Crochet Hats

Crochet a Fun Zebra Beanie Hat: Step-by-Step Tutorial

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How to Crochet a Zebra Hat

When the win­ter sea­son arrives, there’s noth­ing like a cozy beanie hat to keep you warm. You’re in the right place if you’re a begin­ner cro­cheter or just look­ing for an easy cro­chet hat pat­tern. This free cro­chet pat­tern guide’ll show you how to cre­ate a styl­ish and com­fort­able zebra beanie hat using basic cro­chet stitch­es. With a video tuto­r­i­al to assist you every step of the way, you can make a per­fect fit for your head size or as an excel­lent gift for a friend. So grab your favorite yarn and cro­chet hook size, and let’s start this fun and easy project.

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crochet zebra hat

To begin your cro­chet zebra beanie hat, you’ll need the fol­low­ing mate­ri­als:

Click the Links for Your Mate­ri­als

All Col­ors of Yarn Click Here

- Cro­chet hook 
- Tapes­try nee­dle
- Stitch mark­er

- Worsted weight yarn in black and white (or your choice of col­ors)
- Size J (6.0 mm) cro­chet hook
- Yarn nee­dle
- Stitch mark­er

How to Watch Videos in Slow Motion — if the video is too fast!

How to Cro­chet For Begin­ners Playlist — Click Here

White and Black Red Heart yarn
H Hook
G Hook
Yarn nee­dle
Black fun fur yarn
2 but­tons
dc=double cro­chet sc=single cro­chet sl st=slip stitch ch=chain, sc2tog=single cro­chet 2 togeth­er, I made this for my 4‑year-old, mea­sures 19–20 inch­es around and length= 7 inch­es long.
(for the col­or change, switch your yarn before you sl st on the top chain of each end­ing row.)
H hook, white yarn and black yarn for the stripes. Start with black yarn,
rnd 1: Work 11 dc in a Mag­ic Cir­cle, sl st on top of the chain 3. ‑11 dc
rnd 2. ch 3, dc in same st. as join­ing, 2dc in each st. around. join with sl st on top of chain 2. ‑22 sts. Now change to white yarn
rnd 3. ch 3 counts as the first stitch, *2dc in next st., dc in the next stitch, repeat from *around, join with sl st. ‑33 sts.
rnd 4. ch 3, dc in the next st., 2dc in the next st., *dc in the next two stitch­es, 2dc in the next stitch, repeat from *around, join with sl st. ‑44 sts. Switch to white yarn and then black yarn and back and forth for the stripes until your hat is fin­ished
rnd 5. ch 3,(Counts as first Dc), dc in the 2 next two sts., 2dc in the next stitch; *dc in the next 3 stitch­es, 2dc in the next stitch.  repeat from * around, join ‑55 dc
rnd 6-. *ch 3, dc in each st around, join sl st., *repeat. con­tin­ue until the hat reach­es 7 inch­es, sl st. fas­ten off. (if this is a small­er size the length will be short­er, look above for sizes and what hook to use.)
Ear flaps:
 Make 2, H hook, black yarn,1st ear flap, you can slip stitch onto the side of the hat with your black yarn, begin the dc stitch­es, (like to have the seam in the back of the hat.  Switch back and forth with White and Black  yarn

 So I did the ear flap on the side of the hat) 2nd flap, fold hat in half and sl st in dc direct­ly across from the last dc from the oth­er ear flap. Fol­low the direc­tions below for both ear flaps.

Row 1. ch 2. dc in the next 11 dc stitch­es, turn. ‑11 sts
Row 2. ch 2. dc2tog. dc in the next 6 stitch­es. dc2tog. dc in the last st. turn. ‑9
Row 3. ch 2. dc2tog, dc in the next 4 stitch­es. dc2tog. dc in the last st., turn. ‑7
Row 4. ch 2. dc2tog, dc in the next 2 stitch­es. dc2tog. dc in the last st. turn. ‑5
Row 5. ch 2. dc2tog twice, dc in last st. cut yarn and pull through ‑3

The braid from the cen­ter of the ear flap at the bot­tom uses black and white yarn, with a sl st in the cen­ter of the bot­tom of the ear flap and chain 30, and sl st it off and cut yarn.
sc around the edge of the hat with black yarn.

Eyes: Make 2, Sew on but­tons, sew them about 2 inch­es apart, above the muz­zle.

Ears: Make 4, G hook, For the first 2 part of the ears, use Black yarn, ch 5,
Row 1. Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across – 4 sc. Turn each row.
Rows 2–4. Ch 1, sc in each sc.
Row 5. Ch 1, (sc2tog) twice – 2 sc.
Row 6. Ch 1, sc2tog – 1 sc. Fas­ten off.
The back of the 2 Ears, Use white yarn, Make 2,
Row 1. Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across – 4 sc. Turn each row.
Rows 2–4. Ch 1, sc in each sc.
Row 5. Ch 1, (sc2tog) twice – 2 sc.
Row 6. Ch 1, sc2tog – 1 sc. Fas­ten off. Sin­gle cro­chet the black and white ears togeth­er with white yarn. Join the oth­er black and white ears togeth­er with a sin­gle cro­chet with white yarn again. Place the ears about 2 inch­es apart, with the black cen­ter part of the ear fac­ing the front of the hat.
G hook, black yarn,
ch 2, sc from the 2nd chain from the hook 6 times, sl st ‑6 sc
rnd 1. sc in the same stitch, 2sc in each stitch around, use a mark­er to keep track of your rounds ‑12 sc
rnd 2. *sc in the next stitch, 2sc in the next stitch, *repeat, ‑18 sc
rnd 3. *sc in the next 2 stitch­es, 2sc in the next stitch, *repeat, ‑24 sc
rnd 4. *sc in the next 3 stitch­es, 2sc in the next stitch, *repeat, ‑30 sc
rnd 5. *sc in the next 4 stitch­es, 2sc in the next stitch, *repeat, ‑36 sc
fas­ten off.
Using a sewing nee­dle, sew with white yarn two nose slits on each side of the muz­zle. Attach to the bot­tom cen­ter of the hat. Using stuff­ing as you sew the muz­zle on the hat.
Hair Main: Use black fun fur yarn, sl st, and then sin­gle cro­chet around the top of the head a few times between the ears until you have the desired main look for your zebra. You can also use the fun fur yarn down the back of the hat. Note: It seems the dou­ble cro­chet pat­tern works best when mak­ing col­or changes.

Print the entry at the top of the page to print the pat­tern!

Click Here for More Cro­chet Hat Pat­terns

Fas­ten off, leav­ing a long tail. Use a tapes­try nee­dle to weave the yarn tail through the last round and cinch the top of the hat closed. Secure and weave in any remain­ing ends.

**Faux Fur Pom Pom (Option­al):**
For extra flair, you can add a faux fur pom to the top of your beanie using a tapes­try nee­dle and the long tail you left from fas­ten­ing off.

You’ve just com­plet­ed your zebra beanie hat using an easy cro­chet hat pat­tern. This free cro­chet pat­tern is per­fect for new cro­cheters and sea­soned crafters alike. With the option to make it a slouchy or a snug fit, this beanie is ide­al for keep­ing warm dur­ing the cold win­ter sea­son. Share your fin­ished cro­cheted beanie on social media, and if you enjoyed this project, check out our oth­er free cro­chet hat pat­terns. Hap­py cro­chet­ing!


To Find All My Cro­chet Jew­el Pat­terns, Click Here

Click Here for My Rav­el­ry Pat­terns

Cro­chet Hats for Begin­ners Book For Sale — Click Here

Cro­chet For Begin­ners Book for Sale — Click Here


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