Crochet Christmas

How to Crochet a Fun Snowman Pattern: Step-by-Step Tutorial

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How to Crochet a Snowman

Cro­chet Hang­ing Snow­man is a delight­ful and fes­tive project per­fect for win­ter and Christ­mas dec­o­ra­tions. This adorable snow­man orna­ment can be a great addi­tion to your hol­i­day decor or a charm­ing gift for lit­tle kids. This tuto­r­i­al will guide you through cre­at­ing this cute lit­tle snow­man using free cro­chet pat­terns and basic tech­niques.

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To get start­ed, gath­er your mate­ri­als. You’ll need white, black, red, and a small amount of orange for the snow­man’s body, eyes, mouth, and car­rot nose. Depend­ing on your pref­er­ence, you can use worsted-weight yarn or worsted-weight cot­ton yarn.

Make a mag­ic ring, also known as a mag­ic cir­cle, for the snow­man’s head. Insert your hook into the ring, yarn over, and pull up a loop. Sin­gle cro­chet (sc) into the ring. This will be the first stitch of your snow­man’s head.

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How to Crochet a Snowman

Mate­ri­als Need­ed:

Click the Links for Your Mate­ri­als

All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here

- Cro­chet hook 
- Tapes­try nee­dle
- Stitch mark­er

F hook: I used an F hook through­out the pat­tern!

2 Reg­u­lar sized CDs or cir­cle card­board

1. White Yarn:
- White yarn is a fun­da­men­tal mate­r­i­al for var­i­ous cro­chet and craft projects. For your cro­chet hang­ing snow­man, white yarn is used to cre­ate the snow­man’s head and body. Depend­ing on your pref­er­ence, you can use worsted-weight acrylic yarn or worsted-weight cot­ton yarn.

2. Green Yarn:
Green yarn can make the snow­man’s scarf or any oth­er dec­o­ra­tive ele­ment for your snow­man orna­ment. Choose a shade of blue that com­ple­ments your over­all design.

3. Blue Yarn:
- Blue yarn helps cre­ate acces­sories like a hat or oth­er dec­o­ra­tive items for your snow­man. It can add a touch of col­or to your project, espe­cial­ly if you want to make your snow­man unique.

4. Pipe Clean­ers:
- Pipe clean­ers can be used to cre­ate the snow­man’s arms. You can shape them to the desired length and bend them into the appro­pri­ate posi­tion. They add a fun and real­is­tic touch to your snow­man.

5. Hot Glue Gun:
- A hot glue gun is essen­tial for attach­ing spe­cif­ic com­po­nents of your snow­man, such as the arms and any dec­o­ra­tive ele­ments like but­tons, beads, or oth­er embell­ish­ments. Be cau­tious when using a hot glue gun to avoid burns.

These mate­ri­als and those men­tioned in the pre­vi­ous response will help you cre­ate a charm­ing cro­chet-hang­ing snow­man orna­ment. Let your cre­ativ­i­ty run wild, and per­son­al­ize your snow­man with dif­fer­ent col­ors and acces­sories to match your hol­i­day decor. Enjoy your craft­ing project!

Use a stitch mark­er to keep track of your rounds as you work in con­tin­u­ous rounds. Con­tin­ue mak­ing sin­gle cro­chet stitch­es until you have the desired size for the snow­man head. You can use 6 mm safe­ty eyes or cre­ate eyes with black and a yarn nee­dle. Add a cute lit­tle smile with black yarn using an invis­i­ble decrease for the mouth and an orange car­rot nose.

These adorable snow­man baubles make for incred­i­ble dec­o­ra­tions on your Christ­mas tree, as lit­tle fes­tive gifts, or even as fin­ished prod­ucts for sale. You can find free cro­chet pat­terns and video tuto­ri­als online to help you along the way. Feel free to share your fin­ished projects on your Face­book page or with your friends and fam­i­ly to spread the joy of the win­ter sea­son. Enjoy your snow day, and have fun cro­chet­ing these cute lit­tle snow­men to bright­en up your hol­i­day sea­son!

How to Watch Videos in Slow Motion — if the video is too fast — Click Here!

How to Cro­chet For Begin­ners Playlist — Click Here

Mea­sures 10 inch­es in height and 5.5 (head) and 6 (body) inch­es across


hdc=half dou­ble cro­chet

dc=double cro­chet

 sl st=slip stitch


Large Body, White Yarn, F hook, Make 2

Rnd 1: ch 3, sl st to join. ch 3 (ch 3 will count as a dc), Work 9 dc in the ch 3 ring. sl st into the chain 3. ‑10 dc
Rnd 2: ch 3, dc in the same stitch, 2 dc in each stitch, *Repeat around, sl st into the chain 3. ‑20 dc
Rnd 3: ch 3, dc in the next stitch, 2 dc in the next stitch, *Repeat around, sl st into the chain 3. ‑30 dc
Rnd 4: ch 3, dc in the next two stitch­es, 2 dc in the next stitch, *Repeat around, sl st into the chain 3. ‑40 dc

Rnd 5: ch 3, dc in the next three stitch­es, 2 dc in the next stitch, *Repeat around, sl st into the chain 3. ‑50 dc

Rnd 6: ch 3, dc in the next four stitch­es, 2 dc in the next stitch, *Repeat around, sl st into the chain 3. ‑60 dc

You can always make this round big­ger to make the body big­ger with an increased round; repeat round 6, but add 5 stitch­es, so Rnd 7: ch 3, dc in the next five stitch­es, 2 dc in the next stitch, *Repeat around, sl st into the chain 3. ‑70 dc

Now, take a reg­u­lar CD and sc the two cir­cles with the CD inside. This is option­al. You could also take a card­board cir­cle the size of a CD instead.

crochet snowman

Small White Cir­cle for the Head, White yarn, F hook

Rnd 1: ch 3, sl st to join. ch 3 (ch 3 will count as a dc), Work 9 dc in the ch 3 ring. sl st into the chain 3. ‑10 dc
Rnd 2: ch 3, dc in the same stitch, 2 dc in each stitch, *Repeat around, sl st into the chain 3. ‑20 dc
Rnd 3: ch 3, dc in the next stitch, 2 dc in the next stitch, *Repeat around, sl st into the chain 3. ‑30 dc
Rnd 4: ch 3, dc in the next two stitch­es, 2 dc in the next stitch, *Repeat around, sl st into the chain 3. ‑40 dc

The next two rounds I did HDC, to make it small­er. 

Rnd 5: ch 3, hdc in the next three stitch­es, 2 hdc in the next stitch, *Repeat around, sl st into the chain 3. ‑50 hdc

Rnd 6: ch 3, hdc in the next four stitch­es, 2 hdc in the next stitch, *Repeat around, sl st into the chain 3. ‑60 hdc

Now, take a reg­u­lar CD and sc the two cir­cles with the CD inside. This is option­al. You could also take a card­board cir­cle the size of a CD instead.

Eyes: Black Yarn, Make 2, F hook

chain 3, sl st to cre­ate a ring. ch 3, work 9 hdc in the ring. sl st to join. Take a yarn nee­dle and make one dash line on the side, any side is good, on both eyes. 

Nose: Orange yarn, F hook

Row 1: chain 9, dc in the 4th chain from the hook, hdc in the next 3 chains, sc in the next chain, sl st in the last stitch. Hot glue the nose below the eyes in the cen­ter.

Hat: Blue Yarn, F hook

Row 1: chain 26, in the sec­ond chain from the hook, sc in each stitch across. Turn

Row 2: sl st into the next 5 stitch­es, ch 2, hdc in the next 17, leave 4 stitch­es unworked

Rows 3–7: ch 2, hdc in each stitch across, Turn *Repeat, total of 5 rows. Fas­ten off. 

White Stripe for the bot­tom of the hat,  chain 45, sc in the sec­ond chain from the hook, sc in each stitch across. Fas­ten off. Hot glue the stripe at the bot­tom of the hat. I added some accent leaves on the side of the hat. 

Scarf: Green Yarn, F hook, chain 65, hdc in the sec­ond chain from the hook, turn

row 2: hdc in each stitch across, Fas­ten off. Weave in your ends. 

Fold the scarf and hot glue togeth­er off to the side so you can see the but­tons. 

Arms: Pipe Clean­ers, Make two arms, best shown in the video. 

To make snow­man arms with pipe clean­ers, cut two pieces of pipe clean­er to the desired length for the arms, typ­i­cal­ly around 4–6 inch­es. Bend the ends of the pipe clean­ers to cre­ate hand-like shapes. Attach them to the snow­man’s body by insert­ing them into the sides and secur­ing them with hot glue for a life­like appear­ance.

For a charm­ing smile, I employed a 3‑inch piece of pipe clean­er. I attached it just below the nose using hot glue. Addi­tion­al­ly, I craft­ed a 1‑inch piece to form a cheek along­side the smile line, secur­ing it in place with adhe­sive.

But­tons: I hot glued three but­tons about 1/2 inch apart on the body. 

Print the entry at the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

Click Here For More Christ­mas Pat­terns 

You can also make dif­fer­ent pieces for the top hat, such as the brim and the top, and then attach them to the body. To give your snow­man that clas­sic win­ter look, add a pom-pom on top of the hat using a pom-pom mak­er. You can also cre­ate your pat­tern for the hat and body to make your snow­man unique. Cro­chet­ing a hang­ing snow­man orna­ment is an easy project for all skill lev­els. You can cus­tomize it with dif­fer­ent col­ors for the hat, scarf, and boots. When you’ve fin­ished cre­at­ing your snow­man’s com­po­nents, stuff the head and body with toy stuff­ing, attach them, and add but­tons and oth­er details to bring your lit­tle guy to life.

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