim the tails to your pre­ferred length and shape the loops for a pol­ished fin­ish.

Click Here for the Bow Pat­tern

Cre­at­ing hand­made rib­bon bows with your fin­gers is a reward­ing craft that allows you to cus­tomize your projects with a per­son­al touch. You can craft beau­ti­ful bows that enhance your gifts, dec­o­ra­tions, and crafts with some prac­tice. This fin­ger-based approach pro­vides a unique and hands-on expe­ri­ence for bow-mak­ing, ensur­ing that your cre­ations stand out and reflect your cre­ativ­i­ty. So, the next time you need a rib­bon bow, why not try mak­ing one with your fin­gers for that extra spe­cial touch? Enjoy the art of hand­made rib­bon bows!


To Find All My Cro­chet Jew­el Pat­terns, Click Here

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Cro­chet Hats for Begin­ners Book For Sale — Click Here

Cro­chet For Begin­ners Book for Sale — Click Here


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