
Create Your Own Crochet Balaclava Turtleneck Scarf

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Crochet Balaclava Turtleneck Scarf Pattern

As the cold­er months approach, it’s time to start think­ing about how to stay warm while still look­ing styl­ish. The cro­cheted bal­a­cla­va scarf is one cozy acces­so­ry that’s func­tion­al and fash­ion­able. This ver­sa­tile piece of win­ter gear offers full cov­er­age for your head and neck, mak­ing it per­fect for out­door activ­i­ties in cold weath­er. Whether ski­ing, walk­ing through snowy streets, or brav­ing windy days, a cro­chet bal­a­cla­va will keep you warm and pro­tect­ed from the cold air. This guide’ll share an easy cro­chet bal­a­cla­va scarf pat­tern, per­fect for begin­ners and sea­soned cro­cheters. With step-by-step instruc­tions and a free cro­chet pat­tern, you can cre­ate your bal­a­cla­va using basic stitch­es like sin­gle cro­chet, half dou­ble cro­chet, and more. This cro­chet bal­a­cla­va pat­tern is per­fect for cre­at­ing a cozy and styl­ish bal­a­cla­va scarf that will keep you warm dur­ing cold weath­er.

You’ll need a cro­chet hook and some worsted-weight yarn in your favorite col­ors. We rec­om­mend using a 5mm hook for this pat­tern, though you can switch to a small­er hook if you pre­fer a tighter fit. Begin with a mag­ic ring to form the base, then work your way up using basic stitch­es. The pat­tern fea­tures granny squares cro­cheted in the round, com­bin­ing half dou­ble cro­chet, sin­gle cro­chet, and the mini bean stitch for added tex­ture.

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Crochet Balaclava Scarf Pattern

Crochet Balaclava Scarf Pattern

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All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here
- Safe­ty eyes
- Cro­chet hook 
- Tapes­try nee­dle
- Stitch mark­er



sc=single cro­chet

hdc=half dou­ble cro­chet 

sl st=slip stitch

Mea­sures 5 x 6 inch­es

I hook

Pur­ple and Brown yarn

Row 1: Pur­ple yarn, chain 26, sc in each chain across. Turn

Rows 2–60: *ch 1, sc in each back loop across, Turn ‑25 sc, Repeat for 59 rows total

Fold in half and sl st togeth­er. sl st with brown yarn or do this in one col­or of yarn

Rnd 1: ch 2, hdc in each stitch around, ‑63 hdc includ­ing the ch 2. Turn

Rnd 2: do not con­nect, ch 2, hdc in each back loop, ‑63 hdc includ­ing the ch 2, Turn 

Rnds 3–16: *ch 2, hdc in the back loop in the same stitch as the ch 2, (increase made) hdc in each back loop, Turn, Repeat for 14 rows total

Rnds 17–36: no more increas­es, ch 2, hdc in each back loop, Turn, for 20 rounds total

Sl st across the top, turn the right side out, fold on the brim of the hood­ie, and fold the turtle­neck to pro­tect your face.

As you cro­chet, you’ll work in the back loop of each stitch, giv­ing your bal­a­cla­va a sub­tle yet styl­ish ridge effect. For the hood part, fol­low the pat­tern’s instruc­tions for join­ing the squares togeth­er, using a slip stitch (sl st) to secure them. Stitch mark­ers can help you keep track of each square, ensur­ing you don’t miss a st or make a mis­take in the pat­tern. This cro­chet bal­a­cla­va scarf pat­tern is ide­al for using bright col­ors or exper­i­ment­ing with dif­fer­ent col­or com­bi­na­tions. Still, you can stick with a sol­id col­or if you pre­fer a clas­sic look.

If you’re new to cro­chet­ing, don’t wor­ry! Plen­ty of free cro­chet bal­a­cla­va pat­terns and video tuto­ri­als on plat­forms like YouTube and Tik­Tok are avail­able. These resources can help you fol­low along and make your project even eas­i­er to com­plete. You can also find step-by-step instruc­tions show­ing how to cro­chet the entire bal­a­cla­va, from the mag­ic ring to the last stitch. Whether you’re mak­ing this as a gift for minor chil­dren or your­self, the bal­a­cla­va cro­chet pat­tern is a fun way to stay warm in the cold weath­er sea­son.

Cre­at­ing your own cro­cheted bal­a­cla­va scarf is not only a prac­ti­cal way to pre­pare for the win­ter weath­er, but it’s also a fun and reward­ing project. With the right cro­chet hook, yarn, and patience, you can make a cus­tom bal­a­cla­va in any col­or. Fol­low this easy cro­chet pat­tern to cre­ate a cozy and styl­ish acces­so­ry for those cold­er months, whether brav­ing out­door activ­i­ties or sim­ply enjoy­ing the warmth of your hand­made cre­ation. And remem­ber, if you want to add even more flair, try incor­po­rat­ing granny squares, bright col­ors, or oth­er fun cro­chet tech­niques like the invis­i­ble join or mini bean stitch. Stay warm, styl­ish, and ready for any chilly adven­ture with your cro­chet bal­a­cla­va!


Click Here for My Rav­el­ry Pat­terns

Cro­chet Hats for Begin­ners Book For Sale — Click Here

Cro­chet For Begin­ners Book for Sale — Click Here

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