How to Crochet a Turkey Plushie Amigurumi Pattern

by Amy Lehman | November 7, 2023 1:53 am

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How to Crochet a Turkey

Cro­chet­ing a Turkey Plushie Amigu­ru­mi is fun and fes­tive, and it adds Thanks­giv­ing charm to your din­ner table or decor. In this free cro­chet pat­tern, we’ll pro­vide step-by-step instruc­tions and detailed guid­ance, mak­ing it an excel­lent project for cro­cheters of all skill lev­els, from begin­ners to sea­soned pros. Whether you’re a bit new to cro­chet or look­ing for a lit­tle help, this amigu­ru­mi turkey pat­tern is the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to craft your plush turkey, one of the most icon­ic sym­bols of the Thanks­giv­ing hol­i­day. So, gath­er your sup­plies, and let’s get start­ed on this beau­ti­ful cro­chet inspi­ra­tion.

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crochet turkey

For this project, you’ll need basic cro­chet skills, such as the mag­ic ring, sin­gle cro­chet, slip stitch, and more. First, you’ll require worsted weight yarn, a G cro­chet hook, a tapes­try nee­dle, stitch mark­ers, and 6mm safe­ty eyes. If you want to cre­ate a dif­fer­ent and col­or­ful turkey, con­sid­er using medi­um or bulky weight yarn for the body and thin­ner yarn for the tail feath­ers.

How to Cro­chet For Begin­ners Playlist — Click Here[2]


Click the Links for Your Mate­ri­als

All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here[3]

- Cro­chet hook 
- Tapes­try nee­dle
- Stitch mark­er

G & H hooks
Brown, Red, Yel­low, and Gold Red Heart Yarn.
Yarn nee­dle

sl st=slip stitch
sc=single cro­chet
dc=double cro­chet
hdc-half dou­ble cro­chet
2sctog=2 sin­gle cro­chet togeth­er decrease
2hdctog=2 half dou­ble cro­chet togeth­er decrease

Body and Head:  Brown yarn, G hook
Rnd 1: Chain 2, work 5 hdc in the 2nd chain from the hook, sl st.
Rnd 2: work 2 hdc in each sc around, sl st.
Rnd 3: work 2 hdc in each sc around, sl st
Rnd 4: Work in con­tin­u­al rounds and use a mark­er, so no slip stitch. hdc in each hdc around.
Rnd 5: *hdc in the next hdc, 2 hdc in the next hdc, *Repeat.

Rnd 6: *hdc in the next two hdc, 2 hdc in the next hdc, *Repeat around.
Rnd 7: *hdc in the next three hdc, 2 hdc in the next hdc, *Repeat.
Rnds 8–17: *hdc in each hdc around. Repeat this 7 times in total
Start to stuff the turkey with stuff­ing or yarn to fill it up.
Rnd 18:  *2hdctog decrease, hdc in the next 4 hdc, *Repeat.
Rnd 19:  *2hdctog decrease, hdc in the next 3 hdc, *Repeat around.
Rnd 20: *2hdctog decrease, hdc in the next 2 hdc, *Repeat.
Rnds 21–26: * hdc in each hdc around, *Repeat this round 6 times.
Eyes: With black yarn and yarn nee­dle sew on some eyes on the top cen­ter of the head. Sew on the eyes by sewing a few ver­ti­cal lines. Twice, Fas­ten off. Con­tin­ue Stuff­ing the Turkey.

Rnd 27:  *2hdctog decrease, hdc in the next 3 hdc, *Repeat around.
Rnd 28: *2hdctog decrease, hdc in the next 2 hdc, *Repeat around.
Rnd 29: *2hdctog decrease, hdc in the next hdc, *Repeat around.
Rnd 30: 2hdctog decrease in each hdc around until the head clos­es. sl st to fas­ten off.

Arms: H hook, Brown yarn. Make 2.
Rnd 1: Ch 2, work 5 sc in the 2nd chain from the hook.
Rnd 2: work 2 sc in each sc around. sl st
Rnds 3–7: *sc in each sc around, Repeat 5 times. sl st across to close the top.
Sew the arms on both sides of the body of the turkey. Sew the arms where the head begins.

Legs: Make 2, H hook, Yel­low yarn.
Rnd 1: Chain 2, work 5 sc in the 2nd chain from the hook. sl st
Rnd 2: work 2 sc in each sc around, sl st
Rnd 3:  Toes: ch 2, work 2 dc in the same stitch, ch 2, sl st in the same stitch, Work 3 dc in the next sc, ch 2, sl st in the same stitch, Work 3 dc in the next sc, ch 2, sl st in the same stitch, sl st in the next 5 sc, chain 4, sc in the 2nd chain from the hook and each sc across, sl st.
Attach the feet to the bot­tom of the body of the Turkey.

Beak: Yel­low Yarn, H hook.
Rnd 1: chain 4, sc in the 2nd chain from the hook and each sc across, turn
Rnd 2: sc in each sc across, turn
Rnd 3: 2sctog decrease, sc in the next sc, turn
Rnd 4: 2sctog decrease.
Sew the Beak below the eyes about .25 inch in the cen­ter and below the eyes.

Wad­dle: Red yarn, H hook.
Chain 4, sc in the 2nd chain from the hook, sl st.
Attach the wad­dle below the beak in the cen­ter, about .25 inch below.

Feath­ers: H hook, Brown, Red, Yel­low, and Gold Red Heart Yarn.
Rnd 1:  Start with Brown yarn, Ch 2, work 5 sc in the 2nd chain from the hook, sl st.
Rnd 2: Work 2 sc in each sc around, sl st.
Rnd 3: *sc in the next sc, 2 sc in the next sc, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 4: *sc in the next two sc, 2 sc in the next sc, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 5: *sc in the next three sc, 2 sc in the next sc, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 6: *sc in the next four sc, 2 sc in the next sc, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 7: *sc in the next five sc, 2 sc in the next sc, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 8: *sc in the next six sc, 2 sc in the next sc, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 9: *sc in the next sev­en sc, 2 sc in the next sc, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 10: *sc in the next eight sc, 2 sc in the next sc, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 11: Switch to Red yarn with a sl st. *sc in the next nine sc, 2 sc in the next sc, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 12: *sc in the next ten sc, 2 sc in the next sc, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 13: *sc in the next eleven sc, 2 sc in the next sc, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 14: *sc in the next twelve sc, 2 sc in the next sc, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 15: Switch to Yel­low yarn with sl st, *sc in the next thir­teen sc, 2 sc in the next sc, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 16: *sc in the next four­teen sc, 2 sc in the next sc, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 17: *sc in the next fif­teen sc, 2 sc in the next sc, *Repeat around, sl st.
Rnd 18: Switch to Gold Yarn, Fold the Col­ored Cir­cle in half. Place the hook in both sc when its fold­ed, So the Shell will be placed in both sc since its fold­ed. ch 2, work 2 dc in the same sc, ch 2, sl st in the same stitch, *Work 3 dc in the next sc, ch 2, sl st in the same stitch *Repeat across. Fas­ten off. Weave in the ends.

I sewed the fold­ed feath­ers on the back with the shells on top, as seen in the pic­ture above.

To kick things off, cre­ate the turkey’s body using the mag­ic ring tech­nique and sin­gle cro­chet stitch­es. The free cro­chet pat­tern pro­vides detailed instruc­tions on shap­ing the turkey’s head, body, and eye detail. And don’t for­get to stuff your lit­tle amigu­ru­mi turkey as you go along. Progress pic­tures and a video tuto­r­i­al can be a great help, espe­cial­ly for begin­ners.

Click Here for the Turkey Pat­tern

As you work on your cro­chet turkey pat­tern, you’ll be well on your way to com­plet­ing your lit­tle turkey for the Thanks­giv­ing table. The fin­ished plush turkey will make beau­ti­ful addi­tions to your Thanks­giv­ing decor or even be an excel­lent gift for fam­i­ly mem­bers or friends. If you plan to sell your cre­ations at craft fairs or online, remem­ber that this free cro­chet pat­tern is for per­son­al use only.

Ulti­mate­ly, this amigu­ru­mi turkey cro­chet pat­tern is a great way to add a lit­tle style and a touch of fun to your Thanks­giv­ing feast. Whether you choose to use brown or col­or­ful yarn, the turkey amigu­ru­mi fam­i­ly you cre­ate will sure­ly bring joy to the hol­i­day. So, pick up your cro­chet hook and make your turkey – a beau­ti­ful and fun way to cel­e­brate Thanks­giv­ing and spread hol­i­day cheer. Hap­py cro­chet­ing and hap­py Thanks­giv­ing!

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Cro­chet Hats for Begin­ners Book For Sale — Click Here


Cro­chet For Begin­ners Book for Sale — Click Here


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  1. pri­va­cy pol­i­cy:
  2. How to Cro­chet For Begin­ners Playlist — Click Here:
  3. All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here:
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