
15 Irresistible Christmas Cookie Recipes: Spreading Holiday Joy

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Christmas Cookie Recipes

‘Tis the sea­son for spread­ing hol­i­day cheer, and what bet­ter way than by fill­ing your home with the irre­sistible aro­ma of fresh­ly baked cook­ies? This time of year calls for the warmth of the oven and the joy of shar­ing deli­cious treats with loved ones. If you want to whip up some delight­ful con­fec­tions with­out break­ing a sweat, we’ve cov­ered you with 15 easy Christ­mas cook­ie ideas. From clas­sic favorites like gin­ger­bread and sug­ar cook­ies to inven­tive twists involv­ing choco­late chips, can­dy canes, and more, these recipes will become your go-to for fes­tive bak­ing.

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 **Peanut But­ter Blos­soms:**
Start your hol­i­day bak­ing with the time­less peanut but­ter blos­soms. Soft peanut but­ter cook­ies adorned with a Her­shey’s Kiss in the cen­ter make for a delight­ful com­bi­na­tion with every­one reach­ing for sec­onds.

Christmas Cookie Recipes

**Peanut But­ter Blos­soms Recipe:**

- 1/2 cup unsalt­ed but­ter, soft­ened
- 1/2 cup gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar
- 1/2 cup packed light brown sug­ar
- 1/2 cup creamy peanut but­ter
- 1 large egg
- 1 tea­spoon pure vanil­la extract
- 1 and 3/4 cups all-pur­pose flour
- 1 tea­spoon bak­ing soda
- 1/2 tea­spoon salt
- Addi­tion­al gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar for rolling
- 36 Her­shey’s Kiss­es, unwrapped


1. **Pre­heat the Oven:**
Pre­heat your oven to 350°F (175°C)—line bak­ing sheets with parch­ment paper.

2. **Cream­ing the Ingre­di­ents:**
In a large mix­ing bowl, cream the soft­ened but­ter, gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar, brown sug­ar, and peanut but­ter until light and fluffy.

3. **Incor­po­rate Wet Ingre­di­ents:**
Beat in the egg and vanil­la extract until well com­bined.

4. **Dry Ingre­di­ents:**
Whisk the flour, bak­ing soda, and salt togeth­er in a sep­a­rate bowl. Grad­u­al­ly add the dry and wet ingre­di­ents until the dough comes togeth­er.

5. **Rolling the Dough:**
Shape the dough into 1‑inch balls. Roll each ball in gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar to coat even­ly.

6. **Bak­ing:**
Place the sug­ar-coat­ed dough balls on the pre­pared bak­ing sheets, spac­ing them about 2 inch­es apart. Bake in the oven for 8–10 min­utes or until the edges are light­ly gold­en.

7. **Adding the Her­shey’s Kiss­es:**
While the cook­ies are bak­ing, unwrap the Her­shey’s Kiss­es. Once the cook­ies are out of the oven, imme­di­ate­ly press a Kiss into the cen­ter of each cook­ie, caus­ing the edges to crack slight­ly.

8. **Cool­ing:**
Allow the cook­ies to cool on the bak­ing sheets for a cou­ple of min­utes before trans­fer­ring them to a wire rack to cool com­plete­ly.

9. **Enjoy:**
Once the Her­shey’s Kiss­es have set, the Peanut But­ter Blos­soms are ready to be enjoyed. Store in an air­tight con­tain­er for fresh­ness.

These clas­sic Peanut But­ter Blos­soms are a per­fect blend of peanut but­ter good­ness and the sweet­ness of Her­shey’s Kiss­es, mak­ing them a time­less favorite dur­ing the hol­i­day sea­son.

 **Gin­ger­bread Cook­ies:**
Cap­ture the essence of the sea­son with the spiced good­ness of gin­ger­bread cook­ies. Whether shaped like gin­ger­bread men or fes­tive Christ­mas trees, these cook­ies are a must-have for any cook­ie plat­ter.

Christmas Cookie Recipes

**Gin­ger­bread Cook­ies Recipe:**

- 3 cups all-pur­pose flour
- 1 tea­spoon bak­ing soda
- 3/4 tea­spoon ground cin­na­mon
- 3/4 tea­spoon ground gin­ger
- 1/2 tea­spoon ground cloves
- 1/2 tea­spoon salt
- 3/4 cup unsalt­ed but­ter, soft­ened
- 1/2 cup packed brown sug­ar
- 1 large egg
- 1/2 cup molasses
- 1 tea­spoon pure vanil­la extract

**For Dec­o­rat­ing (option­al):**
- Roy­al icing
- Assort­ed col­ored sprin­kles
- Can­dy dec­o­ra­tions


1. **Pre­heat the Oven:**
Pre­heat your oven to 350°F (175°C)—line bak­ing sheets with parch­ment paper.

2. **Com­bine Dry Ingre­di­ents:**
Whisk togeth­er the flour, bak­ing soda, cin­na­mon, gin­ger, cloves, and salt in a medi­um bowl. Set aside.

3. **Cream­ing the But­ter and Sug­ar:**
In a large bowl, cream the soft­ened but­ter and brown sug­ar until light and fluffy.

4. **Incor­po­rate Wet Ingre­di­ents:**
Beat in the egg, molasses, and vanil­la extract until well com­bined.

5. **Com­bin­ing Wet and Dry Ingre­di­ents:**
Grad­u­al­ly add the dry and wet ingre­di­ents, mix­ing until the dough forms. If the dough is too sticky, you can add a lit­tle more flour.

6. **Chill the Dough:**
Divide the dough in half, shape each half into a disc, wrap in plas­tic wrap, and refrig­er­ate for at least 2 hours or overnight. Chill­ing the dough helps it firm up for eas­i­er rolling.

7. **Rolling and Cut­ting:**
Pre­heat your oven again if nec­es­sary. On a floured sur­face, roll out the chilled dough to about 1/4 inch thick­ness. Use gin­ger­bread men or oth­er fes­tive cook­ie cut­ters to cut out shapes.

8. **Bak­ing:**
Place the cut-out shapes on the pre­pared bak­ing sheets, spac­ing them about 1 inch apart. Bake for 8–10 min­utes or until the edges are just set. Be care­ful not to over­bake for a soft­er cook­ie.

9. **Cool­ing:**
Allow the cook­ies to cool on the bak­ing sheets for a few min­utes before trans­fer­ring them to a wire rack to cool com­plete­ly.

10. **Dec­o­rat­ing (Option­al):**
Once the cook­ies are com­plete­ly cooled, you can dec­o­rate them with roy­al icing, col­ored sprin­kles, or can­dy dec­o­ra­tions to add a fes­tive touch.

11. **Enjoy:**
Your home­made gin­ger­bread cook­ies are now ready to be enjoyed! Store them in an air­tight con­tain­er to main­tain fresh­ness.

These clas­sic gin­ger­bread cook­ies are per­fect for bring­ing the warm and spicy fla­vors of the hol­i­day sea­son to your table. Whether you enjoy them plain or get cre­ative with dec­o­ra­tions, these cook­ies will sure­ly be a hit dur­ing Christ­mas fes­tiv­i­ties.

 **Choco­late Crin­kle Cook­ies:**
For a delight­ful con­trast, try choco­late crin­kle cook­ies. Rolled in pow­dered sug­ar before bak­ing, these cook­ies crack­le into a beau­ti­ful pat­tern, cre­at­ing a fes­tive appear­ance per­fect for the hol­i­day spir­it.

Christmas Cookie Recipes

**Choco­late Crin­kle Cook­ies Recipe:**

- 1 cup all-pur­pose flour
- 1/2 cup unsweet­ened cocoa pow­der
- 1 tea­spoon bak­ing pow­der
- 1/4 tea­spoon salt
- 1 cup gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar
- 1/4 cup veg­etable oil
- 2 large eggs
- 1 tea­spoon vanil­la extract
- 1/2 cup pow­dered sug­ar (for coat­ing)


1. **Pre­heat the Oven:**
Pre­heat your oven to 350°F (175°C)—line bak­ing sheets with parch­ment paper.

2. **Com­bine Dry Ingre­di­ents:**
Whisk togeth­er the flour, cocoa pow­der, bak­ing pow­der, and salt in a medi­um bowl. Set aside.

3. **Mix Wet Ingre­di­ents:**
Whisk togeth­er the gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar and veg­etable oil in a sep­a­rate large bowl until well com­bined. Add the eggs one at a time, beat­ing well after each addi­tion. Stir in the vanil­la extract.

4. **Com­bine Wet and Dry Ingre­di­ents:**
Grad­u­al­ly add the dry ingre­di­ents to the wet ingre­di­ents, stir­ring until just com­bined. The result should be a soft and sticky choco­late dough.

5. **Chill the Dough:**
Cov­er the bowl with plas­tic wrap and refrig­er­ate the dough for at least 3 hours or overnight. Chill­ing is cru­cial for the cook­ies to hold their shape and for easy han­dling.

6. **Shape the Dough:**
Once chilled, use your hands to shape the dough into 1‑inch balls. Roll each ball in pow­dered sug­ar until gen­er­ous­ly coat­ed.

7. **Place on Bak­ing Sheets:**
Arrange the coat­ed balls on the pre­pared bak­ing sheets, leav­ing enough space between them as they will spread dur­ing bak­ing.

8. **Bake:**
Bake in the oven for 10–12 min­utes or until the edges are set but the cen­ters are still soft. The cook­ies will have a crin­kled appear­ance.

9. **Cool­ing:**
Allow the cook­ies to cool on the bak­ing sheets for a few min­utes before trans­fer­ring them to a wire rack to cool com­plete­ly.

10. **Enjoy:**
Once com­plete­ly cooled, these choco­late crin­kle cook­ies are ready to be enjoyed. Their fudgy inte­ri­or and pow­dered sug­ar coat­ing make them a delight­ful treat dur­ing the hol­i­day sea­son.

These choco­late crin­kle cook­ies are deli­cious and add a fes­tive touch to your hol­i­day cook­ie plat­ter with their crack­led appear­ance. Per­fect­ly sweet and choco­laty, they will sure­ly be a hit at any Christ­mas gath­er­ing.

 **Short­bread Cook­ies:**
The but­tery sim­plic­i­ty of short­bread cook­ies is a hol­i­day clas­sic. These melt-in-your-mouth delights are eas­i­ly shaped with cook­ie cut­ters, allow­ing you to cre­ate a wide array of fes­tive designs.

Christmas Cookie Recipes

**Short­bread Cook­ies Recipe:**


1. **Pre­heat the Oven:**
Pre­heat your oven to 325°F (160°C)—line bak­ing sheets with parch­ment paper.

2. **Pre­pare the Dough:**
In a large mix­ing bowl, com­bine the ingre­di­ents for the short­bread dough. Be sure to fol­low the spe­cif­ic but­ter, sug­ar, and flour mea­sure­ments. Mix the ingre­di­ents until a crumbly dough forms.

3. **Shape the Cook­ies:**
Depend­ing on your pref­er­ence, shape por­tions of the dough into rounds or rec­tan­gles. You can also use cook­ie cut­ters for var­i­ous shapes. The thick­ness of the cook­ies can be adjust­ed accord­ing to your lik­ing.

4. **Score the Dough (Option­al):**
Using a fork or a tooth­pick, gen­tly score the top of each cook­ie with dec­o­ra­tive pat­terns. This step is option­al but adds a clas­sic touch to short­bread cook­ies.

5. **Chill the Dough (Option­al):**
If time allows, you can chill the shaped cook­ies in the refrig­er­a­tor for about 30 min­utes. Chilled dough helps the cook­ies hold their shape dur­ing bak­ing.

6. **Bake:**
Place the shaped cook­ies on the pre­pared bak­ing sheets and bake in the oven for approx­i­mate­ly 12–15 min­utes or until the edges are light­ly gold­en. Keep a close eye on them to pre­vent over­bak­ing.

7. **Cool­ing:**
Allow the short­bread cook­ies to cool on the bak­ing sheets for a few min­utes before trans­fer­ring them to a wire rack to cool com­plete­ly. Short­bread can be del­i­cate when warm, so han­dling them gen­tly is key.

8. **Enjoy:**
Once cooled, your short­bread cook­ies are ready to be enjoyed. These but­tery delights are per­fect or can be paired with your favorite hot bev­er­age.

Short­bread cook­ies are a clas­sic and time­less treat, known for their rich, but­tery fla­vor and crumbly tex­ture. This sim­ple recipe allows you to savor the pure essence of but­ter and sug­ar in each delight­ful bite.

 **Soft Molasses Cook­ies:**
Embrace the rich fla­vors of the sea­son with soft molasses cook­ies. Their cake-like tex­ture and delight­ful spices make them per­fect for your Christ­mas dessert spread.

Christmas Cookie Recipes

**Soft Molasses Cook­ies Recipe:**

- 3/4 cup unsalt­ed but­ter, soft­ened
- 1 cup gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar
- 1/4 cup molasses
- 1 large egg
- 2 cups all-pur­pose flour
- 2 tea­spoons bak­ing soda
- 1/2 tea­spoon salt
- 1 tea­spoon ground cin­na­mon
- 1/2 tea­spoon ground gin­ger
- 1/4 tea­spoon ground cloves
- Addi­tion­al gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar for rolling


1. **Pre­heat the Oven:**
Pre­heat your oven to 350°F (175°C)—line bak­ing sheets with parch­ment paper.

2. **Cream But­ter and Sug­ar:**
In a large bowl, cream the soft­ened but­ter and gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar until light and fluffy.

3. **Incor­po­rate Wet Ingre­di­ents:**
Add the molasses and egg to the creamed mix­ture and beat well until thor­ough­ly com­bined.

4. **Com­bine Dry Ingre­di­ents:**
Whisk togeth­er the flour, bak­ing soda, salt, cin­na­mon, gin­ger, and cloves in a sep­a­rate bowl.

5. **Com­bine Wet and Dry Ingre­di­ents:**
Grad­u­al­ly add the dry and wet ingre­di­ents, mix­ing until a soft and uni­form cook­ie dough forms.

6. **Chill the Dough (Option­al):**
You can chill the dough in the refrig­er­a­tor for about 30 min­utes for enhanced fla­vor and eas­i­er han­dling.

7. **Shape into Balls:**
Take por­tions of the dough and shape them into 1‑inch balls. Roll each ball in addi­tion­al gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar to coat them even­ly.

8. **Place on Bak­ing Sheets:**
Arrange the sug­ar-coat­ed dough balls on the pre­pared bak­ing sheets, leav­ing enough space between them.

9. **Bake:**
Bake in the oven for 10–12 min­utes or until the edges are set but the cen­ters are still soft. The cook­ies will con­tin­ue to set as they cool.

10. **Cool­ing:**
Allow the cook­ies to cool on the bak­ing sheets for a few min­utes before trans­fer­ring them to a wire rack to cool com­plete­ly.

11. **Enjoy:**
Once cooled, your soft molasses cook­ies are ready to be enjoyed. Their warm spices and chewy tex­ture make them a per­fect treat for the hol­i­day sea­son.

These soft molasses cook­ies are a delight­ful com­bi­na­tion of sweet and spicy fla­vors, offer­ing a com­fort­ing and chewy tex­ture. With a sug­ar coat­ing and a sub­tle crunch, these cook­ies will sure­ly become a favorite dur­ing your fes­tive bak­ing ses­sions.

**Cut-out Sug­ar Cook­ies:**
Get cre­ative with cut-out sug­ar cook­ies. Use fes­tive cook­ie cut­ters to shape them into stars, snowflakes, or any­thing that brings a touch of Christ­mas mag­ic to your plate.

Christmas Cookie Recipes

**Cut-out Sug­ar Cook­ies Recipe:**

- 1 cup unsalt­ed but­ter, soft­ened
- 1 cup gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar
- 2 large eggs
- 1 tea­spoon vanil­la extract
- 3 cups all-pur­pose flour
- 1/2 tea­spoon bak­ing pow­der
- 1/4 tea­spoon salt
- Addi­tion­al flour for rolling

**For Dec­o­rat­ing (option­al):**
- Roy­al icing
- Col­ored sprin­kles
- Food col­or­ing


1. **Pre­heat the Oven:**
Pre­heat your oven to 375°F (190°C)—line bak­ing sheets with parch­ment paper.

2. **Cream But­ter and Sug­ar:**
In a large bowl, cream the soft­ened but­ter and gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar until light and fluffy.

3. **Incor­po­rate Wet Ingre­di­ents:**
Add the eggs one at a time, beat­ing well after each addi­tion. Stir in the vanil­la extract until the mix­ture is well com­bined.

4. **Com­bine Dry Ingre­di­ents:**
Whisk the flour, bak­ing pow­der, and salt togeth­er in a sep­a­rate bowl.

5. **Com­bine Wet and Dry Ingre­di­ents:**
Grad­u­al­ly add the dry and wet ingre­di­ents, mix­ing until a soft dough forms. If the dough is too sticky, you can add a lit­tle more flour.

6. **Chill the Dough:**
Divide the dough in half, shape each half into a disc, wrap in plas­tic wrap, and refrig­er­ate for at least 2 hours or overnight. Chill­ing the dough helps it firm up for eas­i­er rolling.

7. **Rolling and Cut­ting:**
Pre­heat your oven again if nec­es­sary. On a floured sur­face, roll out the chilled dough to about 1/4 inch thick­ness. Use cook­ie cut­ters to cut out desired shapes.

8. **Place on Bak­ing Sheets:**
Place the cut-out shapes on the pre­pared bak­ing sheets, spac­ing them about 1 inch apart.

9. **Bake:**
Bake in the oven for 8–10 min­utes or until the edges are set and the cook­ies are light­ly gold­en.

10. **Cool­ing:**
Allow the cook­ies to cool on the bak­ing sheets for a few min­utes before trans­fer­ring them to a wire rack to cool com­plete­ly.

11. **Dec­o­rat­ing (Option­al):**
Once the cook­ies are com­plete­ly cooled, you can dec­o­rate them with roy­al icing, col­ored sprin­kles, or food col­or­ing to add a fes­tive touch.

12. **Enjoy:**
Your cut-out sug­ar cook­ies are now ready to be enjoyed. Whether plain or dec­o­rat­ed, these clas­sic cook­ies are per­fect for any occa­sion.

These cut-out sug­ar cook­ies are ver­sa­tile and a per­fect can­vas for your cre­ative dec­o­ra­tions. Enjoy them plain, or get artis­tic with col­or­ful roy­al icing and sprin­kles for a fes­tive touch. They’re per­fect for hol­i­days, birth­days, or any spe­cial cel­e­bra­tion!

**Choco­late Pep­per­mint Cook­ies:**
Dive into the hol­i­day fla­vors with choco­late pep­per­mint cook­ies. Com­bin­ing dark choco­late and refresh­ing pep­per­mint is a per­fect way to infuse your bak­ing with Christ­mas cheer.

Christmas Cookie Recipes

**Choco­late Pep­per­mint Cook­ies Recipe:**


- 1 cup unsalt­ed but­ter, soft­ened
- 1 cup gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar
- 1 large egg
- 1 tea­spoon vanil­la extract
- 2 cups all-pur­pose flour
- 1/2 cup unsweet­ened cocoa pow­der
- 1 tea­spoon bak­ing pow­der
- 1/4 tea­spoon salt
- 1/2 cup choco­late chips or chunks
- 1/2 cup crushed pep­per­mint can­dies or can­dy canes

**For Rolling (option­al):**
- Pow­dered sug­ar


1. **Pre­heat the Oven:**
Pre­heat your oven to 350°F (175°C)—line bak­ing sheets with parch­ment paper.

2. **Cream But­ter and Sug­ar:**
In a large bowl, cream the soft­ened but­ter and gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar until light and fluffy.

3. **Incor­po­rate Wet Ingre­di­ents:**
Add the egg and vanil­la extract to the creamed mix­ture, beat­ing well until thor­ough­ly com­bined.

4. **Com­bine Dry Ingre­di­ents:**
Whisk togeth­er the flour, cocoa pow­der, bak­ing pow­der, and salt in a sep­a­rate bowl.

5. **Com­bine Wet and Dry Ingre­di­ents:**
Grad­u­al­ly add the dry and wet ingre­di­ents, mix­ing until a soft cook­ie dough forms.

6. **Fold in Choco­late Chips and Pep­per­mint:**
Gen­tly fold the choco­late chips or chunks and crushed pep­per­mint can­dies until even­ly dis­trib­uted through­out the dough.

7. **Chill the Dough (Option­al):**
You can chill the dough in the refrig­er­a­tor for about 30 min­utes for enhanced fla­vor and eas­i­er han­dling.

8. **Rolling in Pow­dered Sug­ar (Option­al):**
If desired, you can roll por­tions of the dough into balls and then in pow­dered sug­ar for a delight­ful, crin­kled appear­ance.

9. **Place on Bak­ing Sheets:**
Arrange the cook­ie dough balls on the pre­pared bak­ing sheets, leav­ing enough space between them.

10. **Bake:**
Bake in the oven for 10–12 min­utes or until the edges are set. The cook­ies may still be soft in the cen­ter but will firm up as they cool.

11. **Cool­ing:**
Allow the cook­ies to cool on the bak­ing sheets for a few min­utes before trans­fer­ring them to a wire rack to cool com­plete­ly.

12. **Enjoy:**
Your choco­late pep­per­mint cook­ies are now ready to be enjoyed. The rich choco­late and refresh­ing pep­per­mint make these cook­ies per­fect for the hol­i­day sea­son.

These choco­late pep­per­mint cook­ies are a delight­ful blend of fes­tive fla­vors, com­bin­ing choco­late’s rich­ness with pep­per­mint’s cool­ness. Whether enjoyed as a hol­i­day treat or a spe­cial indul­gence through­out the year, these cook­ies will sure­ly please any choco­late and pep­per­mint lover.

 **Maple Syrup But­ter Cook­ies:**
Add a unique twist to your hol­i­day treats with maple syrup but­ter cook­ies. The sub­tle sweet­ness of maple syrup adds a dis­tinc­tive fla­vor to these gold­en brown delights.

**Maple Syrup But­ter Cook­ies Recipe:**


- 1 cup unsalt­ed but­ter, soft­ened
- 1 cup gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar
- 1 large egg
- 1 tea­spoon vanil­la extract
- 1/3 cup pure maple syrup
- 3 cups all-pur­pose flour
- 1/2 tea­spoon bak­ing pow­der
- 1/4 tea­spoon salt
- Addi­tion­al gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar for rolling (option­al)


1. **Pre­heat the Oven:**
Pre­heat your oven to 350°F (175°C)—line bak­ing sheets with parch­ment paper.

2. **Cream But­ter and Sug­ar:**
In a large bowl, cream the soft­ened but­ter and gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar until light and fluffy.

3. **Incor­po­rate Wet Ingre­di­ents:**
Add the egg and vanil­la extract to the creamed mix­ture, beat­ing well until thor­ough­ly com­bined.

4. **Add Maple Syrup:**
Pour in the maple syrup and con­tin­ue mix­ing until the ingre­di­ents are well incor­po­rat­ed.

5. **Com­bine Dry Ingre­di­ents:**
Whisk togeth­er the flour, bak­ing pow­der, and salt in a sep­a­rate bowl.

6. **Com­bine Wet and Dry Ingre­di­ents:**
Grad­u­al­ly add the dry and wet ingre­di­ents, mix­ing until a soft cook­ie dough forms.

7. **Chill the Dough (Option­al):**
You can chill the dough in the refrig­er­a­tor for about 30 min­utes for enhanced fla­vor and eas­i­er han­dling.

8. **Rolling in Sug­ar (Option­al):**
If desired, you can roll por­tions of the dough into balls and then add gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar for a slight­ly sweet exte­ri­or.

9. **Place on Bak­ing Sheets:**
Arrange the cook­ie dough balls on the pre­pared bak­ing sheets, leav­ing enough space between them.

10. **Flat­ten (Option­al):**
If you pre­fer a flat­ter cook­ie, gen­tly press each ball with the back of a fork or the bot­tom of a glass.

11. **Bake:**
Bake in the oven for 10–12 min­utes or until the edges are set. The cook­ies may still be soft in the cen­ter, but they will firm up as they cool.

12. **Cool­ing:**
Allow the cook­ies to cool on the bak­ing sheets for a few min­utes before trans­fer­ring them to a wire rack to cool com­plete­ly.

13. **Enjoy:**
Your maple syrup but­ter cook­ies are now ready to be enjoyed. The sub­tle sweet­ness of maple syrup adds a unique fla­vor to these but­tery delights.

These maple syrup but­ter cook­ies are a delight­ful twist on clas­sic but­ter cook­ies. They offer a sub­tle sweet­ness and a hint of maple fla­vor. Enjoy them with a cup of tea or cof­fee for a love­ly treat any time of the year.

 **Peanut But­ter Cup Cook­ies:**
Take a fun approach with peanut but­ter cup cook­ies. These easy-to-make treats com­bine the good­ness of peanut but­ter cook­ies with the sur­prise of a peanut but­ter cup in the cen­ter.

**Peanut But­ter Cup Cook­ies Recipe:**
- 1 and 3/4 cups all-pur­pose flour
- 1/2 tea­spoon bak­ing soda
- 1/2 tea­spoon salt
- 1/2 cup unsalt­ed but­ter, soft­ened
- 1/2 cup gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar
- 1/2 cup packed light brown sug­ar
- 1/2 cup creamy peanut but­ter
- 1 large egg
- 1 tea­spoon vanil­la extract
- 36 mini Reese’s Peanut But­ter Cups, unwrapped
1. **Pre­heat the Oven:**
   Pre­heat your oven to 350°F (175°C)—line mini muf­fin tins with paper lin­ers.
2. **Com­bine Dry Ingre­di­ents:**
   Whisk togeth­er the flour, bak­ing soda, and salt in a medi­um bowl. Set aside.
3. **Cream But­ter and Sug­ars:**
   In a large bowl, cream the soft­ened but­ter, gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar, and brown sug­ar until light and fluffy.
4. **Incor­po­rate Peanut But­ter:**
   Add the peanut but­ter to the creamed mix­ture and beat until well com­bined.
5. **Add Wet Ingre­di­ents:**
   Beat in the egg and vanil­la extract until the mix­ture is smooth.
6. **Com­bine Wet and Dry Ingre­di­ents:**
   Grad­u­al­ly add the dry and wet ingre­di­ents, mix­ing until just com­bined. Be care­ful not to over­mix.
7. **Shape the Dough:**
   Using a small cook­ie scoop or a table­spoon, shape the dough into balls and place each ball into the wells of the mini muf­fin tin.
8. **Bake:**
   Bake in the oven for 8–10 min­utes or until the edges are light­ly gold­en. While the cook­ies are bak­ing, unwrap the mini peanut but­ter cups.
9. **Press in Peanut But­ter Cups:**
   As soon as the cook­ies come out of the oven, press a mini peanut but­ter cup into the cen­ter of each cook­ie, allow­ing the cook­ie to mold around the peanut but­ter cup.
10. **Cool­ing:**
    Allow the cook­ies to cool in the mini muf­fin tin for a few min­utes before trans­fer­ring them to a wire rack to cool com­plete­ly.
11. **Enjoy:**
    Once cooled, your peanut but­ter cup cook­ies are ready to be enjoyed. The soft peanut but­ter cook­ies and the irre­sistible peanut but­ter cup in the cen­ter make these treats a favorite.
These peanut but­ter cup cook­ies are a delight­ful com­bi­na­tion of soft peanut but­ter cook­ies and the icon­ic fla­vor of Reese’s Peanut But­ter Cups. Per­fect for any peanut but­ter lover, these cook­ies will sure­ly be a hit at your next gath­er­ing.

 **Clas­sic Choco­late Chip Cook­ies with a Fall Twist:**
Ele­vate the clas­sic choco­late chip cook­ie by adding a fall twist. Incor­po­rate sea­son­al ingre­di­ents like cin­na­mon, nut­meg, or even a hint of pump­kin for a cook­ie that embod­ies the hol­i­day spir­it.

**Clas­sic Choco­late Chip Cook­ies with a Fall Twist Recipe:**


- 1 cup unsalt­ed but­ter, soft­ened
- 1 cup gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar
- 1 cup packed light brown sug­ar
- 2 large eggs
- 1 tea­spoon vanil­la extract
- 3 cups all-pur­pose flour
- 1 tea­spoon bak­ing soda
- 1/2 tea­spoon bak­ing pow­der
- 1/2 tea­spoon salt
- 1 tea­spoon ground cin­na­mon
- 1/2 tea­spoon ground nut­meg
- 1/4 tea­spoon ground cloves
- 2 cups choco­late chips
- 1 cup chopped pecans or wal­nuts (option­al)
- 1 cup dried cran­ber­ries or raisins (option­al)


1. **Pre­heat the Oven:**
Pre­heat your oven to 350°F (175°C)—line bak­ing sheets with parch­ment paper.

2. **Cream But­ter and Sug­ars:**
In a large bowl, cream the soft­ened but­ter, gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar, and brown sug­ar until light and fluffy.

3. **Incor­po­rate Eggs and Vanil­la:**
Add the eggs one at a time, beat­ing well after each addi­tion. Stir in the vanil­la extract.

4. **Com­bine Dry Ingre­di­ents:**
Whisk togeth­er the flour, bak­ing soda, bak­ing pow­der, salt, cin­na­mon, nut­meg, and cloves in a sep­a­rate bowl.

5. **Com­bine Wet and Dry Ingre­di­ents:**
Grad­u­al­ly add the dry and wet ingre­di­ents, mix­ing until just com­bined.

6. **Fold in Choco­late Chips and Fall Addi­tions:**
Gen­tly fold in the choco­late chips and, if desired, add the chopped nuts and dried cran­ber­ries or raisins. This gives the cook­ies a delight­ful fall twist.

7. **Chill the Dough (Option­al):**
For enhanced fla­vor and tex­ture, you can chill the dough in the refrig­er­a­tor for about 30 min­utes.

8. **Shape the Dough:**
Using a cook­ie scoop or a table­spoon, drop round­ed balls of dough onto the pre­pared bak­ing sheets, leav­ing enough space between them.

9. **Bake:**
Bake in the oven for 10–12 min­utes or until the edges are gold­en but the cen­ters are still soft. Adjust the bak­ing time accord­ing to your desired cook­ie tex­ture.

10. **Cool­ing:**
Allow the cook­ies to cool on the bak­ing sheets for a few min­utes before trans­fer­ring them to a wire rack to cool com­plete­ly.

11. **Enjoy:**
Once cooled, your clas­sic choco­late chip cook­ies with a fall twist are ready to be enjoyed. The warm spices and added tex­tures make these cook­ies per­fect for autumn gath­er­ings.

These clas­sic choco­late chip cook­ies with a fall twist are a deli­cious com­bi­na­tion of famil­iar fla­vors and the warmth of fall spices. Whether you enjoy them with cof­fee or as a fes­tive treat dur­ing autumn cel­e­bra­tions, these cook­ies will bring com­fort and joy to your taste buds.

Print the entry at the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

This hol­i­day sea­son, let the aro­ma of fresh­ly baked cook­ies fill your home as you cre­ate mem­o­ries with loved ones. With these easy Christ­mas cook­ie recipes, you can enjoy the best part of the season—the joy of giv­ing and savor­ing deli­cious treats. Whether plan­ning a cook­ie swap, mak­ing home­made gifts, or sim­ply indulging in the hap­pi­ness of fes­tive bak­ing, these recipes will sure­ly add a touch of mag­ic to your cel­e­bra­tions. Hap­py hol­i­days, and may your cook­ie tins be filled with the best Christ­mas cook­ies made with love and joy!



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