Crochet Hats

Crafting a Bat Hat Pattern: Step-by-Step Guide

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How to Crochet a Bat Hat

Cre­at­ing a Bat hat through cro­chet is a fan­tas­tic project, espe­cial­ly for those look­ing for an easy cro­chet hat pat­tern. This tuto­r­i­al will guide you through the process, explain­ing basic cro­chet stitch­es like sin­gle cro­chet, slip stitch, and more. Whether for the win­ter sea­son or as a fun gift, this free cro­chet hat pat­tern can be cus­tomized to fit dif­fer­ent head sizes. Plus, we’ve includ­ed a video tuto­r­i­al to help you along the way. So, let’s get start­ed on this sim­ple yet sat­is­fy­ing cro­chet project.

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To begin your cro­cheted Bat­man hat, you’ll need to choose your favorite yarns. Con­sid­er using the worsted-weight yarn for an ide­al bal­ance of warmth and flex­i­bil­i­ty. Depend­ing on your pref­er­ence, you can also exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent yarn weights, like bulky or super bulky, for a unique twist.

For the actu­al cro­chet work, use basic stitch­es like dou­ble cro­chet to cre­ate a cozy and styl­ish beanie hat. Ensure you main­tain the cor­rect gauge so the hat height is per­fect for your head size.

To add a fun touch, you can cre­ate faux fur or yarn pom pom to embell­ish the hat. This will make it stand out and is a great addi­tion to cold weath­er. For a slouchy hat, repeat rounds to your desired length.

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crochet bat hat

How to Watch Videos in Slow Motion — if the video is too fast — Click Here!

How to Cro­chet For Begin­ners Playlist — Click Here


sc=single cro­chet
dc=double cro­chet
hdc=half dou­ble cro­chet

sl st=slip stitch


Click the Links for Your Mate­ri­als

All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here

- Cro­chet hook 
- Tapes­try nee­dle
- Stitch mark­er

Grey yarn

H hook, Yarn nee­dle

H hook, I made this for my 7‑year-old, you can change the size with your hook size, as seen above.
rnd 1: Work 11 dc in a Mag­ic Cir­cle, sl st on top of the chain 3. ‑11 dc
rnd 2. ch 3, (Counts as first Dc), dc in same st. as join­ing, 2dc in each dc around. join with sl st on top of chain 3. ‑22 dc
rnd 3. ch 3, (Counts as first Dc), *2dc in next dc, dc in the next dc, Repeat from *around, join with sl st. ‑33 dc
rnd 4. ch 3, (Counts as first Dc), dc in the next dc, 2dc in the next dc, *dc in the next two dc, 2dc in the next dc, Repeat from *around, join with sl st. ‑44 dc
rnd 5. ch 3, (Counts as first Dc), dc in the 2 next two dc, 2dc in the next dc, *dc in the next 3 dc, 2dc in the next dc. Repeat from * around, join with sl st. ‑55 dc
rnds 6–13: Ch 3 (Counts as a dc), dc in each dc around, *Repeat around, sl st. ‑55 sts. *Repeat for a Total of 8 Rounds.
rnd 14. Ch 3 (Counts as a dc), dc in the next 21 dc, hdc in the next 6 dc, dc in the next dc, hdc in the next 6 dc, dc in the next each stitch across, sl st.
rnd 15: Ch 3 (Counts as a dc), dc in the next 21 stitch­es, Chain 6, Skip 6 hdc, work 2dc in the next dc, Chain 6, skip 6 hdc, dc in each stitch across. sl st.
rnd 16: Ch 3 (Counts as a dc), dc in the next 21 stitch­es, work 6 dc in the chain 6 space, work 2dc in the next two dc, work 6 dc in the chain 6 space, dc in each stitch across. sl st. Fas­ten off.

row 17: sl st with your grey yarn in the 19 dc of rnd 16, hdc in the next dc, dc in the next 8 dc, work 2 dc in the next dc, chain 3, sl st in the first chain (picot stitch made), work 2 dc in the next dc, dc in the next 8 dc, hdc in the next dc, sl st in the next dc, Fas­ten off. Weave in the ends.


Ears: F hook, Grey yarn, Make 4
Row 1: ch 2, work 2 sc in the 2nd chain from the hook, Turn ‑2 sc
Row 2: work 2 sc in the first sc, sc in the next sc, Turn ‑3 sc
Row 3: sc in each sc across, Turn ‑3 sc
Row 3: work 2 sc, sc in the next sc, 2 sc in the next sc, Turn ‑5 sc
Row 4: sc in each sc across, Turn ‑5 sc
Row 5: work 2 sc, sc in the next 3 sc, work 2 sc in the next sc, Turn ‑7 sc
Row 6: sc in each sc across, Turn ‑7 sc
Row 7: work 2 sc, sc in the next 5 sc, work 2 sc in the next sc, Turn ‑9 sc
Rows 8–14: sc in each sc across, Turn ‑9 sc *Repeat for 7 rows. Fas­ten off.

Now Take two tri­an­gle Ears and sew them togeth­er, Do this twice. Now sew them on each side of the hat, sew each one on each side on the 5th round of the hat, sew up a cou­ple of rounds to secure the ears.

Print the Entry on the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

Click Here for the Cro­chet Hat Pat­tern

If you’re a begin­ner cro­cheter, don’t wor­ry! This is an easy project, and we’ve pro­vid­ed a free pat­tern with step-by-step instruc­tions to make the entire hat cre­ation process a breeze. Plus, there’s a size chart to help you achieve the per­fect fit.

We also rec­om­mend join­ing a Face­book group or social media com­mu­ni­ty for cro­chet enthu­si­asts, where you can share your progress, ask ques­tions, and find inspi­ra­tion. As you work through the rows and rounds, be sure to weave in your yarn tail neat­ly for a pol­ished fin­ish.

In con­clu­sion, cro­chet­ing a Bat­man hat can be a great project for crafters of all skill lev­els. With a free cro­chet pat­tern, you can cre­ate a per­son­al­ized acces­so­ry for the win­ter sea­son or as a thought­ful gift. Whether you pre­fer a clas­sic beanie or a slouchy hat, the choice of yarn and cro­chet hook size allows you to make it your own. Hap­py cro­chet­ing, and enjoy the process of craft­ing the per­fect cro­chet hat that suits your style and com­fort.

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To Find All My Cro­chet Jew­el Pat­terns, Click Here

Click Here for My Rav­el­ry Pat­terns

Cro­chet Hats for Begin­ners Book For Sale — Click Here

Cro­chet For Begin­ners Book for Sale — Click Here





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