DIY & Crafts

10 Preschool Christmas Crafts to Spark Holiday Joy!

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Preschool Christmas Crafts

The hol­i­day sea­son is a mag­i­cal time for fam­i­lies, filled with joy, warmth, and the spir­it of giv­ing. Engag­ing in easy Christ­mas crafts is a great way to bond with your loved ones and cre­ate last­ing mem­o­ries. With their lit­tle hands and bound­less cre­ativ­i­ty, preschool­ers can enjoy craft­ing dur­ing this fes­tive sea­son. In this arti­cle, we’ll explore 11 preschool Christ­mas crafts that are easy and fun and pro­vide an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty to enhance fine motor skills, mak­ing them per­fect for kids of all ages.

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 **Can­dy Cane Rein­deer:**
Mak­ing can­dy cane rein­deer is a great way to kick off the hol­i­day craft­ing. Your lit­tle ones can bring these fes­tive crea­tures to life using can­dy canes, goo­gly eyes, and pipe clean­ers. This easy craft is a fun Christ­mas activ­i­ty and helps devel­op fine motor skills as they wrap the pipe clean­er around the can­dy cane.

Preschool Christmas Crafts

**Mate­ri­als Need­ed:**
1. Can­dy canes
2. Brown pipe clean­ers
3. Goo­gly eyes
4. Small red pom-poms or craft foam for the nose
5. Glue or hot glue gun
6. Red or brown rib­bon (option­al)


1. **Gath­er Your Mate­ri­als:**
Assem­ble all the mate­ri­als need­ed for your can­dy cane rein­deer craft. Ensure you have enough can­dy canes, pipe clean­ers, goo­gly eyes, pom-poms or craft foam, and glue.

2. **Prep the Can­dy Canes:**
Care­ful­ly unwrap the can­dy canes, ensur­ing that they are intact. If you plan to hang the rein­deer, con­sid­er leav­ing the plas­tic wrap­pers on the can­dy canes for a dec­o­ra­tive touch.

3. **Cre­ate the Antlers:**
Take a brown pipe clean­er and cut it into two equal pieces. Twist each piece around the crook of the can­dy cane to cre­ate antlers. Adjust the length and shape as desired.

4. **Attach the Eyes:**
Use glue to attach goo­gly eyes to the front of the can­dy cane, just above the curve. Make sure they are secure­ly attached and aligned.

5. **Add the Nose:**
Attach a small red pom-pom or craft foam in the cen­ter, just below the eyes, to cre­ate the rein­deer’s nose. This will give your can­dy cane rein­deer a fes­tive and adorable look.

6. **Option­al Rib­bon Bow:**
For an extra touch, tie a small bow with red or brown rib­bon around the neck of the can­dy cane rein­deer. This step is option­al but adds a cute and fes­tive flair.

7. **Allow for Dry­ing:**
Using reg­u­lar glue, allow the craft to dry com­plete­ly before han­dling. If you opt­ed for a hot glue gun, exer­cise cau­tion and allow the glue to cool and hard­en.

8. **Cre­ate a Herd:**
Repeat the steps to cre­ate a whole herd of can­dy cane rein­deer. This is a fan­tas­tic activ­i­ty for group set­tings or class­rooms.

9. **Hang or Share:**
Once the can­dy cane rein­deer are dry and ready, you can hang them on your Christ­mas tree using the crook of the can­dy cane or share them as delight­ful hol­i­day treats or gifts.

10. **Enjoy the Fes­tive Decor:**
Dis­play your adorable can­dy cane rein­deer crafts around your home, or give them as thought­ful, hand­made gifts. These fes­tive cre­ations will bring joy and hol­i­day spir­it to any­one who sees them!

 **Paper Plate San­ta Claus:**
Trans­form a sim­ple paper plate into jol­ly old St. Nick! With con­struc­tion paper, cot­ton balls, and a glue stick, your lit­tle ones can craft their San­ta Claus. This easy preschool Christ­mas craft is per­fect for younger chil­dren and is ide­al for spread­ing the hol­i­day spir­it.

Preschool Christmas Crafts

**Mate­ri­als Need­ed:**
1. Paper plates
2. Red, white, and black con­struc­tion paper
3. Cot­ton balls
4. Glue or glue stick
5. Scis­sors
6. Goo­gly eyes
7. Red pom-pom or red craft foam (for the nose)
8. Pen­cil
9. Option­al: Red and white paint, paint­brush (for extra dec­o­ra­tion)


1. **Pre­pare the Paper Plate:**
Start by turn­ing the paper plate upside down. This will be the face of your San­ta Claus.

2. **Cut the Con­struc­tion Paper:**
- Cut a strip of red con­struc­tion paper to cre­ate San­ta’s hat. The strip should be wide enough to cov­er the top rim of the paper plate.
- Cut a small rec­tan­gle from white con­struc­tion paper to serve as the fur trim for San­ta’s hat.
- Cut anoth­er strip of white con­struc­tion paper to cre­ate the hat’s brim.
- Cut a small rec­tan­gle from black con­struc­tion paper to make San­ta’s belt.

3. **Cre­ate San­ta’s Hat:**
- Glue the white rec­tan­gle along the bot­tom edge of the red strip, cre­at­ing the fur trim.
- Attach the red strip to the top rim of the paper plate, shap­ing it into a hat.
- Glue the white strip along the bot­tom edge of the red hat, cre­at­ing the brim.

4. **Craft San­ta’s Face:**
- Glue goo­gly eyes near the cen­ter of the plate.
- Attach a red pom-pom or cut a small cir­cle from red craft foam for San­ta’s nose. Glue it below the eyes.

5. **San­ta’s Beard:**
- Apply glue along the bot­tom edge of the paper plate, just below the nose.
- Press cot­ton balls onto the glue, cre­at­ing San­ta’s fluffy white beard.

6. **San­ta’s Belt:**
- Glue the black rec­tan­gle hor­i­zon­tal­ly across the cen­ter of the paper plate to cre­ate San­ta’s belt.

7. **Option­al Paint­ing:**
- If desired, paint the remain­ing part of the paper plate with red and white paint to give San­ta’s face a rosy com­plex­ion and a fluffy hat. Allow the paint to dry com­plete­ly.

8. **Final Touch­es:**
- Use a pen­cil to draw a smil­ing mouth below the nose, or cut a small piece of red con­struc­tion paper into a curved shape for San­ta’s mouth.
- If you’ve paint­ed the plate, wait for it to dry before adding facial fea­tures.

9. **Allow to Dry:**
- Ensure all glued items are secure and allow the craft to dry com­plete­ly before han­dling or dis­play­ing.

10. **Dis­play Your San­ta Claus Craft:**
- Once the San­ta Claus paper plate craft is dry, dis­play it proud­ly as fes­tive decor or as a fun hol­i­day activ­i­ty for kids.

Enjoy craft­ing your jol­ly San­ta Claus paper plate cre­ation!

**Pop­si­cle Stick Christ­mas Trees:**
Cre­ate a for­est of pop­si­cle stick Christ­mas trees with the whole fam­i­ly. Using pop­si­cle sticks, acrylic paint, and glue, this easy craft allows for cre­ativ­i­ty to flour­ish. It’s a fan­tas­tic way for old­er kids to express them­selves while mak­ing delight­ful Christ­mas dec­o­ra­tions.

Preschool Christmas Crafts

**Mate­ri­als Need­ed:**
1. Pop­si­cle sticks (green and brown)
2. Acrylic paint (var­i­ous col­ors)
3. Paint­brush­es
4. Glue
5. Assort­ed dec­o­ra­tions (sequins, pom-poms, stick­ers, etc.)
6. Scis­sors
7. Rib­bon or string (option­al for hang­ing)


1. **Pre­pare Pop­si­cle Sticks:**
- Lay out the pop­si­cle sticks, sep­a­rat­ing the green ones for the tree and the brown ones for the trunk.

2. **Paint the Pop­si­cle Sticks:**
- Paint the green pop­si­cle sticks with var­i­ous shades of acrylic paint. This will be the Christ­mas tree. Let them dry com­plete­ly.
- Paint the brown pop­si­cle sticks with brown paint. These will serve as the tree trunks. Allow them to dry as well.

3. **Assem­ble the Christ­mas Tree:**
- Arrange the green pop­si­cle sticks in the shape of a Christ­mas tree. Start with one stick as the trunk and then lay­er the green sticks in a tri­an­gle shape, with each lay­er get­ting small­er towards the top.

4. **Glue the Pop­si­cle Sticks:**
- Apply glue to the back of each pop­si­cle stick and press them onto the base stick, form­ing the tree. Hold them in place for a few sec­onds to allow the glue to set.

5. **Dec­o­rate the Christ­mas Tree:**
- Get cre­ative with dec­o­ra­tions! Add sequins, pom-poms, or stick­ers to rep­re­sent orna­ments on the tree. Allow the kids to express their cre­ativ­i­ty in dec­o­rat­ing their trees.

6. **Cre­ate a Trunk:**
- Glue the brown pop­si­cle stick ver­ti­cal­ly at the bot­tom of the tri­an­gle to cre­ate the tree trunk. Ensure it is cen­tered and secure.

7. **Option­al: Add a Hang­ing Loop:**
- If you want to hang the pop­si­cle stick Christ­mas tree, attach a small loop of rib­bon or string to the back of the tree using glue.

8. **Let it Dry:**
- Allow the entire Christ­mas tree craft to dry com­plete­ly before mov­ing or dis­play­ing it.

9. **Dis­play Your Pop­si­cle Stick Christ­mas Trees:**
- Once dry, your fes­tive pop­si­cle stick Christ­mas trees are ready to be dis­played. Arrange them on a table­top, string them togeth­er as gar­lands, or hang them on the tree.

10. **Cel­e­brate and Enjoy:**
- Cel­e­brate the hol­i­day spir­it with these charm­ing pop­si­cle stick Christ­mas trees! Whether used as dec­o­ra­tions, gifts, or fun fam­i­ly activ­i­ties, these DIY trees will sure­ly add a fes­tive touch to your cel­e­bra­tions.

This sim­ple and enjoy­able craft is per­fect for kids of all ages and allows them to express their cre­ativ­i­ty dur­ing the hol­i­day sea­son.

**Pas­ta Noo­dle Orna­ments:**
Unleash cre­ativ­i­ty by turn­ing pas­ta noo­dles into unique Christ­mas orna­ments. With a bit of help from some white paint, these easy DIY orna­ments become a mem­o­rable addi­tion to your hol­i­day dec­o­ra­tions. Younger chil­dren can have a blast while the whole fam­i­ly con­tributes to this fes­tive craft.

Preschool Christmas Crafts

**Mate­ri­als Need­ed:**
1. Var­i­ous shapes and sizes of pas­ta noo­dles (penne, riga­toni, fusil­li, etc.)
2. White paint
3. Paint­brush­es
4. Col­ored mark­ers or acrylic paint
5. Glue
6. Rib­bon or twine
7. Option­al: Glit­ter, sequins, or oth­er dec­o­ra­tive ele­ments


1. **Gath­er Pas­ta Noo­dles:**
- Col­lect an assort­ment of pas­ta noo­dles in dif­fer­ent shapes and sizes. This vari­ety will add visu­al inter­est to your pas­ta noo­dle orna­ments.

2. **Paint the Pas­ta:**
- Use white paint to coat the pas­ta noo­dles. This serves as a base lay­er for dec­o­rat­ing. Allow the paint to dry com­plete­ly before mov­ing on to the next step.

3. **Dec­o­rate with Col­ors:**
- Once the white paint is dry, use col­ored mark­ers or acrylic paint to add vibrant and fes­tive designs to the pas­ta noo­dles. Let your cre­ativ­i­ty flow as you cre­ate unique pat­terns on each piece.

4. **Add Glit­ter or Dec­o­ra­tive Ele­ments (Option­al):**
- For a touch of sparkle, con­sid­er apply­ing glue to cer­tain areas of the paint­ed noo­dles and sprin­kling glit­ter or attach­ing sequins. This step is option­al but adds a fes­tive flair to your pas­ta noo­dle orna­ments.

5. **Cre­ate Hang­ing Loops:**
- Cut small rib­bon or twine to cre­ate hang­ing loops for each orna­ment. Secure­ly attach the loops to the pas­ta noo­dles using glue. Ensure that they are firm­ly attached and cen­tered for hang­ing.

6. **Let the Glue Dry:**
- Allow the glue on the hang­ing loops to dry com­plete­ly before han­dling the orna­ments. This ensures that the loops will secure­ly hold the weight of the orna­ments.

7. **Arrange and Dis­play:**
- Once all the ele­ments are dry, your pas­ta noo­dle orna­ments are ready to be dis­played. Arrange them in a bowl, hang them on the Christ­mas tree, or use them as unique gift tags for presents.

8. **Per­son­al­ize with Names (Option­al):**
- If you’re using the orna­ments as gift tags, con­sid­er per­son­al­iz­ing them by writ­ing names on each orna­ment. This adds a thought­ful touch to your hol­i­day presents.

9. **Share the Fun:**
- This craft is a delight­ful hol­i­day activ­i­ty and a great way to involve the whole fam­i­ly. Encour­age every­one to cre­ate their pas­ta noo­dle orna­ments and share in the joy of craft­ing.

10. **Cel­e­brate the Hol­i­days:**
- Whether adorn­ing your Christ­mas tree or adding a hand­made touch to your gifts, these pas­ta noo­dle orna­ments are a charm­ing and cre­ative way to cel­e­brate the hol­i­day sea­son.

This easy and fes­tive craft is suit­able for all ages, mak­ing it a per­fect fam­i­ly-friend­ly activ­i­ty for the Christ­mas sea­son.

**Toi­let Paper Roll Rein­deer:**
Get into the hol­i­day spir­it by trans­form­ing toi­let paper rolls into adorable rein­deer. Uti­lize goo­gly eyes, pipe clean­ers, and a red nose to cre­ate these charm­ing char­ac­ters. This sim­ple Christ­mas craft is easy and great for a fun project on Christ­mas morn­ing.

Preschool Christmas Crafts

**Snow Globe Craft:**
Cap­ture the mag­ic of a win­ter won­der­land with DIY snow globes. Using mason jars, mini marsh­mal­lows, and white paper, this easy and fun Christ­mas activ­i­ty allows lit­tle ones to cre­ate their own snowy scenes. It’s a great keep­sake that adds a touch of fes­tive spir­it to your hol­i­day dec­o­ra­tions.

Preschool Christmas Crafts

**Mate­ri­als Need­ed:**
1. Small, clear plas­tic or glass jars with lids
2. Craft snow or white glit­ter
3. Small hol­i­day-themed fig­urines or orna­ments
4. Water­proof glue or hot glue gun
5. Glyc­erin (option­al)
6. Dis­tilled water
7. Rib­bon or twine (option­al)
8. Dec­o­ra­tive ele­ments like mini trees or foam snowflakes (option­al)


1. **Choose Fig­urines:**
- Select small hol­i­day-themed fig­urines or orna­ments that fit the theme of your snow globe. Pop­u­lar choic­es include minia­ture trees, snow­men, or fes­tive char­ac­ters.

2. **Glue Fig­urines to Lid:**
- Use water­proof glue or a hot glue gun to secure­ly attach the cho­sen fig­urines to the inside of the jar lid. Ensure they are cen­tered and upright. Let the glue dry com­plete­ly.

3. **Option­al Dec­o­ra­tions:**
- If desired, add dec­o­ra­tive ele­ments such as mini trees or foam snowflakes to enhance the snow globe’s fes­tive look. Glue them to the inside of the lid.

4. **Add Snow or Glit­ter:**
- Sprin­kle craft snow or white glit­ter into the bot­tom of the jar. Adjust the amount based on your pref­er­ence for snow­fall. If using glit­ter, choose a fine vari­ety for a more del­i­cate effect.

5. **Fill with Water:**
- Fill the jar with dis­tilled water, leav­ing some space at the top to pre­vent over­flow when insert­ing the lid. Add a few drops of glyc­erin to the water if you want a slow­er snow­fall effect.

6. **Secure the Lid:**
- Care­ful­ly place the lid with the attached fig­urines onto the jar, ensur­ing a tight seal. Screw it on secure­ly to pre­vent leaks.

7. **Seal the Jar:**
- Apply water­proof glue or use a hot glue gun around the rim of the jar lid to cre­ate a tight seal. This helps pre­vent water leak­age and ensures the snow globe remains intact.

8. **Option­al Rib­bon or Twine:**
- If you’d like, tie a rib­bon or piece of twine around the base of the lid for a dec­o­ra­tive touch. This step is option­al but can add a fes­tive look to your snow globe.

9. **Shake and Enjoy:**
- Turn the jar upside down and gen­tly shake it to watch the snow or glit­ter fall around the fig­urines. Ensure the lid is tight­ly sealed before shak­ing.

10. **Dis­play Your Snow Globe:**
- Place your com­plet­ed snow globe on a table­top, shelf, or man­tel as a charm­ing hol­i­day dec­o­ra­tion. Con­sid­er cre­at­ing a col­lec­tion with dif­fer­ent fig­urines for a fes­tive dis­play.

11. **Gift or Keep­sake:**
- These DIY snow globes make love­ly gifts or keep­sakes. Con­sid­er craft­ing them with your fam­i­ly or friends to share the joy of the hol­i­day sea­son.

This sim­ple and cus­tomiz­able snow globe craft allows you to cre­ate your own win­ter won­der­land in a jar. It’s a delight­ful project for kids and adults to enjoy dur­ing the hol­i­day sea­son.

**Christ­mas Tree Craft with Cook­ie Cut­ters:**
Make the most of cook­ie cut­ters, using them for a dif­fer­ent purpose—creating fes­tive Christ­mas tree shapes. With var­i­ous sizes and col­ors of con­struc­tion paper, let your lit­tle ones arrange and glue their unique trees. This easy preschool Christ­mas craft is a per­fect way to engage kids in hol­i­day arts and crafts.

Preschool Christmas Crafts

**Mate­ri­als Need­ed:**
1. Assort­ed Christ­mas tree-shaped cook­ie cut­ters
2. Green con­struc­tion paper or card­stock
3. Pen­cil
4. Scis­sors
5. Assort­ed col­ored con­struc­tion paper or card­stock
6. Glue or glue stick
7. Dec­o­ra­tive ele­ments (option­al): sequins, glit­ter, pom-poms, stick­ers, etc.
8. Rib­bon or twine for hang­ing (option­al)


1. **Select Cook­ie Cut­ters:**
- Choose Christ­mas tree-shaped cook­ie cut­ters in var­i­ous sizes for a diverse and visu­al­ly appeal­ing tree.

2. **Trace Christ­mas Trees:**
- Place the cook­ie cut­ters on the green con­struc­tion paper or card­stock and trace around them with a pen­cil. Cre­ate as many tree shapes as desired.

3. **Cut Out Tree Shapes:**
- Care­ful­ly cut out the traced tree shapes using scis­sors. Ensure that the edges are neat and well-defined.

4. **Pre­pare Dec­o­ra­tive Ele­ments:**
- Cut small shapes from col­ored con­struc­tion paper to serve as orna­ments. You can also pre­pare oth­er dec­o­ra­tive ele­ments like star-shaped top­pers or gar­lands.

5. **Dec­o­rate the Trees:**
- Glue the col­ored shapes onto the tree cutouts as orna­ments. Encour­age cre­ativ­i­ty using sequins, glit­ter, pom-poms, or stick­ers to embell­ish the trees.

6. **Cre­ate Tree Top­pers (Option­al):**
- If desired, cut out star shapes from col­ored paper to serve as tree top­pers. Glue the stars to the tops of the trees.

7. **Add a Trunk:**
- Cut small rec­tan­gles from brown con­struc­tion paper to rep­re­sent tree trunks. Glue the trunks to the bot­tom of each tree.

8. **Arrange the Trees:**
- Arrange the dec­o­rat­ed Christ­mas trees in a desired pat­tern on a flat sur­face. Exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent sizes and col­ors to cre­ate a visu­al­ly appeal­ing dis­play.

9. **Option­al Hang­ing Ele­ment:**
- If you wish to hang the Christ­mas tree craft, attach a rib­bon or piece of twine to the top of the largest tree. Secure it with glue, cre­at­ing a loop for hang­ing.

10. **Secure the Trees Togeth­er:**
- Glue the back of each tree and press it onto a larg­er piece of paper or card­stock. This step helps secure the trees togeth­er and pro­vides a back­ground for dis­play­ing the entire craft.

11. **Let It Dry:**
- Allow the glued ele­ments to dry com­plete­ly before mov­ing or dis­play­ing the Christ­mas tree craft.

12. **Dis­play or Gift:**
- Once dry, your Christ­mas tree craft is ready to be dis­played on a wall, door, or bul­letin board. It also makes a beau­ti­ful hand­made gift or fes­tive dec­o­ra­tion.

This Christ­mas tree craft with cook­ie cut­ters is a fun and easy project for kids and adults alike. It allows for cre­ativ­i­ty in dec­o­rat­ing and pro­vides a delight­ful way to cel­e­brate the hol­i­day sea­son.

**Elf Craft with Gift Tags:**
Chan­nel the mis­chie­vous charm of elves with a craft that uses gift tags as the elf’s body. Your preschool­ers can cre­ate their own elf char­ac­ters with con­struc­tion paper, goo­gly eyes, and a lit­tle hot glue. This easy and cre­ative craft will sure­ly bring a smile to the entire fam­i­ly.

Preschool Christmas Crafts

Cer­tain­ly! You’re inter­est­ed in cre­at­ing an Elf Craft with Gift Tags. Here’s a sim­ple set of direc­tions and a list of mate­ri­als to get you start­ed:

Elf Craft with Gift Tags

1. **Con­struc­tion Paper:**
- Green, Red, White, and Black

2. **Mark­ers or Col­ored Pen­cils:**
- Red, Green, Black, and any oth­er col­ors you’d like

3. **Scis­sors**

4. **Glue or Glue Stick**

5. **Rib­bon or String**

6. **Hole Punch**

7. **Goo­gly Eyes (option­al)**


**1. Elf Hat Gift Tags:**
- Take the red con­struc­tion paper and cut out small tri­an­gle shapes to make elf hats.
- Add a white trim at the base of each hat for a fes­tive touch.
- Use a black mark­er to draw a belt buck­le on each hat.
- Write a name or a hol­i­day mes­sage on the white trim of the hat.
- Punch a hole at the top of the hat and thread a rib­bon to cre­ate a tag.

**2. Elf Shoe Gift Tags:**
- Cut out elf shoe shapes from green con­struc­tion paper.
- Dec­o­rate the shoes with stripes or oth­er pat­terns using mark­ers or col­ored pen­cils.
- Write a name or mes­sage on each shoe.
- Punch a hole near the top of each shoe and attach a piece of rib­bon.

**3. Elf Face Gift Tags:**
- Cut out round shapes from the white con­struc­tion paper to make elf faces.
- Draw an elf face on each cir­cle using mark­ers or add goo­gly eyes for a fun touch.
- Use red con­struc­tion paper to cut out small elf hats and glue them on the faces.
- Write a mes­sage or a name below each elf’s face.
- Punch a hole near the top of each face and tie a rib­bon through it.

**4. Assem­bly:**
- Use the rib­bons to attach the elf hat, shoe, or face gift tags to your wrapped presents.
- Per­son­al­ize each tag with the recip­i­en­t’s name or a spe­cial mes­sage.
- If you have extra time, add dec­o­ra­tions like glit­ter or sequins.

**5. Dis­play:**
- Arrange your beau­ti­ful­ly wrapped gifts with elf-themed tags under the tree or on a fes­tive table.

This Elf Craft with Gift Tags is a fun and cre­ative way to add a per­son­al touch to your hol­i­day presents. Feel free to cus­tomize the design and col­ors based on your pref­er­ences, and have a joy­ful craft­ing time!

**Snowflake Crafts with Tis­sue Paper:**
Embrace the beau­ty of win­ter by craft­ing del­i­cate snowflakes using tis­sue paper. Preschool­ers can cut out dif­fer­ent shapes with scis­sors and glue and cre­ate their unique snowflakes. This sim­ple Christ­mas craft is a great way to intro­duce kids to the won­ders of neg­a­tive space in art.

Preschool Christmas Crafts

Absolute­ly! Cre­at­ing snowflake crafts with tis­sue paper is a delight­ful and fes­tive activ­i­ty. Here are the direc­tions and a list of mate­ri­als to help you get start­ed:

Snowflake Crafts with Tis­sue Paper


1. **Tis­sue Paper:**
- White or light blue (for snowflakes)
- Var­i­ous col­ors (option­al for added dec­o­ra­tion)

2. **Scis­sors**

3. **White Glue or Glue Stick**

4. **String or Fish­ing Line**

5. **Hole Punch**

6. **Option­al: Glit­ter, Sequins, or Beads for dec­o­ra­tion**


**1. Pre­pare Tis­sue Paper:**
- Select the color(s) of tis­sue paper you’d like to use for your snowflakes. White or light blue works well for a clas­sic snowflake look.
- Lay mul­ti­ple sheets of tis­sue paper on top of each oth­er. The more lay­ers you use, the fuller your snowflake will be.

**2. Cut­ting Snowflake Shapes:**
- Fold the tis­sue paper stack accor­dion-style (back and forth).
- Begin cut­ting snowflake shapes along the fold­ed edge. Com­mon shapes include tri­an­gles, squares, and cir­cles. Feel free to get cre­ative with your designs.
- Ensure you leave some parts uncut along the fold­ed edge to keep the lay­ers con­nect­ed.

**3. Unfold­ing Snowflakes:**
- Care­ful­ly unfold the tis­sue paper to reveal your snowflake. Gen­tly sep­a­rate the lay­ers.

**4. Dec­o­ra­tion (Option­al):**
- Add a touch of sparkle by dec­o­rat­ing your snowflakes with glit­ter, sequins, or small beads. Apply glue and sprin­kle the dec­o­ra­tions on the tis­sue paper.

**5. Rein­force and Dry:**
- If need­ed, apply a thin lay­er of white glue or use a glue stick along the edges of the snowflake to rein­force it. Allow the glue to dry com­plete­ly.

**6. Hole Punch and String:**
- Punch a hole near the top of each snowflake.
- Throw a length of string or fish­ing line through the hole. Tie a knot to cre­ate a loop for hang­ing.

**7. Hang and Dis­play:**
- Hang your beau­ti­ful tis­sue paper snowflakes in win­dows, from the ceil­ing, or on a hol­i­day tree.
- Cre­ate a snowflake gar­land by string­ing sev­er­al snowflakes togeth­er.

**8. Exper­i­ment with Sizes:**
- Try mak­ing snowflakes in dif­fer­ent sizes for added vari­ety in your dec­o­ra­tions.

**9. Enjoy and Share:**
- Enjoy the win­tery ambiance cre­at­ed by your tis­sue paper snowflakes.
- Con­sid­er gift­ing or using them as fes­tive dec­o­ra­tions for a hol­i­day par­ty.

This snowflake craft is a sim­ple yet charm­ing way to add a win­try touch to your space. Have fun exper­i­ment­ing with dif­fer­ent shapes and col­ors to cre­ate a unique set of snowflakes!

**Advent Cal­en­dar on Card­board:**
Count down the days until Christ­mas with a hand­made advent cal­en­dar. Your lit­tle ones can cre­ate a fes­tive count­down to the big day using a piece of card­board and lit­tle gift tags. This easy and inter­ac­tive craft adds a dec­o­ra­tive touch and builds excite­ment dur­ing the hol­i­day sea­son.

Preschool Christmas Crafts

Cer­tain­ly! Cre­at­ing an Advent Cal­en­dar on card­board is a beau­ti­ful way to count down the days until Christ­mas. Here are step-by-step direc­tions and a list of mate­ri­als to guide you through the process:

Advent Cal­en­dar on Card­board


1. **Card­board Sheets or a Card­board Box:**
- Large enough for your desired cal­en­dar size.

2. **Ruler**

3. **Pen­cil**

4. **Craft Knife or Scis­sors**

5. **Acrylic Paints or Col­ored Paper**

6. **Paint­brush­es (if using paint)**

7. **Num­ber Stick­ers or Mark­ers**

8. **Small Treats or Gifts for Each Day**

9. **Small Envelopes or Bags (option­al)**

10. **Glue or Dou­ble-sided Tape**

11. **String or Rib­bon**

12. **Clothes­pins or Small Clips**


**1. Pre­pare the Card­board:**
- Cut the card­board into the desired size and shape for your cal­en­dar. A rec­tan­gu­lar shape is com­mon, but feel free to get cre­ative.

**2. Divide into Sec­tions:**
- Divide the card­board into 24 equal sec­tions using a ruler and pen­cil. These will rep­re­sent the days lead­ing up to Christ­mas.

**3. Design and Paint:**
- Paint the entire card­board or cov­er it with col­ored paper for a fes­tive back­ground.
- Cre­ate a hol­i­day-themed design or pat­tern on the card­board using acrylic paints or addi­tion­al col­ored paper.
- Allow the paint to dry com­plete­ly.

**4. Num­ber the Days:**
- Num­ber each sec­tion from 1 to 24. You can use num­ber stick­ers, mark­ers, or any oth­er dec­o­ra­tive num­ber­ing method.

**5. Attach Small Envelopes or Bags (Option­al):**
- If you’d like to add an extra lay­er of excite­ment, attach small envelopes or bags to each num­bered sec­tion. Glue or dou­ble-sided tape works well for this.

**6. Fill with Treats or Gifts:**
- Place a small treat or gift inside each num­bered sec­tion. This could include choco­lates, notes, small toys, or oth­er fes­tive sur­pris­es.

**7. Seal the Envelopes or Bags (if used):**
- If you’ve added envelopes or bags, seal them shut.

**8. Attach String or Rib­bon:**
- Attach a string or rib­bon along the top edge of the card­board using glue or tape. This will be used to hang your Advent Cal­en­dar.

**9. Hang Treats with Clothes­pins or Clips:**
- Use clothes­pins or small clips to attach the treats or gifts to the cor­re­spond­ing num­bered sec­tions.

**10. Dis­play and Enjoy:**
- Hang your Advent Cal­en­dar in a promi­nent place where every­one can eas­i­ly access it.
- Each day, open the cor­re­spond­ing sec­tion to reveal the treat or gift inside.

**11. Count­down to Christ­mas:**
- As each day pass­es, enjoy the antic­i­pa­tion and excite­ment of count­ing down to Christ­mas.

This Advent Cal­en­dar on card­board is a fun DIY project and a fes­tive way to cre­ate last­ing hol­i­day mem­o­ries. Cus­tomize it accord­ing to your pref­er­ences, and have a joy­ful count­down to Christ­mas!

**Christ­mas Wreath with Paper Plate:**
Deck the halls with a home­made Christ­mas wreath made from a paper plate. With green paint, pom poms, and a touch of hol­i­day spir­it, your preschool­ers can craft their fes­tive wreaths. It’s an easy peasy way to involve lit­tle kids in cre­at­ing beau­ti­ful Christ­mas dec­o­ra­tions for the home.

Preschool Christmas Crafts

Cre­at­ing a Christ­mas wreath with a paper plate is a fun and easy craft project. Here are step-by-step direc­tions and a list of mate­ri­als to guide you through the process:

 Christ­mas Wreath with Paper Plate


1. **Paper Plate:**
- One per wreath.

2. **Green Paint:**
- Acrylic paint or any craft paint of your choice.

3. **Paint­brush­es**

4. **Red Rib­bon or Bow:**
- For dec­o­ra­tion.

5. **Small orna­ments, beads, or pom-poms:**
- Option­al for addi­tion­al dec­o­ra­tion.

6. **Glue or Glue Gun**

7. **Scis­sors**

8. **Hole Punch**

9. **String or Rib­bon for Hang­ing**


**1. Paint the Paper Plate:**
- Paint the entire sur­face of the paper plate with green paint. This will be the base col­or for your wreath. Allow the paint to dry com­plete­ly.

**2. Add Dec­o­ra­tion:**
- Once the paint is dry, you can add addi­tion­al dec­o­ra­tions. You can glue small orna­ments, beads, or pom-poms onto the wreath to give it a fes­tive look. Be cre­ative with your design!

**3. Cre­ate a Bow:**
- If you don’t have a pre-made bow, you can cre­ate one using red rib­bon. Tie a bow and trim the ends. Alter­na­tive­ly, you can pur­chase a ready-made bow.

**4. Attach the Bow:**
- Glue the bow onto the wreath. You can place it at the bot­tom, top, or side—whichever posi­tion you pre­fer.

**5. Punch a Hole for Hang­ing:**
- Use a hole punch to cre­ate a hole at the top of the wreath. This is where you’ll thread the string or rib­bon for hang­ing.

**6. Add Hang­ing String or Rib­bon:**
- Cut a length of string or rib­bon, thread it through the hole, and tie a knot. This will be used to hang your wreath.

**7. Allow Every­thing to Dry:**
- Ensure all glue and paint are com­plete­ly dry before hang­ing or dis­play­ing your wreath.

**8. Hang and Enjoy:**
- Hang your Christ­mas wreath on a door, wall, or any­where you’d like to add a fes­tive touch.

**9. Cus­tomize:**
- Feel free to cus­tomize your wreath fur­ther by adding oth­er dec­o­ra­tions like glit­ter, faux snow, or even small orna­ments.

**10. Gift or Dis­play:**
- This paper plate Christ­mas wreath makes a great home­made hol­i­day dec­o­ra­tion. Con­sid­er mak­ing a few to gift to friends or fam­i­ly.

Cre­at­ing a Christ­mas wreath with a paper plate is a delight­ful craft for kids and adults. It’s a beau­ti­ful way to add a per­son­al­ized touch to your hol­i­day decor.

Print the Entry on the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

These 11 preschool Christ­mas crafts are the per­fect way to ush­er in the hol­i­day sea­son with your lit­tle ones. From can­dy cane rein­deer to snow globe crafts, each project offers a fun and easy way for the entire fam­i­ly to unite, cre­at­ing fes­tive dec­o­ra­tions and cher­ished mem­o­ries. Engag­ing in these sim­ple Christ­mas crafts enhances fine motor skills and instills the joy of craft­ing and the spir­it of giv­ing in kids of all ages. So, gath­er your basic craft sup­plies and embark on a hol­i­day craft­ing adven­ture that will leave your home brim­ming with the mag­ic of Christ­mas. Mer­ry Christ­mas and hap­py craft­ing!


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