Crochet Christmas

Create a Festive Christmas Tree with Our Crochet Tutorial

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How to Crochet a Christmas Tree

Cro­chet­ing Christ­mas tree pat­terns can be a delight­ful and cre­ative way to add a hand­made charm to your hol­i­day decor. Whether you’re a cro­chet enthu­si­ast or a begin­ner, these free cro­chet pat­terns offer end­less pos­si­bil­i­ties for craft­ing unique and fes­tive orna­ments. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll explore tech­niques such as sin­gle cro­chet, dou­ble cro­chet, and even puff stitch­es to cre­ate dif­fer­ent sizes of cro­chet trees. You can make rus­tic tree orna­ments, ele­gant bauble cov­ers, small stars, or tall cone Christ­mas trees – the options are as diverse as your imag­i­na­tion. So, grab your yarn hooks, and let’s start this easy cro­chet Christ­mas tree project!

You’ll find affil­i­ate links with­in this post. If you decide to pur­chase through these links, I may earn a mod­est com­mis­sion at no extra cost. Addi­tion­al­ly, please review my pri­va­cy pol­i­cy for more details.

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crochet christmas tree

To begin, you’ll need some basic cro­chet sup­plies, includ­ing a cro­chet hook (size G or the appro­pri­ate size for your cho­sen yarn), a yarn nee­dle, and some yarn. For a clas­sic Christ­mas tree look, green worsted-weight yarn, like Red Heart Super Saver, works well.

**Foun­da­tion Chain:** Start by cre­at­ing a foun­da­tion chain with the desired num­ber of chain stitch­es. This will deter­mine the size of your cro­chet tree. You can exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent sizes by adjust­ing the num­ber of chains.

Sup­plies: Green Yarn, H hook, yarn nee­dle. It mea­sures about 7 inch­es tall.

I made this Cute Christ­mas tree to put at our din­ner table dur­ing the hol­i­days!


ch = chain, sc=single cro­chet, sl st=slip stitch

yoh = yarn over hook

Puff Stitch= [(Yoh and draw up a loop) 3 times in indi­cat­ed stitch. Yoh and draw through all 7 loops on hook– Puff st made.]

How to Cro­chet For Begin­ners Playlist — Click Here

Ch 3,  sl st to join to cre­ate a ring.

Rnd 1: work 5 sc in the ring. st st to join.

Rnd 2: Work 1 Puff Stitch in each sc around, sl st, — 5 puff stitch­es made

Rnd 3: Work 2 Puff Stitch­es in each Puff Stitch around, sl st, ‑10 puff stitch­es made

Rnd 4:  *Work 1 Puff Stitch in the next Puff Stitch, 2 Puff Stitch­es increase in the next Puff Stitch, *Repeat around, Work in con­tin­u­al rounds with­out a slip stitch.

Rnd 5: Work 1 Puff Stitch in each Puff Stitch around.

Rnd 6: *Work 1 Puff Stitch in the next two Puff Stitch­es, 2 Puff Stitch­es increase in the next Puff Stitch, *Repeat around.

Rnd 7: Work 1 Puff Stitch in each Puff Stitch around.

Rnd 8: *Work 1 Puff Stitch in the next three Puff Stitch­es, 2 Puff Stitch­es increase in the next Puff Stitch, *Repeat around.

Rnd 9: Work 1 Puff Stitch in each Puff Stitch around.

Rnd 10: *Work 1 Puff Stitch in the next four Puff Stitch­es, 2 Puff Stitch­es increase in the next Puff Stitch, *Repeat around.

Rnd 11: Work 1 Puff Stitch in each Puff Stitch around.

Rnd 12: *Work 1 Puff Stitch in the next five Puff Stitch­es, 2 Puff Stitch­es increase in the next Puff Stitch, *Repeat around.

Rnd 13:  Work 1 Puff Stitch in each Puff Stitch around.

Rnd 14: *Work 1 Puff Stitch in the next six Puff Stitch­es, 2 Puff Stitch­es increase in the next Puff Stitch, *Repeat around.

Rnd 15: Work 1 Puff Stitch in each Puff Stitch around.

Rnd 16: *Work 1 Puff Stitch in the next sev­en Puff Stitch­es, 2 Puff Stitch­es increase in the next Puff Stitch, *Repeat around.

Rnd 17: Work 1 Puff Stitch in each Puff Stitch around.

Rnd 18: *Work 1 Puff Stitch in the next eight Puff Stitch­es, 2 Puff Stitch­es increase in the next Puff Stitch, *Repeat around.

Rnd 19: Work 1 Puff Stitch in each Puff Stitch around.  Slip stitch a few times, Fas­ten off. Weave in the ends.

Print the Entry on the top of the page to print the pat­tern!


Click Here for Cro­chet Tree Pat­terns

Click Here For More Christ­mas Pat­terns

**Col­or Changes:** You can make col­or­ful trees by chang­ing yarn col­ors as you go, cre­at­ing a vibrant and eye-catch­ing dis­play of cro­chet Christ­mas tree pat­terns.

**Cro­chet Orna­ments:** Add charm by cro­chet­ing orna­ments like small stars, puff stitch bauble cov­ers, or tiny Christ­mas baubles. These can be attached to your tree or used sep­a­rate­ly.

**Con­tin­u­ous Rounds:** you’ll work in con­tin­u­ous rounds rather than rows for some designs. This gives a seam­less appear­ance to your cro­cheted pieces.

**Fin­ish­ing Touch­es:** Depend­ing on your cho­sen design, add a hang­ing loop, attach LED lights, or insert a dow­el rod at the tree’s base to make it stand tall.

Cre­at­ing cro­chet Christ­mas trees can be a fun and reward­ing hol­i­day project. Whether you’re mak­ing them for your Christ­mas decor or to sell on your Etsy shop or YouTube chan­nel, the ver­sa­til­i­ty of these pat­terns allows for end­less cre­ativ­i­ty. You can craft your favorite hol­i­day dec­o­ra­tions with sim­ple stitch­es like sin­gle cro­chet and dou­ble cro­chet, along with dif­fer­ent sizes and col­or changes. The result will be a col­lec­tion of unique, hand­made trees that add warmth and charm to your Christ­mas decor. So, grab your cro­chet hooks and some scrap yarn, and let your imag­i­na­tion run wild with these delight­ful cro­chet Christ­mas tree pat­terns. Don’t for­get to explore affil­i­ate links for inspi­ra­tion and video tuto­ri­als for step-by-step instruc­tions. Start your cro­chet Christ­mas tree project this year and enjoy the fes­tive spir­it it brings to your hol­i­day sea­son!


To Find All My Cro­chet Jew­el Pat­terns, Click Here

Click Here for My Rav­el­ry Pat­terns

Cro­chet Hats for Begin­ners Book For Sale — Click Here

Cro­chet For Begin­ners Book for Sale — Click Here


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