Crochet Baby

How to Crochet an Adorable Hooded Puppy Dog Towel Pattern

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How to Crochet an Adorable Hooded Puppy Dog Towel

Cro­chet­ing a hood­ed pup­py dog tow­el is a delight­ful and prac­ti­cal project that adds a per­son­al touch to your fur­ry friend’s bath time. This DIY endeav­or allows you to cre­ate a cozy and styl­ish acces­so­ry for your canine com­pan­ion. In this tuto­r­i­al, we will guide you through the process, step by step, to craft a charm­ing hood­ed tow­el that will make bath time a joy for you and your pup.

 **Mate­ri­als Need­ed:**
Gath­er the essen­tial mate­ri­als, includ­ing soft yarn, cro­chet hooks, and any addi­tion­al embell­ish­ments you desire. Choos­ing high-qual­i­ty, absorbent mate­ri­als ensures a com­fort­able and func­tion­al fin­ished prod­uct.

crochet Hooded Puppy Dog Towel

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This Pup­py Dog Hood­ed Tow­el is per­fect for any baby show­er or new­born. It will fit babies and chil­dren between 0 and 6 Months old. If you want this tow­el for an old­er baby or child, add more chains and rows to the blan­ket and more chains on the first row of the hood­ed pup­py face.

How to Cro­chet For Begin­ners Playlist — Click Here

hdc=half dou­ble cro­chet
dc=double cro­chet
sc=single cro­chet
sl st=slip stitch
H hook, White yarn
Row 1: Chain 100, hdc in the 3rd chain from the hook and hdc in each chain across, turn — 98 hdc
Rows 2–55: ch 1, hdc in the same stitch as the chain 1, hdc in each hdc across, Turn — 98 hdc *Repeat Row 2 for 50 Rows Total. Fas­ten off.
Hood­ed Pup­py Dog Face: Make 2
White yarn and H hook, Row 1: Chain 28, hdc in the 3rd chain from the hook, hdc in each chain across, Turn — 26 hdc
Row 2: Ch 1, hdc in the same stitch as chain 1, hdc in each hdc across, Turn ‑26 hdc
Row 3: Ch 1, hdc in the same stitch as chain 1, 2 hdc togeth­er decrease, hdc in the next 20 hdc across, 2 hdc togeth­er decrease, hdc in the last hdc, Turn — 24 hdc
Row 4: Ch 1, hdc in the same stitch as chain 1, hdc in each hdc across, Turn — 24 hdc
Row 5: Ch 1, hdc in the same stitch as chain 1, 2 hdc togeth­er decrease, hdc in the next 18 hdc across, 2 hdc togeth­er decrease, hdc in the last hdc, Turn — 22 hdc
Row 6: Ch 1, hdc in the same stitch as chain 1, hdc in each hdc across, Turn — 22 hdc
Row 7:  Ch 1, hdc in the same stitch as chain 1, 2 hdc togeth­er decrease, hdc in the next 16 hdc across, 2 hdc togeth­er decrease, hdc in the last hdc, Turn — 20 hdc
Row 8: Ch 1, hdc in the same stitch as chain 1, hdc in each hdc across, Turn — 20 hdc
Row 9: Ch 1, hdc in the same stitch as chain 1, 2 hdc togeth­er decrease, hdc in the next 14 hdc across, 2 hdc togeth­er decrease, hdc in the last hdc, Turn ‑18 hdc
Row 10: Ch 1, hdc in the same stitch as chain 1, hdc in each hdc across, Turn — 18 hdc
Row 11: Ch 1, hdc in the same stitch as chain 1, 2 hdc togeth­er decrease, hdc in the next 12 hdc across, 2 hdc togeth­er decrease, hdc in the last hdc, Turn ‑16 hdc
Row 12: Ch 1, hdc in the same stitch as chain 1, hdc in each hdc across, Turn ‑16 hdc
Row 13: Ch 1, hdc in the same stitch as chain 1, 2 hdc togeth­er decrease, hdc in the next 10 hdc across, 2 hdc togeth­er decrease, hdc in the last hdc, Turn ‑14 hdc
Row 14:  sc in the next 4, hdc in the next 6 hdc, sc in the next 4, Fas­ten off.
Take both the two sides togeth­er and sew them, but leave the Rows 1: bot­tom open (the baby’s head will go in there)
Take the Blan­ket the long way on Row 1 of the blan­ket, go in 38 hdc stitch­es, and Attach the Hood Face on Row 1, and sew one flap of the hood­ed face across the blan­ket in the cen­ter, and leave an open­ing, so only sew one part of the row 1 of the hood­ed face, but leave the oth­er row 1 of the hood open.
Ears: H hook and Brown yarn
Row 1: chain 8, hdc in the 3rd chain from the hook and hdc in each chain across, Turn — 6 hdc
Row 2: Ch 1, hdc in the same stitch as the chain 1 and hdc in each hdc across, Turn — 6 hdc
Row 3: Ch 1, hdc in the same stitch as the chain 1, 2 hdc togeth­er decrease, hdc in each hdc across, Turn — 5 hdc
Rows 4–9 : Ch 1, hdc in the same stitch as the chain 1 and hdc in each hdc across, Turn — 5 hdc
Row 10: sc, hdc in the next three hdc, sc — 5 stitch­es.
Sew the Ears on both side of the Head, on the side of Row 12 of the Hood­ed Face.
Eyes: Black, white, and brown yarn, h hook. Make 2
Rnd 1: Work 7 sc in the Mag­ic Cir­cle with Black yarn,
Rnd 2: sl st with White yarn, Ch 3 (Counts as a dc), dc in the same stitch, 2 dc in each sc around, sl st. Fas­ten off.
The 2nd Eye: Repeat Row and Row 2, but with Brown yarn with Rnd 2. Sew the eyes on the Hood­ed Face side by side.
Nose: black yarn, h hook
Row 1: chain 6, sc in the 2nd chain from the hook and each chain across, Turn — 5 sc
Row 2: sc in each sc across, Turn — 5 sc
Row 3: sc, 2 sc togeth­er decrease, 2 sc togeth­er decrease, — 3 sc
Row 4: sc, 2 sc togeth­er decrease, — 2 sc
Row 5: 2 sc togeth­er, — 1 sc
Chain 4. Fas­ten off. Sew the Nose below the Eyes and sew the chain from the nose to Row 1 of the hood­ed face. (as seen in the pic­ture)

Print the Entry on the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

Click Here for Baby Cro­chet Pat­terns

Click Here for the Dog Lovey Pat­tern

Learn how to per­son­al­ize your hood­ed pup­py dog tow­el with cre­ative touch­es. From choos­ing col­ors that com­ple­ment your pet’s fur to adding unique embell­ish­ments, cus­tomiza­tion allows you to make a tow­el that reflects your pet’s per­son­al­i­ty.

**Ensur­ing a Snug Fit:**
One key aspect of a hood­ed dog tow­el is ensur­ing a snug fit. Dis­cov­er tech­niques for adjust­ing the size and shape to pro­vide opti­mal com­fort for your pup, mak­ing bath time a pleas­ant expe­ri­ence.

In con­clu­sion, craft­ing a hood­ed pup­py dog tow­el through cro­chet is a reward­ing and enjoy­able project. Not only does it allow you to show­case your cre­ative skills, but it also pro­vides a func­tion­al and styl­ish acces­so­ry for your beloved pet. Embrace the sat­is­fac­tion of see­ing your fur­ry friend wrapped in a tow­el you craft­ed with love and care, mak­ing bath time a spe­cial bond­ing moment for both of you.


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