Granny Squares

A Step-by-Step Guide to Crocheting a Flower Granny Square

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How to Crochet a Flower Granny Square

Wel­come to our com­pre­hen­sive guide on cre­at­ing cro­chet flower granny squares. Whether you’re an expe­ri­enced cro­cheter or are try­ing it for the first time, this tuto­r­i­al will take you through the step-by-step instruc­tions to make stun­ning flower granny squares. These ver­sa­tile squares can make beau­ti­ful afghans, baby blan­kets, table run­ners, or styl­ish square bags. In this tuto­r­i­al, we’ll cov­er the basic cro­chet stitch­es, includ­ing the slip stitch (sl st), sin­gle cro­chet (sc), tre­ble cro­chet (dc), and spe­cial stitch­es like the clus­ter stitch and pop­corn stitch­es. You can fol­low a writ­ten pat­tern or watch a video tuto­r­i­al for a visu­al guide. Before div­ing into the details, grab your favorite cro­chet hook, yarn, and yarn nee­dle, and let’s begin this cre­ative jour­ney.

You’ll find affil­i­ate links with­in this post. If you decide to pur­chase through these links, I may earn a mod­est com­mis­sion at no extra cost. Addi­tion­al­ly, please review my pri­va­cy pol­i­cy for more details.

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crochet flower granny square

**Mate­ri­als You’ll Need**
- Yarn: Choose your pre­ferred cot­ton, worsted weight, or scrap yarn.
- Cro­chet Hook: Use the hook size rec­om­mend­ed for your cho­sen yarn.
- Yarn Nee­dle: Essen­tial for weav­ing in loose ends.
- Scis­sors: To trim excess yarn.
- Mag­ic Ring: Learn how to cre­ate a mag­ic ring for a neat start to your squares.

**Start­ing Your Square**
- Make a slip knot and insert your hook to begin.
- Cre­ate a mag­ic ring, a great way to start granny squares with a tight cen­ter.
- Work your first chain, and you’re ready to start your first round.

 **Basic Stitch­es**
- The slip stitch (sl st) and sin­gle cro­chet (sc) are essen­tial for cre­at­ing the foun­da­tion of your granny square.
- Learn the tre­ble cro­chet (dc) for taller stitch­es, which is ide­al for build­ing the square’s cor­ners.

**Col­or Play**
- Get cre­ative by using dif­fer­ent col­ors for your squares. Mix and match to cre­ate stun­ning flower motifs.
- Incor­po­rate new col­ors at the appro­pri­ate times to achieve a beau­ti­ful pat­tern.

Please pro­vide a link to my blog if you want to share my con­tent. How­ev­er, I kind­ly request that you refrain from copy­ing and post­ing my pat­terns on your web­site. You are wel­come to sell any items you cre­ate using my pat­terns, but please refrain from sell­ing the pat­terns them­selves, as they are offered for free. Thank you for your under­stand­ing and sup­port!

Cro­chet granny squares are a great way to use up extra yarn and are per­fect for adding a splash of col­or to any project. We’ll walk you through the entire tuto­r­i­al, from begin­ning to end, so that you can make this beau­ti­ful cro­chet square quick­ly!

G hook
dc=double cro­chet
sl st=slip stitch
sc=single cro­chet

G hook

Rnd 1: Ch 5, Sl st to Join.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in the ring, *Ch 4, sc, *Repeat around, Total of 8 (ch 4s) Fas­ten off
Rnd 3: Sl st with a White yarn in the Ch 4, In the Ch 4, *Ch 3, work 3 tre­ble cro­chet, ch 3, sl st in the ch 4, ch 1, sl st in the next ch 4,  *Repeat around, Total of 8 Petals, Sl st in the beg chain 4, Fas­ten off. 
Granny Square:
Pur­ple yarn, sl st in between the petals, sc, Rnd 1: *Ch 4, sc in between the next two petals, Sl St in the beg sc, *Repeat around, for 8 (Ch 4s)
Rnd 2: Sl st in the Ch 4, Ch 3, work 2 dc, ch 3, 3 dc all in the same ch 4, 3 dc in the next ch 4, *Work 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc in the next ch 4, 3 dc in the next ch 4, *Repeat around, sl st on top of the ch 3, 
Rnd 3: Sl st back into the space of the pre­vi­ous 3 dc, Ch 3, work 2 dc, work 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc all in the same ch 3 space, 3 dc in the next space in between 3 dc twice, *Work 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc in the next ch 3 space, 3 dc in the next space in between 3 dc twice, *Repeat around, sl st on top of the ch 3, 
Rnd 4:  Sl st back into the space of the pre­vi­ous 3 dc, Ch 3, work 2 dc, work 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc all in the same ch 3 space, 3 dc in the next space in between 3 dc in the next three spaces between the 3 dc’s, *Work 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc in the next ch 3 space, 3 dc in the next three spaces between the 3 dc’s, *Repeat around, sl st on top of ch 3
You can keep increas­ing each round for the Granny Square if you want it big­ger.

Print the Entry on the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

Click Here for Cro­chet Coast­er Pat­terns

Click Here for a Sun­flower Coast­er

**Writ­ten and Video Pat­terns**
- Choose a writ­ten pat­tern or a video tuto­r­i­al, depend­ing on your learn­ing pref­er­ence.

**Fin­ish­ing Touch­es**
- Weave in loose ends using a yarn nee­dle for a clean look.
- Learn the whip stitch and how to join squares for larg­er projects like square blan­kets and table run­ners.

In con­clu­sion, mas­ter­ing the art of cro­chet­ing flower granny squares opens up a world of cre­ative pos­si­bil­i­ties. Whether you’re a sea­soned cro­cheter or just start­ing, these squares can be a fun and reward­ing project. With var­i­ous stitch­es and col­or options, you can cre­ate unique and beau­ti­ful pat­terns, like the dain­ty daisy granny square or the sun­burst granny square. Join our social media and Face­book group com­mu­ni­ties to share your cre­ations and find inspi­ra­tion from fel­low cro­cheters. Don’t for­get to explore affil­i­ate links for spe­cial offers and cro­chet sup­plies. So, grab your yarn and hook, fol­low our step-by-step guide, and let your imag­i­na­tion run wild as you cro­chet these love­ly flower granny squares. Hap­py cro­chet­ing!


To Find All My Cro­chet Jew­el Pat­terns, Click Here

Click Here for My Rav­el­ry Pat­terns

Cro­chet Hats for Begin­ners Book For Sale — Click Here

Cro­chet For Begin­ners Book for Sale — Click Here


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